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Guest saintish

I havent done much research on the subject but i do know that originally 12 year old werent automatically ordained to the priesthood and on the same token joseph f. smith was ordained an elder and endowed at the age of 14.

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This first link lays out the restoration of the Priesthood...

The Restoration of the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthoods - Ensign Dec. 1996

This Link shows the different age groups and designations at those approximate ages...

Gospel Fundamentals Chapter 20: Priesthood Organization

All of this being said, when I joined the church I received the Aaronic Priesthood at the age of 20 something...and after a year and having been worthy and progressed in the gospel was interviewed and recieved the Melchizdek Priesthood. The age structure now is laid out more as a preparatory staging for young men. It still requires development, learning, and being worthy and prepared for the priesthood they receive. In the times of the OT God called on the "youth" to bring forward the first offerings given by the Isrealites (Exodus 24:5). It is explained in the oral commentary that these young men were young and pure as to not have yet experienced lust. Aaron and his brothers were the first official set apart for these duties as priest, but the firstborn were original performing these tasks.

Levels of knowledge, faith, purity, worthiness, etc. have always been a part of the determining factors for any Priesthood. In this day and age the different levels correspond with our youths development on all these levels. Having worked with the young men for several years, having 5 of them at various ages throughout the years, and being a leader of the Elders at times also, I have seen how this time for growth and learning are important. I hope this helps in some regard.

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Moses was ordained to the Melchizedek Priesthood at age 10.

Strictly speaking, the priesthood is not age based at all. It's only current policy that dictates the ages, but the ages are not doctrinal. Up until I the 1920's (ish, I believe) the ages for deacon, teacher, and priest were 12, 15, and 18. Times change.

I used to live in a district where one of the branch presidents was kind of off the reservation. He liked to insulate himself against warnings that he could be released by pointing out that there were no other worthy Melchizedek priesthood holders nor any one of sufficient age to be ordained. When Elder Perry came to visit and was made aware of the situation, his response was essentially, "Nonsense! If we need to, we'll call a 10 year old to take his place."

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Has the Priesthood always been age based?


In the early days of the Church (until the death of Joseph Smith) both Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood offices were held mostly by men (not young boys). It wasn't age based.

The changes started with Brigham Young and the 1877 Priesthood re-organization where we started seeing young men age 12 and over (in some cases 11 years old) receiving an office within the lesser Priesthood. The reason for this is that they didn't have as many Aaronic Priesthood holders back then (one of the reasons for the 1877 re-organization). Brigham Young was determined to make these changes that took several months. He felt they were extremely necessary as the Church expanded. He also knew he was going to die soon.

The reason they didn't have many Aaronic Priesthood holders is because they were recruiting older men for the higher Priesthood (and back then older men were the ones holding the Aaronic Priesthood). It was actually a brilliant idea because the young men received the news with happiness and great enthusiasm. The older members accepted the news quickly. It brought a new level of confidence to the young men in the Church. Thirty years after the 1877 re-organization, we started seeing a specific age-based Priesthood ordination.

Edited by Suzie
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Guest saintish

@ Suzie: So since older men usually held the aaronic priesthood do you know if it was or wasn't required to have the Melchizedek Priesthood in order to recieve ones endowments and be sealed?

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Has the Priesthood always been age based? As far as when you are a certain age you go up in the Priesthood. From my scripture study it reads like the Priesthood was suppose to be set up a little bit different. Mainly, less age based.

I'm interested in dates, talks, scriptures etc.

there has been general age limitations set at various times throughout history, but more as an order to organization rather than an absolute doctrine set in stone. Even in current scriptures there are very few times when specifc ages are discussed. (currently i can only think of the age of baptism which is 8)
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Saitish, I assume you are talking about the 1842 Nauvoo Endowment? I ask because the Endowment came as a result of a process throughout Church history (from early as 1831 to confer the Higher Priesthood to some men in the Church) to the Nauvoo Endowment of 1842 where women were also initiated to the endowments.

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Guest saintish

Saitish, I assume you are talking about the 1842 Nauvoo Endowment? I ask because the Endowment came as a result of a process throughout Church history (from early as 1831 to confer the Higher Priesthood to some men in the Church) to the Nauvoo Endowment of 1842 where women were also initiated to the endowments.

yes, from 1842 until 1877 (or perhaps even later) do you know if men were required to hold a certian priesthood to recieve their endowment and if so which one?
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yes, from 1842 until 1877 (or perhaps even later) do you know if men were required to hold a certian priesthood to recieve their endowment and if so which one?

Endowment required ordination to the Melchizedek Priesthood (needed to be sealed for eternity or serve a mission). However, the endowment session was designed to have both priesthood segments separated (and some argue that it happened for a period of time).

"Most of you, my brethren, are Elders, Seventies, or High Priests; perhaps there is not a Priest or Teacher present. The reason of this is that when we give the brethren their endowments, we are obliged to confer upon them the Melchisedek Priesthood; but I expect to see the day when we shall be so situated that we can say to a company of brethren you can go and received the ordinances pertaining to the Aaronic order of the Priesthood, and then you can go and preach the Gospel, or do something that will prove whether you will honor that priesthood before you can receive more. Now we pass them through the ordinances of both priesthoods in one day, but this is not as it should be and would if we had a Temple wherein to administer these ordinances. But this is all right at present; we should not be satisfied in any other way, and consequently, we do according to the circumstances we are placed in." (Brigham Young, Journal of Discourses 10:309).

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Guest saintish

wow that is great information, I have always been facinated by how the priesthood and ordinances have evolved. I wonder why, after all the temples we have built the church never went through with devising an aaronic endowment ceremony?

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wow that is great information, I have always been facinated by how the priesthood and ordinances have evolved. I wonder why, after all the temples we have built the church never went through with devising an aaronic endowment ceremony?

I believe it would be very time consuming and you will have to double or triple the amount of temple workers along with formulating a "new" segment. You would be sending Aaronic Priesthood holders to receive part of the Endowment first, then send them back home, check their progress during a period of time and if they qualify then send them back to the temple to receive the other half. It seems kind of impractical.

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Has the Priesthood always been age based? As far as when you are a certain age you go up in the Priesthood. From my scripture study it reads like the Priesthood was suppose to be set up a little bit different. Mainly, less age based.

I'm interested in dates, talks, scriptures etc.

When the church was first restored it was the adult men that would have the Aaronic Priesthood.

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