What Is Your Favorite Tv Show?


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Kinda a light subject. I have to say that I am glad my wife stumpled on "24". The show is awsome and reminds me of those old cliffhanger seriels from the 1930s -- no, I am not that old, it's just that when I was a kid on Saturday afternoons the local station played horror films and spliced in a seriel from that era in between the movie.

I was into "Lost" but missed a bunch of episodes so I think I'll just get a box set eventually.

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One of favorite TV shows is 'The Walton's' (we watch the DVDs), and another one of my favorites is 'Little House on the Prarie' (we have those DVDs too).

But I really don't have "a" favorite, because it depends on what mood I'm in.

And btw, from what's available on TV these days, my favorites are 'Smallville' and 'Monk' and some Home & Garden programs (the ones showing how to make and grow things... especially woodcrafts and plants for our gardens)... not counting BYU-TV broadcasts featuring our prophets and apostles who talk about God and His gospel and living.


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I don't watch much tv these days...obviously coming from the UK I cannot let a tv post go by without mentioning our old classic: Coronation Street, which I do watch occasionally...lol.

I tend to wait for particular types of dramas (one-offs usually) regarding crime and murder, or supernatural stuff, and I do like documentaries about the same subjects or more lighthearted stuff like Airport/Airline and some news programmes.

I love british humour too, the 80's stuff such as The Young Ones, and other stuff featuring Rik Mayall and Aidrian Edmonson (sp!), such as Bottom, which are quite crude...also loved the Blackadder series with Rowan Atkinson, and Men Behaving Badly and more recently 2 Pints of Lager and a packet of Crisps, and anything featuring Ricky Gervais!!

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...also loved the Blackadder series with Rowan Atkinson...

Light-hearted threads are great, especially about TV. I tend to be a TV junkie. I can't say I have a favorite at the moment but recently am starting to enjoy Battlestar Galactica (Pegasus was a great episode). Others I watch religiously are: Smallville, Stargate Atlantis, Desperate Housewives, Prison Break, Medium, NCIS, The Unit, House, Lost, Without a Trace, Supernatural and Numb3rs.

My husband has watched House occasionally but sometimes finds House annoying or only can see Hugh Laurie as his Blackadder characters, and prefers him as his Blackadder characters. :)

I'm the opposite with Fiannan, I missed too many '24' episodes but always try to watch Lost.


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Ray, it is rare, but once in a while we agree on something! I love the Walton's as I've recently rediscovered it on Hallmark channel. Andy Griffin is another old favorite.

As far as the new stuff goes, I LOVE Scrubs, The Office, My Name is Earl. I also love watching the Nanny shows and learn so much from them.

And yes, one of my favorite new shows is Big Love on HBO. It has an awesome, complex story line that gets better every week.

In all reality though, I watch a lot of kids' shows like Pinky Dinky Doo, Little Bear, Little Einsteins, Backyardigans, etc. There are some cute shows on that I find myself enjoying sometimes. Far cry from only Sesame Street that I grew up with!

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Since some have mentioned the older shows, just wanted to mention that FOX shows Perry Mason on weekday afternoons; if I'm home I like to watch it. The dramatic acting back then had a style all its own. :)

Occasionally I like to watch some of the old Star Trek shows (Kirk, Spock and Bones). I have some favorites like The Menagerie (Captain Pike), Mirror Universe (evil Kirk and Spock), Amok Time (Spock's Pon Farr) - which reminds me of a Futurama episode (which I don't normally watch) but in one episode Dr. Zoidberg and Fry had to fight to the death on the Dr's homeland. Before the fight they played their national anthem and it happened to be the music played in Amok Time, when Spock and Kirk are fighting to the death - I thought it was funny. :blink:

I was pretty lucky watching kids' shows when mine were younger. Sharon, Lois and Bram (The Elephant Show) was good, my son did like Barnie for a while and I survived. By the time the Teletubbies came along my kids were too old. ;)


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I don't watch much tv these days...obviously coming from the UK I cannot let a tv post go by without mentioning our old classic: Coronation Street, which I do watch occasionally...lol.

I tend to wait for particular types of dramas (one-offs usually) regarding crime and murder, or supernatural stuff, and I do like documentaries about the same subjects or more lighthearted stuff like Airport/Airline and some news programmes.

I love british humour too, the 80's stuff such as The Young Ones, and other stuff featuring Rik Mayall and Aidrian Edmonson (sp!), such as Bottom, which are quite crude...also loved the Blackadder series with Rowan Atkinson, and Men Behaving Badly and more recently 2 Pints of Lager and a packet of Crisps, and anything featuring Ricky Gervais!!

As a missionary in England it was always tough trying to tract when Coronation Street was on....and Top of the Pops............

If and when I have time.....I love to watch stuff on ESPN.....and reruns of the Home Improvement and The Cosby Show and All in the Family...........

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We just took our son to see the Wiggles in concert. I never thought I would see a 1.5 year old star struck. He want absolutely crazy, dancing and waving his arms. We sat next to Ken Jennings and his wife and son. I always said that I wasn't going to let my kids watch TV, but he absolutely adores them. And I guess I don't mind the 15 minutes to get ready in the morning without wondering what he's discovered to get into next. My husband will watch them with our son and knows all of the songs. I get a kick out of them dancing and singing together. (My son will do actions to a few of the songs and it's so funny to hear him singing in the car "Dough, dough, dough, dough, dough, ooo wiggy wiggy.")

For me, Lost, 24, CSI (Vegas only) The Amazing Race <---going to try out for that one of these days

My husband loves anything british (of course!). I really liked The Office, and I'm liking the american version even better.

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I saw "Monk" mentioned.... I love that show.... Law and Order, CSI...Crossing Jorden....I did enjoy West Wing when I watched it.. and Desperate Housewives when I used to watch that one too.

I watch reruns... Friends, The Cosby Show... Full House, Tool Time ( I mean Home Improvement....lol ), That 70's Show, Drew Carey... I like a good laugh once in a while... to rid the mind of all the dead bodies on the drama shows ....lol

I used to watch a lot of Food Network..... addicted to Iron Chef America ;)

don't have cable right now :(

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I don't know if you find this terrible or not, but I average about one hour of TV per month and that's on my lunch break at work.

In my break room at work there is a TV showing reruns of "Mash" ...which I hate or sometimes old black and white 40 or 50 year old "Perry Mason" movies that are great.

When I'm off work I prefer the computer or renting a movie when I'm not running, bicycling, working out, practicing karate or other sports.

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My husband and I found Deadliest Catch last weekend. They showed a bunch of them in a row. It was really cool. But forgot what day the new episodes come on. So I need to find it in our TV listings and hope that it doesn't clash with some other favorites. LOL.

My son and I love Lost. But he has Scouts on Wednesday so we tape it for him. My hubby and son love NCIS and The Unit.

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My son and I love Lost. But he has Scouts on Wednesday so we tape it for him. My hubby and son love NCIS and The Unit.

THE UNIT!!!!! I was trying to think of the name of that show!!!! I have watched it and LOVE IT... just couldn't remember the name.... THANK YOU!!!! :)
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What a nice topic, I was thrilled to read how alike we are, ok here is mine, but you have to remember I come from the land down under.

Number one American show in a long long time

West Wing (I have seen them all and I am right up to date, awesome, what a shame its ending)

High commendation for

Battlestar Galactica - the plot just gets better

From the UK one of the great Sci Fi programs that is just getting better

Doctor Who

These are my 3 must see programes. Beyond that life is too short to spend hours in front of the box

I was so interested to see Coranation Street is still going, it must be like 40 years old!

Black adder was awesome

Did anyone follow "Firefly" that was great before it was axed, another US Sci fi it has come out recently as the movie "Serenity" very short sighted canning that one from TV


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Did anyone follow "Firefly" that was great before it was axed, another US Sci fi it has come out recently as the movie "Serenity" very short sighted canning that one from TV...

Me, me me....Hi Bob!

Yes I was a Firefly fan, more or less because I'm also a Joss Whedon fan. But I did enjoy the series when it was on for its short term. I also saw Serenity (and especially loved Mr. Universe from Numb3rs ;)).

You have great taste in BSG, here in Canada Season 2 is just ending, I think in the States S3 starts in July.


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Hi Maureen,


Firefly was special, I hear the company who made Serenity have the option to make 2 more movies, one can only hope.

I just caught up with BSG S2 E20 today and I am ready for the start of S3, its interesting to know there a 12 Cylon human models, I am trying to remember all that I can identify and how many we have to find, I wonder what twists await us?

So how do you read the ability of Baltar to still see No 6 (the Canadian blonde) and then more recently No 6 to see Baltar!

Have a great day


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So how do you read the ability of Baltar to still see No 6 (the Canadian blonde) and then more recently No 6 to see Baltar!

Hi Bob,

IIRC, No. 6 explained her presence to Baltar has his ability to have visions, she in essence is an angel to him. She brings him information, and her visionary presence has the power to effect his senses.

The more recent No. 6, aka Gina, is from the episode called Pegasus. She is to the Pegasus, as Sharon is to the Galactica, except Sharon is treated more or less with respect, while Gina was disrespected in everyway you could imagine. It was Baltar that saved her and helped her escape.


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