April Fools


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What are the best, and worst April Fools pranks you have personally seen or participated in? Real ones, not just myths. :)

i.e. when I was married for a little less than 9 months, we sent a birth announcement to my (now) ex-husband's parents complete with a photo us us holding new born. They lived on the other side of the country, so they didn't see us, they thought we had ...um....not waited and got pregnant before we were married......oops!

They toatally believed us.

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My little sister was born today. When my mom was close to delivering, my grandparents came to stay with us. All morning they were tricking us (I was 5 my older sis was 7) so when they told us she was born we didn't believe. Even when they loaded us up and we got into the car, then again when we got to the hospital. They showeed us her in the nursery, and we still kept waiting for them to say April Fools! Turns out, the joke was still on us.

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I have always been a "goody-two-shoes" (wording of classmates in elementary school) and rarely if ever been in trouble. So, when I was in fifth grade, my April Fool's joke was a fake detention slip. Instead of recognizing it for the joke it was, my mom went crazy trying to find out how I managed to get detention. I had to have her talk to my teacher before she believed it wasn't real.

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A friend and I updated our facebook status to indicate that we are “in a relationship” with each other. I’ve been getting ‘congratulation”s, “Way –to- gos”, “You- deserve- it”s, and “I’m-so-happy-for-you”s all day long. I’m feeling a little guilty because so many people are so excited for me and now I have to disappoint them.

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A friend and I updated our facebook status to indicate that we are “in a relationship” with each other. I’ve been getting ‘congratulation”s, “Way –to- gos”, “You- deserve- it”s, and “I’m-so-happy-for-you”s all day long. I’m feeling a little guilty because so many people are so excited for me and now I have to disappoint them.


Broke up with mine husband (then boyfriend) on FB one year. Our common friend called and balled him out! Way fun, good luck lettting everyone down. :D

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I was giving blood yesterday and me and a couple of nurses laid out a great April fools joke for them.

When donors have made it through the screening process and are on the table the nurses are going to inform them that due to budget restraints they have to extract the blood as fast as possible. This means they now have to do the extraction from the arteries in the neck!!! This should go over real well. I have already received a few texts and they are hilarious. People are all but jumping off the tables and I think they are going to have to cut this one short. April fools all.

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We try and do something at work every year as a department. Of course, as an IT department it has to be IT related.

A few years ago at a previous place, I turned the intranet page for the organization upside down.

Today, we played a trick with the printers. With most models of HP LaserJets that have an LCD display, you can send data to the printer in a non-standard way which makes whatever text you send to it appear on the LCD display. We have about 50 of these printers at least, so instead of saying "ready", they said "Insert 20P" all day (a 20p is an English coin for those who aren't aware). Made for a few funny phone calls, though I was half expecting someone to actually try.

Edited by Mahone
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One april fools, a friend of mine took three large smoke bombs, the ones that look like dynamite, and put the fuses against my exhaust manifold in my truck. Sure enough, smoke is rolling out from my hood, but I can smell it, and I realize it's not real.

The following year I worked in a scene shop for a theater, and I had to get the guy back. I took five buckets of sawdust and two bottles of hair gel to his '74 Honda Civic. I put the hair gel on the car, then put the sawdust on the gel. Once it was all covered, I dumped the extra sawdust all over it. This was in a high-school parking lot which had a security guy watching it.

He came over to me just as I was fishishing up and I said "Hey, nice day isn't it?" He smiled and asked me if it was someone's birthday. I said "No, it's april fools day." He said "Oh, okay." then drove off.

When my friend called me he was furious because it cost him a whole five bucks to wash off the gel and sawdust that didn't fly off the car when he drove home. His dad thought it was hilarious.

The best part was that sawdust went down into the vents for the A/C and whenever he turned on the fan, a little sawdust would come out. He drove the car for another two years, then gave it to his sister, who then sold it a few years later. Even then, sawdust was still coming out of the vents, though only one or two flakes by that time.

It was the prank that would not die.....

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I was born on April 1st. Everytime I tell someone my birthday, they always joke "So your an April fool's baby lol", like I never heard that one before.

Ohhh well Happy Birthday. I wish I had known.
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when I was a kid and living in AK, a local radio station announced that due to some minor emergency, the space shuttle would be landing at Elmendorf AFB that day (it was supposed to be landing that day and Elmendorf is an alternate landing site.) People flocked to the base or nearby to see the shuttle land only to receive an April Fools.

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