Saint Louis teacher fired for past mistakes


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Teacher who once made porn films steps down

A former porn star was fired from her teaching position after students discovered the videos. She tried to get her job back, but was unable to do so.

People, don't make mistakes like that, it can really destroy your future. Every action has a consequence, and while it may not be apparent immediately, what you do now can really hurt (and haunt) you later.

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Teacher who once made porn films steps down

A former porn star was fired from her teaching position after students discovered the videos. She tried to get her job back, but was unable to do so.

People, don't make mistakes like that, it can really destroy your future. Every action has a consequence, and while it may not be apparent immediately, what you do now can really hurt (and haunt) you later.

It's hard to fault her for what she did when she was 22. A lot of young women are enticed by the easy money to be had by undraping their most precious asset, their still flowering young bodies. Reading the story, I can't help but think that there is something left out, something that more directly caused her suspension. I've learned when reading articles like this not to trust I'm being given all the facts.

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It's hard to fault her for what she did when she was 22. A lot of young women are enticed by the easy money to be had by undraping their most precious asset, their still flowering young bodies. Reading the story, I can't help but think that there is something left out, something that more directly caused her suspension. I've learned when reading articles like this not to trust I'm being given all the facts.

My gut is telling me that after the video got out, they looked for petty reasons to dismiss her to ignore the gorilla in the room.

I wish this had never resurfaced. It's clear that she's changed and she's done with that way of life, and I can't fault her because of that. I hope the student who found the video is racked with guilt for doing this to her.

Edited by PrinceofLight2000
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While it's possible we haven't heard everything in the article, situations such as this aren't uncommon.

Teachers (and anyone else who works in an educational establishment), unfortunately, are in one of these careers where you are expected to maintain certain standards both during work hours and during personal time (including prior to employment), and if you don't, you'd better hide it pretty well. While an argument does exist that the school shouldn't impose sanctions as a result of activities that don't break any laws and happening outside of work hours, the school would argue that it had become a distraction and would adversely affect the teaching and learning environment, and that the teacher is no longer considered a good role model for the students.

Similarly, in the UK at least, if you have a criminal record (however minor or however long ago the crime was committed), you've just said goodbye to the vast majority of your chances of a well paid professional job.

Heavenly father may forgive us, but the world certainly does not :)

Edited by Mahone
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I hope the student who found the video is racked with guilt for doing this to her.

Doing this to her? Excuse me, she did it on all her own.

Now let me explain. I really feel sorry for this lady because I think it's very sad the fact that she changed her lifestyle yet her past will probably haunt her forever. Having said that, it is not the student's fault.

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There should be a "statute of limitations" on something like that.

11 years is plenty of time even to prove the world that one is committed to a legitimate way of life. Now, if there was one "hiccup", like a DUI or something in-between that and now, then there is a greater cause for concern based on the record.

I certainly HOPE there was more to the situation than was reported in the story - something in the personnel file - that helps the story connect to a better reason.

But as stated before, whatever gets filmed doesn't necessarily stay in Vegas. Same thing with email and anything else online. If it can be recorded, it is permanent.

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There should be a "statute of limitations" on something like that.

11 years is plenty of time even to prove the world that one is committed to a legitimate way of life. Now, if there was one "hiccup", like a DUI or something in-between that and now, then there is a greater cause for concern based on the record.

I certainly HOPE there was more to the situation than was reported in the story - something in the personnel file - that helps the story connect to a better reason.

But as stated before, whatever gets filmed doesn't necessarily stay in Vegas. Same thing with email and anything else online. If it can be recorded, it is permanent.

I think the issue is that she was fired from another school after they found out about her porn past and she failed to tell the authorities in the new school about it. I don't blame her really.

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Doing this to her? Excuse me, she did it on all her own.

Now let me explain. I really feel sorry for this lady because I think it's very sad the fact that she changed her lifestyle yet her past will probably haunt her forever. Having said that, it is not the student's fault.

Please explain how it's not the student's fault for digging up an 11 year old video and propagating it amongst other students with no clear purpose other than to get twisted humor out of damaging her reputation. I don't know how long it's been since you've been in high school, but it's pretty apparent to me that you're underestimating how ruthless and spiteful teenagers can be. Need we be reminded of the Clementi incident?

I can't get John 8 out of my head now that I've read this thread.

EDIT: I just realized I was conflating the 2006 incident to the later one.

Edited by PrinceofLight2000
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Please explain how it's not the student's fault for digging up an 11 year old video and propagating it amongst other students with no clear purpose other than to get twisted humor out of damaging her reputation. I don't know how long it's been since you've been in high school, but it's pretty apparent to me that you're underestimating how ruthless and spiteful teenagers can be. Need we be reminded of the Clementi incident?

I can't get John 8 out of my head now that I've read this thread.

First of all, we seem to be mixing two different incidents.

The FIRST one was back in 2006, when a student found a video and show it to other students. She was then suspended.

The RECENT issue, came about a student approaching her about it and SHE decided to tell the school authorities about her past (she didn' disclose this information when she was hired). SHE then requested the leave and the district merely agreed.

Even though I fully understand and sympathize with your frustration about the student (from the first incident), you need to realize who is the CHILD and who is the ADULT in this situation. I think that's pretty clear.

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First of all, we seem to be mixing two different incidents.

The FIRST one was back in 2006, when a student found a video and show it to other students. She was then suspended.

The RECENT issue, came about a student approaching her about it and SHE decided to tell the school authorities about her past (she didn' disclose this information when she was hired). SHE then requested the leave and the district merely agreed.

Even though I fully understand and sympathize with your frustration about the student (from the first incident), you need to realize who is the CHILD and who is the ADULT in this situation. I think that's pretty clear.

I just made an edit reflecting that. Oops.

If I was her in 2006, I'd have sued either the kid or the kid's parents for defamation. Of course, assuming there was proof it was malicious.

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I just made an edit reflecting that. Oops.

If I was her in 2006, I'd have sued either the kid or the kid's parents for defamation. Of course, assuming there was proof it was malicious.

Defamation is a FALSE accusation. How exactly finding a video SHE participated in (that's not even in question) could be considered defamation? Even when he indeed showed it to his friends STILL no grounds for defamation. :confused:

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Defamation is a FALSE accusation. How exactly finding a video SHE participated in (that's not even in question) could be considered defamation? Even when he indeed showed it to his friends STILL no grounds for defamation. :confused:

It depends on whether or not the malicious statements that probably took place were a mix of facts about the video and opinions stated as fact. Remember, this is under the assumption that the video was spread around in typical high school fashion; lots of gossip and lies being told, rumors being spread, etc.

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The RECENT issue, came about a student approaching her about it and SHE decided to tell the school authorities about her past (she didn' disclose this information when she was hired). SHE then requested the leave and the district merely agreed.

From her history at the previous school, it looks like she personally has no problems with working with students who know of her past, only the school had a problem with it. Therefore I have a hard time believing she left so easily of her own accord this time, as she fought for her job at the previous school.

I may be wrong, but it sounds to me like she was forced to resign from the second school by senior management (i.e. "either resign and save both us and yourself the hassle, or we fire you").

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From her history at the previous school, it looks like she personally has no problems with working with students who know of her past, only the school had a problem with it. Therefore I have a hard time believing she left so easily of her own accord this time, as she fought for her job at the previous school.

I may be wrong, but it sounds to me like she was forced to resign from the second school by senior management (i.e. "either resign and save both us and yourself the hassle, or we fire you").

I think is probably a combination of both. I really feel sorry for her because she changed. However, she appeared in Dr. Phil back in 2006 sharing her story. I don't think the school districts would have appreciated that.

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It depends on whether or not the malicious statements that probably took place were a mix of facts about the video and opinions stated as fact. Remember, this is under the assumption that the video was spread around in typical high school fashion; lots of gossip and lies being told, rumors being spread, etc.

Well, we don't know the details. We're just speculating however she will be able to sue only if there was truly defamation, so far doesn't seem like it.

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This is such a huge stretch.

I disagree. Much of the media is still ideologically driven to the left. Reporters are keen to the fact that the public seizes upon outright bias, so they resort to more subtle ways to shape public opinion, specifically by shedding light on certain things while ignoring others. In this way, they hope to steer public scrutiny. This story may or may not be an example of this, but the practice of subterfuge journalism is real.

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It's hard to fault her for what she did when she was 22. A lot of young women are enticed by the easy money to be had by undraping their most precious asset, their still flowering young bodies. Reading the story, I can't help but think that there is something left out, something that more directly caused her suspension. I've learned when reading articles like this not to trust I'm being given all the facts.

sounds like most news.
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