8-year-old pepper sprayed


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Our prisons are full to brimming with convicts with permissive, apathetic, evil, or missing mommies. One reason it's hard to talk to someone in charge in a prison, is because that person doesn't want to spend all day on the phone with worried mommies telling him that poor Bubba gets upset if the crusts aren't cut off his sandwich the right way.

Being a mommy like this doesn't guarantee you will raise a convict. But if you're a convict, you've got a better-than-half chance of having a mommy like this.


I know a kid (14 or 15), and he once wrote on a box "this is a bomb, you are all going to die". Well, he got arrested, and was taken to jail and to juvi. He said it wasn't that bad; all he did was sit around and watch TV. REALLY???

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I have mixed feelings. Pepper spray? really?

We have ended up with more and more children with behavioral issues because we have become a permissive society.

Yes... another "when I was growing up" perspective. :)

When there are appropriate and decisive consequences children learn to behave. When there aren't appropriate and decisive consequences. then children learn they can act out and get the attention they want. If a neighbor, teacher, friend of the family, basically any other adult, had to discipline me when I was a kid, I could be guaranteed more discipline when I got home.

If the police had to be called, then this child needed more than being talked down. Mom needs to learn to parent and the child needs to learn to behave.

I know! Kids have ADHD and ODD and .... sigh ... IMHO, behavioral issues to the extreme we are seeing today didn't happen until it became wrong to discipline your child.

(I'm sure I've stepped on someone's anger button with that last statement so I won't be discussing my post. It is just my opinion afterall :) )

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I have mixed feelings. Pepper spray? really?

We have ended up with more and more children with behavioral issues because we have become a permissive society.

Yes... another "when I was growing up" perspective. :)

When there are appropriate and decisive consequences children learn to behave. When there aren't appropriate and decisive consequences. then children learn they can act out and get the attention they want. If a neighbor, teacher, friend of the family, basically any other adult, had to discipline me when I was a kid, I could be guaranteed more discipline when I got home.

If the police had to be called, then this child needed more than being talked down. Mom needs to learn to parent and the child needs to learn to behave.

I know! Kids have ADHD and ODD and .... sigh ... IMHO, behavioral issues to the extreme we are seeing today didn't happen until it became wrong to discipline your child.

(I'm sure I've stepped on someone's anger button with that last statement so I won't be discussing my post. It is just my opinion afterall :) )

Ahhh yes. Sorry applepansy. But you are WAAAAAYY off the mark on this one.

We just didn't start getting ADHD kids. We just finally figured out what it is.

And no - regular discipline doesn't work on children with behavioral issues. I didn't throw a knife at my sister because my dad was lax on discipline, I can tell you that. This is the same dad that did not give me dinner because I got 1/10 score on my math test in Kindergarten.

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I'm of the opinion that many of these behavior issues were around "back in the day" and don't have a heck of a lot to do with disciplining--they just weren't recognized as issues and were simply called "Bad children".

However, I will modify that with the idea that I believe these behavior issues are worsened by lack of discipline. The kids with these issues still need discipline, perhaps even more so, and often a different kind.

There is also is that study that shows a connection between early tv watching and ADD...

Edited by Backroads
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I'm of the opinion that many of these behavior issues were around "back in the day" and don't have a heck of a lot to do with disciplining--they just weren't recognized as issues and were simply called "Bad children".

However, I will modify that with the idea that I believe these behavior issues are worsened by lack of discipline. The kids with these issues still need discipline, perhaps even more so, and often a different kind.

There is also is that study that shows a connection between early tv watching and ADD...

Also video games and ADD.

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Violent video games should be banned. They cause insensitivity towards others, and they "teach" that if you die, you come back and fight. The teens who attacked Columbine High, they played Doom (a violent video game) a lot.

I say we stop this madness before it gets worse.

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Violent video games should be banned. They cause insensitivity towards others, and they "teach" that if you die, you come back and fight. The teens who attacked Columbine High, they played Doom (a violent video game) a lot.

We better ban RPGs. Oh, and Monopoly it teaches that greed is good and that jail is no great consequence. Oh, the game of Sorry teaches you to seek the suffering of your fellow man and not be sincerely repentant. Clue teaches that murder is entertaining. Tag teaches that while there are consequences they can easily be passed on to someone else. Cops and robbers? It teaches the whole respawn thing, or even worse that if you get shot you can just argue about it. All sports teach an us versus them mentality. Military toys glorify violence and the military industrial complex. Religion teaches us the respawn concept as well, some of them do at any rate. Movies should be banned if they aren't 100% educational, of course you run into the problem of bias so probably safe to ban them all. The Bible teaches it can be okay to massacre entire peoples, so that needs to go. Actually we should get rid of most literature, way to dangerous. Next thing is to outlaw corners, way to dangerous and sharp. And don't get me started on ladders.

Edit: We should probably ban profiles to, they seem to encourage lying unless you are in fact 110 years old.

Edited by Dravin
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We just didn't start getting ADHD kids. We just finally figured out what it is.

And no - regular discipline doesn't work on children with behavioral issues.

Interesting story contained in Laura Ingall's Little House books. One year, they live in a town that has school for about a week every year. That's because school starts, then the BUBBA kid shows up and beats up the teacher so bad he needs medical attention, then school is out for another year.

So this year, the new mousy nervous school teacher was befrended by the dad, who wants a regular school year. School started, the kids are all in their seats studying something, and the BUBBA kid shows up and starts walking down the aisle to the teacher, talking smack. The nervous short school teacher pulls out a horse whip and starts laying in to the kid. After several painful bloody welts, the kid bails out the window, leaving his winter coat behind. He's gonna be pretty cold and sore when he gets home. They have school for the full year, and the rest of the years after that. The kid stays on the farm where he becomes a farmer.

Yeah, I suppose we're better at figuring out what today's BUBBA kids have. I'm not really sure we've gotten any better at dealing with them though.


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