Jesus, Married?!

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Originally posted by curvette+Mar 5 2004, 11:39 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (curvette @ Mar 5 2004, 11:39 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Peace@Mar 5 2004, 08:55 PM

Only one thing comes to are an ex-mo and can't leave it have anger issues and haven't been able to resolve don't have a life and must fester those who do have a life. :D

I'm pretty sure that Trident is a never mo, not an ex mo. I guess that leaves option #2...

I have the same question too Peace, why? Unless you wish to contend, belittle, and insult. Furthermore, you get frustrated with Mormon views, yet you are on a MORMON board??? That is like me going into a Catholic Church and complaining about the Doctrine. Go to an Anti site, because I came here to discuss Doctrine, and speculation pertaining to doctrine without getting the constant barrage of anti-mormon sentiment. Especially when it is not warranted.

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Only one thing comes to are an ex-mo and can't leave it have anger issues and haven't been able to resolve don't have a life and must fester those who do have a life

I have said numerous times that mormons see themselves as better than others. Comments like that just help to prove my point.
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Originally posted by porterrockwell+Mar 6 2004, 01:24 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (porterrockwell @ Mar 6 2004, 01:24 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -curvette@Mar 5 2004, 11:39 PM

<!--QuoteBegin--Peace@Mar 5 2004, 08:55 PM

Only one thing comes to are an ex-mo and can't leave it have anger issues and haven't been able to resolve don't have a life and must fester those who do have a life. :D

I'm pretty sure that Trident is a never mo, not an ex mo. I guess that leaves option #2...

I have the same question too Peace, why? Unless you wish to contend, belittle, and insult. Furthermore, you get frustrated with Mormon views, yet you are on a MORMON board??? That is like me going into a Catholic Church and complaining about the Doctrine. Go to an Anti site, because I came here to discuss Doctrine, and speculation pertaining to doctrine without getting the constant barrage of anti-mormon sentiment. Especially when it is not warranted.

Yes! That is what I have been saying and asking Tr2. For some reason I have been ignored, yet it seems I am not alone in how I feel.

Where are you Tr2? Please answer what used to be only my concern. What is your intent?

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Where are you Tr2? Please answer what used to be only my concern. What is your intent?

How many times do I have to say that it is not your business? Why can't you leave it at that? You need to learn to respect other people's "no". You have a boundary issue.
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Originally posted by Tr2@Mar 6 2004, 05:52 PM

Where are you Tr2? Please answer what used to be only my concern. What is your intent?

How many times do I have to say that it is not your business? Why can't you leave it at that? You need to learn to respect other people's "no". You have a boundary issue.
I think you are the one with the boundary issue. I am not alone in this. Several of us want to know why you post on a board that is LDS when you are anti LDS. It would seem that you are the one out of bounds.

Oh tell me why, why , why?

(does anyone know what song that is from?)

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I've asked so many people on these boards that very question. I'm not anti, so I don't visit anti sites, I supported the War in Iraq, so I didn't visit Peace forums, so I can't understand why people visit forums/sites on issues that they disagree with.

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Originally posted by Tr2@Mar 6 2004, 04:52 PM

Where are you Tr2? Please answer what used to be only my concern. What is your intent?

How many times do I have to say that it is not your business? Why can't you leave it at that? You need to learn to respect other people's "no". You have a boundary issue.

Don't let TR2 bother you. He is actually a big softy at heart. In real life he is an assistant manager of the Children's Apparel dept at Mervyns so you know he has kind-hearted.

I can tell you what his intent is. Contrary to him saying it's not your business, he tells us exactly what he is up to all the time. TR2 does not think that Mormons are real Christians and he won't stop molesting us until we stop calling ourselves that. What is a real Christian in TR2's mind? He goes to a church in Toronto called the Toronto blessing. Here is a quick look at their practices:

The "revival" is characterized by a number of manifestations, any or all of which can be observed in a single service. To aid in analysis, we will separate the manifestations into four categories. The first manifestation category is "holy" laughter. "Holy" laughter is loud, uncontrollable laughter that breaks out among members of the congregation. Proponents stress that "holy" laughter has New Testament precedent -- they identify it with the events recorded in Acts chapter 2, where the apostles are accused by some in the crowd of having "had too much wine." Old and New Testament verses mentioning laughter and joy are also invoked as textual support.

The second category is that of being "struck dumb" in the Spirit. This is considered a testimony. The individual will (seemingly) attempt to deliver a verbal testimony and instead will be unable to speak during the entire "testimony." Saying absolutely nothing becomes the testimony.

The third category, that of being "slain in the Spirit," has taken on a new characteristic in this movement. Instead of being "out" under the power of the "Spirit" for just a few minutes, in this manifestation people can be out for several hours. Like more common examples of being slain in the Spirit, this too requires the assistance of the evangelist. Rodney Howard-Browne (founder of TR2's revival movement) has developed his own unique style of imparting this "blessing." After having the potential recipients stand, Howard-Browne will walk slowly down the line, place his hands on the people and say such things as, Fill! Ho ho. Fill! Ho ho, ha ha. Out of your belly let it bubble. Ha ha. Howard-Browne has also been known to tell people, "Don't pray about it," implying that praying to God will prevent a person from receiving this so-called "blessing."

" And so now we're starting to see people prophetically acting like lions and oxen and eagles and even warriors. We had a phone call one time it said, "One of our congregation's been acting like an eagle flying around the room. We can't get them to stop, what do we do?" And we thought, you know, throw a rabbit out in the middle of the floor and maybe they'll come down." [John Arnott, TR2's pastor, Pastors' Meeting - Airport Vineyard, Toronto, Ontario, 10-19-94, audiotape transcript.]

So TR2's business it to either make us stop calling ourselves Christian, or to make us fly around the room like an eagle.

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Originally posted by AFDaw@Mar 6 2004, 10:29 PM

I've asked so many people on these boards that very question. I'm not anti, so I don't visit anti sites, I supported the War in Iraq, so I didn't visit Peace forums, so I can't understand why people visit forums/sites on issues that they disagree with.

My point exactly.
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snow, I'm at the point where i don't know how to deal with the obscurity of your posts. So I won't even try.

I am not alone in this. Several of us want to know why you post on a board that is LDS when you are anti LDS. It would seem that you are the one out of bounds.

You can keep asking all you want, but I am not going to discuss this. If you don't like that, well it's not my decision how you choose to feel. Just save your time and stop asking.

My point exactly

Tough luck.
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Thank you for answering me. I appreciate your effort. I always enjoy your posts. You are intelligent and make me laugh. How did you learn so much about Tr2?


Is what Snow is posting about your church accurate? Does your church have a message board I could go to and possibly post on? I promise I won't be anti and call them idiots and say they have no value.

Snow is right. I believe most people are kind hearted.

And I also believe that Jesus was and still is married.

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snow is under the impression that because I have attended meetings there, at the church he's talking about, that it is my home church. I visit my mechanic more often than I go to this church. He is also under the impression that because people like Benny Hinn are protestants that I believe everything they say. And he thinks that because I've had lunch with John Arnott that he is my pastor. snow has never actually been there. Probably 90% of what is written about that church is by people who have also never been there. All of his knowledge is, at best, 3rd or 4th hand information. snow's facts are not accurate.

I have never attended an LDS meeting, and have no intention to do so. If I were to write about what goes on there, would you think my writings would be the least bit credible? I only know what I have experienced on this board, and with a limited number of discussions of mormons face to face. snow, and most of the people who bash that church, have not even done that much. They read what somebody else, who already have their preconceived notions, writes and draw conclusions before asking questions or speaking to anybody who have an important perspective.

I think some of the quotes might be accurate, there are so many out there I really don't know anymore. If somebody recorded LDS leaders every time they spoke, just waiting for them to say something stupid, I'm sure we could get a lot of quotes too.

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Originally posted by Peace@Mar 1 2004, 05:33 PM

Yes...but what if God chose for Christ to have posterity which would be stronger physically...wouldn't that make for a great story line?

I think he already did that. They are called Samoans and Tongans.

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Guest bizabra

Originally posted by AFDaw@Mar 6 2004, 09:29 PM

I've asked so many people on these boards that very question. I'm not anti, so I don't visit anti sites, I supported the War in Iraq, so I didn't visit Peace forums, so I can't understand why people visit forums/sites on issues that they disagree with.

Maybe some folks have more curiousity than you do.

Maybe some folks want to understand those who have opposing views.

Maybe some folks have an interest in the religion, whether they believe it or no.

Maybe some folks have people in their lives that they love, even though they believe in this crazy religion, so it is a way to understand their loved ones better or to ask questions or say things to anonymous others they can't or won't say to those they love.

Maybe some people are still trying to understand more about the religion they left.

Maybe some people are still trying to resolve "issues" they feel about THE CHURCH they left behind.

I dunno.

Why does it matter to YOU what their motives are?

This forum is NOT a temple. One does not need a recommend to post here.

If this board is not to YOUR liking, then don't come here yourself!

Or don't read or respond to posts that you don't agree with! It's simple!

Leave it alone if you don't like it.

You still have your free agency, utilize it how you see fit and allow others the same privelage!

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Maybe some folks have more curiousity than you do. 

Maybe, anything's possible.

Maybe some folks want to understand those who have opposing views.

This is a very good point and makes a lot of sense...except most anti's on here aren't interested in "understanding" opposing views, but rather telling us how stupid and wrong we are for believing what we do believe in. Case in finding it crazy that some of us believe Jesus was married, or believing that God is in our family tree. Sorry Biz...that's not "understanding"

Maybe some folks have an interest in the religion, whether they believe it or no.

Maybe, again, anything's possible.

Maybe some folks have people in their lives that they love, even though they believe in this crazy religion, so it is a way to understand their loved ones better or to ask questions or say things to anonymous others they can't or won't say to those they love.

You calling it a "crazy religion", was that your way of trying to "understand" us? Again, if they were truly trying to understand their family/friends, shouldn't they be talking to them? And at the very least, not be tearing us down while they are posting here?

Maybe some people are still trying to understand more about the religion they left.

Seems they should have done that before they joined and/or before they left. And again, I'm not seeing a lot of EX's on here who's intent seems to be "understanding" anything about this religion.

Maybe some people are still trying to resolve "issues" they feel about THE CHURCH they left behind.

And once again, anything is possible.

I dunno.

Why does it matter to YOU what their motives are?

Because I'm actually am trying to "understand" why some people even post on here.

This forum is NOT a temple.  One does not need a recommend to post here. 

If this board is not to YOUR liking, then don't come here yourself! 

I'm sorry...I missed the part where anyone implied it was a temple and that a recommend was needed. Would you like to show me to where that was stated or at the very least implied? doesn't exist? Well then this statement would appear to be POINTLESS.

Or don't read or respond to posts that you don't agree with!  It's simple!

Leave it alone if you don't like it.  You still have your free agency, utilize it how you see fit and allow others the same privelage!

Again with the implying. Would you care to show me where I said you shouldn't be allowed to post here? Where I said all anti's shouldn't be allowed to post here or even people who disagree with us. I await your reply on that, in the mean time, why don't you try to actually READ what I posted. All I said was I didn't "understand" (And yes...I mean it in the literally sense of the word as opposed to the way you like to throw it around) why someone posts in forums that they disagree with.

Have a nice day Biz :)

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Guest Starsky

Originally posted by Cal+Mar 7 2004, 10:14 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Cal @ Mar 7 2004, 10:14 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Peace@Mar 1 2004, 05:33 PM

Yes...but what if God chose for Christ to have posterity which would be stronger physically...wouldn't that make for a great story line?

I think he already did that. They are called Samoans and Tongans.

Well I will go with Samoans...and even Hawanians...but Tongans? I know a lot of them all and the Tongans are the scariest....

But not all of course...but most. Tongata, Tamu, and Joel T., they are good guys..even Nafi and Ben/ okay....but the gangs up in SLC..they are mean and scary...

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Guest Starsky
Originally posted by bizabra+Mar 7 2004, 11:20 AM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (bizabra @ Mar 7 2004, 11:20 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--AFDaw@Mar 6 2004, 09:29 PM

I've asked so many people on these boards that very question.  I'm not anti, so I don't visit anti sites, I supported the War in Iraq, so I didn't visit Peace forums, so I can't understand why people visit forums/sites on issues that they disagree with.

Maybe some folks have more curiousity than you do.

Maybe some folks want to understand those who have opposing views.

Maybe some folks have an interest in the religion, whether they believe it or no.

Maybe some folks have people in their lives that they love, even though they believe in this crazy religion, so it is a way to understand their loved ones better or to ask questions or say things to anonymous others they can't or won't say to those they love.

Maybe some people are still trying to understand more about the religion they left.

Maybe some people are still trying to resolve "issues" they feel about THE CHURCH they left behind.

I dunno.

Why does it matter to YOU what their motives are?

This forum is NOT a temple. One does not need a recommend to post here.

If this board is not to YOUR liking, then don't come here yourself!

Or don't read or respond to posts that you don't agree with! It's simple!

Leave it alone if you don't like it.

You still have your free agency, utilize it how you see fit and allow others the same privelage!

Woe...settle down girl! Take five or ten. Breathe... :unsure:

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Originally posted by Peace@Mar 7 2004, 02:04 PM

Yes...but what if God chose for Christ to have posterity which would be stronger physically...wouldn't that make for a great story line?

I think he already did that. They are called Samoans and Tongans.

Well I will go with Samoans...and even Hawanians...but Tongans? I know a lot of them all and the Tongans are the scariest....

But not all of course...but most. Tongata, Tamu, and Joel T., they are good guys..even Nafi and Ben/ okay....but the gangs up in SLC..they are mean and scary...

By the way, the physical strength and size of Samoans and Tongans is an exellent example of natural selection!

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Originally posted by Tr2@Mar 7 2004, 12:03 AM

I have never attended an LDS meeting, and have no intention to do so.

This is it! You have never attended a LDS meeting and have no intention of ever attending. Your intent, your intent. I think your intent to post on this LDS talk message board is to harass. If I am wrong tell me so.

You write of preconceived notions, drawn conclusions and someone with an important perspective. If Snow is not accurate in his description of a church you have hardly attended, and you know he is inaccurate in his account, then maybe you could be kinder in your posts on this LDS board. The people who post here deserve the same consideration that you gave John Arnott when you had lunch with him. Did you tell him his views were idiocy and had no value? Did you tell him tough luck? Did you harass him like you do Peace?

We are judged by the intentions of our heart. I think I always knew what your intentions were posting here. I just thought you might be honest enough to admit them.

BTW, Christ was is still is married.

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Guest Starsky

They read what somebody else, who already have their preconceived notions, writes and draw conclusions before asking questions or speaking to anybody who have an important perspective.

TR2....this sounds just like you.

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Guest Starsky

This is it! You have never attended a LDS meeting and have no intention of ever attending. Your intent, your intent. I think your intent to post on this LDS talk message board is to harass. If I am wrong tell me so.

Behunin, I believe you have hit the nail on the head. ;) Intent!

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Originally posted by bizabra@Mar 7 2004, 12:20 PM

I dunno.

Why does it matter to YOU what their motives are? 

This forum is NOT a temple.  One does not need a recommend to post here. 

If this board is not to YOUR liking, then don't come here yourself! 

Or don't read or respond to posts that you don't agree with!  It's simple!

Leave it alone if you don't like it.

You still have your free agency, utilize it how you see fit and allow others the same privelage!

You give good advice here Biz. Some of what you write is what I have been trying to communicate to Tr2. Is this board to your liking? Do you respond to posts you don't agree with? There maybe be somethings I post that upset you or you disagree with. Does that mean I should be subject to you disparaging me? Just because someone might have what could be known as a "radical" idea or thought, does that mean they should be harassed because of it? The best thing you said in your post was "leave it alone if you don't like it."

I like you Biz. You are bold and say what is on your mind. You write well and have a gift of making a point clear. I would not harass or disparage you for what you have to say. I might disagree with you, but thats OK, I won't fault you for expressing yourself in a non disparaging way. I would never say that what you have to say is idiocy or has no value.

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Originally posted by Behunin@Mar 6 2004, 09:45 PM

How did you learn so much about Tr2?

We have been posting together for 3 years or so. He doesn't know it but I have surreptitiously manipulated him into revealing details about his life. He likes to act all private and surly but he opens up when something excites him. Interestingly, he was working on an advanced degree of sorts in Bible study, and if I recall correctly he also was involved in some sort of Christian based counseling. For as goofy as I think his theology is, he gives pretty good relationship advice.

Is what Snow is posting about your church accurate?

It's accurate enough, if you leave out the spin I put on it. What I know about it is taken mostly from sermons and writings of the pastors and founders of it. Obviously I pick the quotes that make them look whacko, but the quote I just posted is a direct quote from the head pastor and refers to some of the stuff that used to go on there when they were really into the whole "spirit" thing. They were called the Toronto Blessing and the blessing part was that the spirit would manifest itself in them with all sort of behaviors - like holy laughter, uncontrollable; being slain in the spirit, people making animal noises and acting like animals. I don't know but it has probably settled down by now. That kind of stuff usually has a limited shelf life. Go to google and type in Toronto Blessing. If you want the crazy stuff, then type in something like, Toronto Blessing fraud. The point is that Trident belongs to a portion of Christianity that mainline Christianity thinks is nuts and yet he come here to molest us because he thinks WE are nuts.

Trident, did you really have lunch with The John Arnott? I used to have breakfast with James Caan. Whose's the better name dropprer now? I am, aren't I.

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