Church pet peeves!!!


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It really gets under my skin when someone has to give the opening prayer and instead of folding their arms they have to feel a need to grab with both hands the pulpit.

I have never seen a woman do it. It has always been men.

I've seen General Authorities grab the pulpit while praying and it bothers me. i think it is a strange gesture.... like putting both hands in your pockets while praying. Its just strange to me. I know its not a life or death thing but a pet peeve i should consider working on. Does this bother anyone else too? I must be wierd lol.

I know it is something i need to work on. :confused:

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The grabbing-the-pulpit thing used to bug me. Then I was asked to give a talk in Sacrament meeting, and it had been a long time since I'd given one. I have experience with public speaking, and have no problem with it, but I found myself at a loss for what to do with my hands. It's much more putting-at-ease to put your hand on one or both sides of a pulpit while you speak that to fidget with them behind or in front of the pulpit.

I'm a woman, by the way.

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Oh geez..don't be telling slamjet that. Next thing you know he will think he has the right to "righteously" judge all of us. :)

And I didn't in the first place :D:D:D Now I feel refreshed and my judgment bar has been waxed, ready for those who wish to hear my wise pronouncements :estaloco::disgust::yuck:

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It really gets under my skin when someone has to give the opening prayer and instead of folding their arms they have to feel a need to grab with both hands the pulpit.

I have never seen a woman do it. It has always been men.

I've seen General Authorities grab the pulpit while praying and it bothers me. i think it is a strange gesture.... like putting both hands in your pockets while praying. Its just strange to me. I know its not a life or death thing but a pet peeve i should consider working on. Does this bother anyone else too? I must be wierd lol.

I know it is something i need to work on. :confused:

I think the feeling that everyone is supposed to fold your arms while praying probably stems from the fact that it was taught to all the youngsters in sunday school -- that it was a sign of reverance -- to fold your arms and bow your head.

Perhaps it has become a cultural thing for most without even knowing or thinking about it.

My personal feeling about it is -- a prayer is a prayer is a prayer -- doesn't matter one iota what you do with your arms and hands, just as long as it is said with a sincere heart and real intent is what is important.

I would tend to grab onto the podium -- I think I would be uncomfortable folding my arms.

I think it's what the person feels most comfortable with is all that matters.

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It really gets under my skin when someone has to give the opening prayer and instead of folding their arms they have to feel a need to grab with both hands the pulpit.

I have never seen a woman do it. It has always been men.

I've seen General Authorities grab the pulpit while praying and it bothers me. i think it is a strange gesture.... like putting both hands in your pockets while praying. Its just strange to me. I know its not a life or death thing but a pet peeve i should consider working on. Does this bother anyone else too? I must be wierd lol.

I know it is something i need to work on. :confused:

You better not come to my ward then. I grab the microphone like I'm a rock star. :P

Seriously, is that the best pet peeve you can come up with?

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You better not come to my ward then. I grab the microphone like I'm a rock star. :P

Seriously, is that the best pet peeve you can come up with?

Pet peeves are suppose to be small annoyances. Really annoyed is folks who get up to the podium and think they're rock stars :)

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So, how do you know what they are doing with their hands unless you aren't bowing your head and closing your eyes yourself? Reminds me as kids when we'd tattle on each other," Mom! Sister had her eyes open during the prayer!"

keeping an eye open for sneaky wet willies.

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My peeve: people who playfully punch my arm and cajole, "Why don't you siiiing?" I have taken to punching back and asking, "Why aren't you fluent in a second language? Why don't you make lovely hand-embroidered dresses? Why can't you hold the attention of 26 second-graders?"

I really love listening to the hymns in church. I don't love singing. And it's okay.

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My peeve: people who playfully punch my arm and cajole, "Why don't you siiiing?" I have taken to punching back and asking, "Why aren't you fluent in a second language? Why don't you make lovely hand-embroidered dresses? Why can't you hold the attention of 26 second-graders?"

I really love listening to the hymns in church. I don't love singing. And it's okay.

*playful punch* Why aren't you in a good mood?

*playful punch* Why aren't you smiling?

*playful punch* Why are you so cute?

*playful punch* Why don't you go up and give your testimony?

Yea, I can see how that can be annoying. Problem is, my returning playful punch sends them flying across the chapel. At a minimum, it leaves a well deserved bruise for annoying me.

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