Sealed sections of the BOM

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Will the sealed sections of the BoM be unsealed?

The use in scripture of the term “seal” has many meanings and possible interpretations. It is my impression that in reference to the Book of Mormon there is an actual physical seal but I am not completely convinced. The term seal also appears in the Book of Revelation. I am inclined to believe that the term seal as used in reference to the Book of Mormon has other implications beyond physical bands making specific text unavailable.

I am inclined to believe that parts and pieces of what we think of as contained within the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon have been made known to various individuals but not to the general population of the church or world. That is why such “things” have existed in the first place. But for the most part these things are not intended to be “kept” by individuals but by a covenant society. If this is the case then it would seem logical that “sealed” knowledge will become available when needed and proper preparations have been made by the Latter-day Saints. Since the days of Joseph Smith, I have wondered and speculated if the Saints have advanced or declined in “need” and “proper preparations”.

The Traveler

PS. Interesting signature you have added to your posting.

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From another angle, there are many to whom much of the Bible is sealed. They read it and don't understand many of the things written in it.

I think the Book of Mormon is the same way. Over the years I have seen many things in the Book of Mormon that I missed in previous readings.

I also think there is a physical seal around some of the Gold Plates, but I think we have more than what we know. Once the key is given to understand it, then it will be unsealed.

Ether 4:

15 Behold, when ye shall rend that veil of unbelief which doth cause you to remain in your awful state of wickedness, and hardness of heart, and blindness of mind, then shall the great and marvelous things which have been hid up from the foundation of the world from you—yea, when ye shall call upon the Father in my name, with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, then shall ye know that the Father hath remembered the covenant which he made unto your fathers, O house of Israel.

16 And then shall my revelations which I have caused to be written by my servant John be unfolded in the eyes of all the people. Remember, when ye see these things, ye shall know that the time is at hand that they shall be made manifest in very deed.

17 Therefore, awhen ye shall receive this record ye may know that the work of the Father has commenced upon all the face of the land.

18 Therefore, repent all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me, and believe in my gospel, and be baptized in my name; for he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned; and signs shall follow them that believe in my name.

Edited by Justice
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I'm real happy for you all, and Imma let you finish, but can I just say that I have the greatest idea of all time, OF ALL TIME!

Anyway, I think it is a physical seal. And Traveler, I'm intrigued by your proposition of there being a polysemy for the word in reference to the seal on the Book of Mormon. I would like to hear your possible definitions.

As far as when it will be opened, I think it will be opened when we give proper value to the scriptures we already have. Brace yourselves for this, but when President Hinckley challenged us all to read the Book of Mormon and finish it by the end of the year, I got the strongest impression that if we could have actually achieved that, it would have been a big step toward receiving the sealed part.

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I'm real happy for you all, and Imma let you finish, but can I just say that I have the greatest idea of all time, OF ALL TIME!

Anyway, I think it is a physical seal. And Traveler, I'm intrigued by your proposition of there being a polysemy for the word in reference to the seal on the Book of Mormon. I would like to hear your possible definitions.

As far as when it will be opened, I think it will be opened when we give proper value to the scriptures we already have. Brace yourselves for this, but when President Hinckley challenged us all to read the Book of Mormon and finish it by the end of the year, I got the strongest impression that if we could have actually achieved that, it would have been a big step toward receiving the sealed part.

Here is a thought for you - There are keys of the priesthood delegated to man (specifically one) under the order of the priesthood that have power to seal and unseal on earth things associated with heaven and eternity.

It is my opinion that you are on the correct track to understand that such things are based on obedience to principles of righteousness.

The Traveler

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Here is a thought for you - There are keys of the priesthood delegated to man (specifically one) under the order of the priesthood that have power to seal and unseal on earth things associated with heaven and eternity.

It is my opinion that you are on the correct track to understand that such things are based on obedience to principles of righteousness.

The Traveler

What you say makes sense. It is logical to assume that there would be a key to regulate the sealing of things.

However, you have yet to discuss the possible other meanings for the "seal" on the Book of Mormon. What else could it be beside physical, especially once you consider Joseph Smith's description of the physical gold plates? Your idea really did intrigue me, so I'm anxious to hear what you have to say on the matter.

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Will the sealed sections of the BoM be unsealed?

Thursday, September 18th, 2014. 14:37 GMT.


What?? I have it on good authority. ;)

Only joking, of course.

I have often pondered this myself, and I cannot wait! I really love the scriptures. I guess I feel at home in their pages. The characters are a real and alive to me as any dear friend.

I cannot wait for the time when more scriptures are available to us. That, to me, would be a treasure indeed.

I have heard it said that there are many, many writings of prophets that have not yet been revealed to us. It is speculation on my part, but I do believe that God may have called prophets on every continent. Where there are prophets, there is scripture written! I get excited thinking about it.

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Thursday, September 18th, 2014. 14:37 GMT.

Well that's about as good an answer as any :)

We have a whole lot of awesome information with the scriptures we have now. There is so much in the Old and New Testaments to sift through let alone the additional wonders we get with the Book of Mormon, D&C, and Pearl of Great Price. Really getting into studying these works can boggle the mind. Just this morning reading through Jacobs sermon in 2nd Nephi just blows me away with how much is contained in those few chapters. And if you really want something to think about, read and try to understand Isaiah.

At least for me, I rest comfortable that the Lord has his time-table for when things are to come to fruition. For now, he's given us what we need and can handle. I'm not sure that more scriptures would bring any more clarity to the work or the world.

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What you say makes sense. It is logical to assume that there would be a key to regulate the sealing of things.

However, you have yet to discuss the possible other meanings for the "seal" on the Book of Mormon. What else could it be beside physical, especially once you consider Joseph Smith's description of the physical gold plates? Your idea really did intrigue me, so I'm anxious to hear what you have to say on the matter.


Take a look at Isaiah 46:10 and also Eccl. 1:9-10. It is interesting that Jesus taught in parables and that in the temples we are taught with symbolism and representations. I believe the full ramifications are sealed and we will not understand or comprehend such things (seal opened) until we are obedient to principles of righteousness.

The Traveler

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Take a look at Isaiah 46:10 and also Eccl. 1:9-10. It is interesting that Jesus taught in parables and that in the temples we are taught with symbolism and representations. I believe the full ramifications are sealed and we will not understand or comprehend such things (seal opened) until we are obedient to principles of righteousness.

The Traveler

I kinda get where you're going with this, but could you elaborate? To my understanding, you're saying that the sealed portion is not necessarily literally, but rather is meant metaphorically, or symbolically. So when the seal is "removed" we'll understand things in the Book of Mormon that were previously not understood. But yeah, elaborate please.

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I kinda get where you're going with this, but could you elaborate? To my understanding, you're saying that the sealed portion is not necessarily literally, but rather is meant metaphorically, or symbolically. So when the seal is "removed" we'll understand things in the Book of Mormon that were previously not understood. But yeah, elaborate please.

It has always been interesting to me that ordinances have both spiritual and physical repercussions. Many will argue for example that baptism of water is really not necessary because baptism of the Holy Ghost is really what matters. Often the L-rd uses physical things to connect to that which is spiritual. It appears to me that things of G-d are both physical and spiritual. Thus a seal is also both physical and spiritual. Just because a physical seal is broken it does not mean that it can be spiritually understood and used.

Now you are forcing me to speculate because I have rarely seen a physical seal. There is always only one living person that holds the keys of sealing and to those things sealed. So you and I are cannot see spiritually (and physically) beyond that which is sealed. As we read of Nephi in the Book of Mormon there is a point where he stops and tells us that he cannot write more because John has been given the “key” (sealed) or the charge to write and that we must get the information through John and his writings.

Joseph Smith indicated indirectly that he had the keys and understood the Book of Revelation written by John. Thus Joseph Smith is a prophet. It is also interesting to me that other than the presiding high priest of the priesthood the 1st Presidency the 12 apostles are Prophets, Seers and Revelators. Therefore they are physical means for us to connect to spiritual things through keys delegated to them concerning things. From the 84 section of the D&C we learn how things are “unsealed” to, first the Saints and then to the world through the keys of the priesthood.

So I believe the keys to those things that are sealed are delegated through a priesthood hierarchy down to members of priesthood quorums that then are able to open things that are spiritually and physically sealed. Outside of the oath and covenant of the priesthood there is not means (keys) to open things sealed. The point I believe is that for all those that hold the priesthood and are loyal to the covenant - that they, by the power and authority of the priesthood they hold have access (right and power) to all things that are not sealed.

The Traveler

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