Interesting/other fact or facts anyone knows?


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The length of your foot from heel to toe is the same length between the crook of your elbow and your wrist.

The circumference of your waist is twice the circumference of your neck.

So, if you want to fit shoes and pants without going to the fitting room, just take the pants waist and wrap it around your neck then take the shoes and put it on your arm.

That really doesn't work with the shoes, anatess. The outside of shoes are larger than your bare foot.

The waist thing is only correct for those who are not obese- an obese person's neck does not necessarily increase as does their waist. Just measured myself and my husband- nope neck is much smaller than 1/2 the size of waist.

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The fastest known private internet connection to a domestic residence in the world is 40Gbp/s - in other words, in theory, you could download around 1 full movie DVD in one second.

The lucky owner of this internet connection is 75-year-old Sibritt Löthberg from Karlstad Sweden, who had only just purchased her first computer as it was being installed.

Her son is Peter Löthberg, a Swedish optical internet guru working at Cisco. Obviously he is the reason for her home having such a high speed internet connection, as he was using her home for a trial.

Edited by Mahone
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In Wyoming there is a river in the Sinks Canyon that not only goes underground, but while underground, it travels under its own surface riverbed, then resurfaces a mile downstream, on the opposite side of the canyon. It is the only river in the world known to do this.

During the spring runoff, the area where the river goes underground fills beyond its capacity, and flows down an overflow channel that is maintained by the State Park Service. In March or April, the river is then travelling down both sides of the canyon.

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Oh, I figured I would do one that pertains to my home town...

-There is no GREEN color found on an alligator.

-Depending on where an alligator egg is in the nest determines the sex of the newly born gator (has to do with temp. and that is how they control the number of females\males born in captivity during a crucial time in incubation.)

-A gator in captivity will grow to four feet long in a year and a wild gator will take 4 years to grow the same length, due to hibernation.

-Alligators have sensors on the sides of there "faces" to detect movement in the water and determine the size of prey.

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Oh, I figured I would do one that pertains to my home town...

-There is no GREEN color found on an alligator.

-Depending on where an alligator egg is in the nest determines the sex of the newly born gator (has to do with temp. and that is how they control the number of females\males born in captivity during a crucial time in incubation.)

-A gator in captivity will grow to four feet long in a year and a wild gator will take 4 years to grow the same length, due to hibernation.

-Alligators have sensors on the sides of there "faces" to detect movement in the water and determine the size of prey.

Another interesting fact about alligators-

Pollution in Lake Apopka resulted in a mutation of the male sex organs, giving them smaller man-parts and turning their testes into ovaries.

Also, alligators are not the only species with temperature-dependant sex determination (TSD). Many reptiles and some birds also exhibit TSD and some have mechanisms for both TSD and genotypic sex determination (GSD).

Birds closest relatives are dinosaurs, closest living relatives are alligators and as such they should technically be taxonomically classified as reptiles. Their feathers are are actually nothing more than specialized scales.

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That really doesn't work with the shoes, anatess. The outside of shoes are larger than your bare foot.

Uhm, yes. Now that you realize that, adjust accordingly. Oh, and there's narrow, wide, etc. too, don't forget to adjust for that too.

The waist thing is only correct for those who are not obese- an obese person's neck does not necessarily increase as does their waist. Just measured myself and my husband- nope neck is much smaller than 1/2 the size of waist.

Okay, I'll change the statement... if your waistline is more than twice the circumference of your neck, you might not be healthy.

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None of these rhyme with ORANGE.

"words in the strict sense that they are pronounced in the same way from the vowel sound of the main stressed syllable onwards. They may not be considered rhymes if they are identical in those syllables—for instance, bay and obey often do not count as rhymes"

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A corruption of a Scottish word crupper? Now that's a pretty far stretch.

Not really, I didn't hear any stipulation it be a common word or that it must exist in a certain register. And as you note plenty of words are out there that you won't necessarily find in dictionaries but are nonetheless used amongst English speakers. Another one would be "nurple" from the phrase "purple nurple".

Saying a word doesn't exist in the English language is a tricky claim to make as even with the existence of the OED there is no comprehensive listing of every word in the English language. For example, I don't know if "googled" is to be found in the OED but nonetheless it is an English word, same with 'pwned' or 'pwnage'.

None of these rhyme with ORANGE.

No they don't, of course I wasn't saying they do. In hindsight it is obvious but at the time I thought PC was for some reason asking for words that rhyme with derange.

Edited by Dravin
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