Prophets & Healing

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Correct me if I'm wrong.

There have been prophets in the past that have risen the dead and performed other miraculous healings. Our modern day prophet is no different and through the power of Christ could move mountains if that is what the Lord desired be done. What prevents Latter-Day Saints from flocking to Salt Lake City, Utah and requesting our prophet to heal or revive their loved one? Does the LDS Church have a regulation against the prophet from going out amongst the people and doing hands-on healing? I don't mean to imply that the prophet go door to door doing house calls but I am wondering if any of our recent modern day prophets have done miraculous healings like those from the past. Are these events officially recorded?

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Correct me if I'm wrong.

There have been prophets in the past that have risen the dead and performed other miraculous healings. Our modern day prophet is no different and through the power of Christ could move mountains if that is what the Lord desired be done.

What prevents Latter-Day Saints from flocking to Salt Lake City, Utah and requesting our prophet to heal or revive their loved one? Does the LDS Church have a regulation against the prophet from going out amongst the people and doing hands-on healing? I don't mean to imply that the prophet go door to door doing house calls but I am wondering if any of our recent modern day prophets have done miraculous healings like those from the past. Are these events officially recorded?

Nothing ultimately prevents a person from doing so, however I imagine that knowledge of the priesthood, circumstance, fear, humility, and/or a combo of such would keep a person for seeking out the prophet for such purpose.

Ultimately if a priesthood holder has the faith, humility and dedication as the prophets have, then they can have the same sort of miracles.

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What prevents the prophets? Something called Home Teachers, High Priests, Bishops, etc. The same healing power is given to an Elder as to a Prophet. There is no reason for us to do a pilgrimage to SLC when our HT is just a phone call away. One of the blessings of this church is that the authority and power of God are given to every day men--unassuming, humble, ordinary men. There is no requirement of prestige, social standing, or profession in order to qualify and exercise that power and authority. Praise God for His goodness!

Elder Oaks spoke recently on healing. It's an excellent talk that really helped me to understand the miracle of healing.

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if that is what the Lord desired be done.

Those are the key words of your entire post.

Just becasue we want to keep a loved one alive doesn't mean its the best thing for the person in the eternal scheme of things.

And as Beefche said, Elders have the same Priesthood Authority as the Prophet. If God wants it done He can work through me, and other Elders.

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When I was first getting lessons, I had a very painful condition and hadn't yet been properly diagnosed. I asked the missionaries for prayers for my health.

And then I took myself to another doctor and to a pain clinic and I got the help I needed.

Psychologically, I needed the prayers, but I also knew it was unlikely that I would be cured on the spot. The prayers, as I saw it, were to help me persevere and deal with the issue until I could find the right medical help. While I sought prayer, I never thought that prayer alone would cure me. Maybe I could be better at having such beliefs, but that's where I am now. Y'all can smack me for saying this, but I get a feeling that if you went to President Monson, he would say a prayer and then tell you to go to the hospital. As to raising the dead, y'all are on your own for that one.

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The prophet's priesthood is no different than that of any elder in any ward or branch. He does hold keys, but they hold no greater power when it comes to healing the sick.

Healing of the sick all depends on a couple things: level of faith and the Lord's will. If a person has enough faith to be healed, the elder has enough faith to perform the proper healing, and it is the Lord's will, then the person can be instantly healed. If either person lacks faith, or if the Lord chooses not to immediately heal the person, then it will not occur.

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I had forgotten that worthy priesthood holders have the same power as the prophet. Thank you to those that have reminded me of this. So in which case, really there is no need to seek out the prophet when perhaps your own father, husband or brother can perform the same miraculous things.

Still, I'm wondering if there is any knowledge or documentations of recent prophets reviving the dead or curing the diseased?

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I had forgotten that worthy priesthood holders have the same power as the prophet. Thank you to those that have reminded me of this. So in which case, really there is no need to seek out the prophet when perhaps your own father, husband or brother can perform the same miraculous things.

Still, I'm wondering if there is any knowledge or documentations of recent prophets reviving the dead or curing the diseased?


I can recall one instance where joseph smith and other apostles stopped at a place where the saints had to stay because they were driven by the mobs, and many had been suffering cholera and went about working many miracles... the funny thing is all JS smith has in his record is (paraphrased) "today God worked mighty miracles.".. but from diaries of others there that day, that Joseph smith and the apostles were being instruments in the Lords hands by healing and bringing people back from jaws of death.

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You may want to check out a book called Modern-Day Miracles by L. Brent Goates (son-in-law of Pres. Lee). Apparently Pres. Harold B. Lee kept a file of miracles from letters he was sent and from his own experiences. This book is a compilation of some of those files. There are some really amazing stories including a raising from the dead.

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