The year of the Tablet


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I wasn't planning on getting a smart phone because I have been looking at the tablets that are coming out.

the ipad2 is pretty much king. Everybody else is trying to beat or at least copy what they have.

I'm going on a trip to see my brother in May, I was hoping to buy a tablet before then. (probably not many choices by then).

But even more I realize Tablet well probably replace scriptures/manuals at church.

Do you plan on buying a tablet any time soon?

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Tubaloth, a tablet isn't a phone, though. Tablet's are very handy, just depends what you will use it for. My wife and I have Blackberry smartphones. We have twitter, facebook and email, along with mobipocket to read. We have The LDS library on them. Handy, but very small to read. My wife has 3 other e-book devices to read on, and just got an iPad 1, but not because she wanted it. It was necessary for her to do work for a client she has. She actually doesn't even care for it that much. 2 hours after buying it she said "$550 for a gadget and I hate it already"That being said, ipads have many other functions, including reading scriptures etc. Just remember, iPads do not support Adobe Flash, since Mr Jobs considers Adobe his mortal enemy for some reason. This will limit lots of things. I think the upcoming Blackberry Playbook to be a good option, since it will support flash, and will sync with my phone.

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I wasn't planning on getting a smart phone because I have been looking at the tablets that are coming out.

the ipad2 is pretty much king. Everybody else is trying to beat or at least copy what they have.

I'm going on a trip to see my brother in May, I was hoping to buy a tablet before then. (probably not many choices by then).

But even more I realize Tablet well probably replace scriptures/manuals at church.

Do you plan on buying a tablet any time soon?

done and did. and ive been loving it.

tablets are great for media interaction.

And mine has replaced a bunch of the books on my shelf... including the scriptures.

written from my ipad :P

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iPad fan here. No, I don't miss flash.

So, I attended Catholic mass last Sunday - I pulled out my KJV on my phone to read the Readings on my own (I've gotten used to the KJV version that sometimes I feel like I might be missing something from the Catholic version)... I had 2 people reprimand me for texting during mass. That was sooo wierd. Because, I'm so used to whipping out my phone/iPad at church - including sacrament meeting to follow along with the verses the speaker is referencing. It's fairly common in my ward - lots of apple fans there.

Edited by anatess
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Flash is a love-hate deal with me. Some really cool stuff can be done with it, but I tend to end up having about as many headaches from it as well. I'm really glad the Apple raised a stink about it.

Adobe systems needs to improve a lot of different things with various programs of theirs.

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Go BlackBerry Playbook.

The QNX based operating system means you'll be able to integrate the literally tens of thousands of google android apps, will have more integration options and will be more stable. You'll be able to run Flash, which means you will have more internet capability than what you were considering before and the hardware is better.

It's the best tablet on the market.

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I'm still happy with my iphone 3G - I won't be getting anything else for a while, and when I do, it most likely won't be any form of tablet/pad/extra large phone. We've got plenty of ipads floating around work, and I just can't like them. I know the situation is different with everyone, but I'm much happier taking a macbook air around with me than an ipad. The inconvenience is just as much regarding the size, and I can do far more on the macbook air, because apple (thankfully) haven't decided to lock that down yet.

And unless apple make some very serious improvements in the yet to be released iphone, my next phone will most likely be an android.

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Go BlackBerry Playbook.

The QNX based operating system means you'll be able to integrate the literally tens of thousands of google android apps, will have more integration options and will be more stable. You'll be able to run Flash, which means you will have more internet capability than what you were considering before and the hardware is better.

It's the best tablet on the market.

Technically it's not on the market. you can pre-order it.

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