Jesus, Married?!


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He doesn't know it but I have surreptitiously manipulated him into revealing details about his life

You give yourself too much credit. The truth is that I used to be more open than I am now. Sometimes I volunteered information to you. But the truth is that I never told you anything that i didn't tell to those who came before you. I was on this board well over a year before you showed up. You do think highly of yourself don't you?

It's accurate enough, if you leave out the spin I put on it. What I know about it is taken mostly from sermons and writings of the pastors and founders of it

Oh well if it's "accurate enough".

If I am wrong tell me so.

You can assume anything you like. I already told you that it's not your business.

TR2....this sounds just like you

Why not say "I'm rubber, you're glue"?

If Snow is not accurate in his description of a church you have hardly attended, and you know he is inaccurate in his account, then maybe you could be kinder in your posts on this LDS board

I don't understand this logic: snow fabricates the truth so I have to be "nicer". Please explain this better to me.

BTW, Christ was is still is married

And the Loch Ness monster was his best man. Hard to figure out which comment is dumber huh? I have as much basis for saying what I did as you do for stating that Christ is married,
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actually tr2 I would belive in jesus having a wife over lockness any day.........

and if you wanted to be witnessed to we would have been glad to, however we knew it would be a waste of time since you truly dont want to listen to what we have to say any how....But if you ever do decide to, I would love to talk about the gospel with you.


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Guest Starsky

And the Loch Ness monster was his best man. Hard to figure out which comment is dumber huh? I have as much basis for saying what I did as you do for stating that Christ is married,

Of course this is a discussion about a religious tenament....not science fiction...

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Originally posted by Tr2@Mar 8 2004, 02:53 PM

If I am wrong tell me so.

You can assume anything you like. I already told you that it's not your business.

You have proved me correct. It is anyone's business who posts here. No one, including yourself, likes to be harassed.

Yet that is what you are doing.

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Originally posted by Tr2@Mar 8 2004, 01:53 PM

He doesn't know it but I have surreptitiously manipulated him into revealing details about his life

You give yourself too much credit. The truth is that I used to be more open than I am now. Sometimes I volunteered information to you. But the truth is that I never told you anything that i didn't tell to those who came before you. I was on this board well over a year before you showed up. You do think highly of yourslf don't you?

Let me tell you a little story Trident. I was reading a book about cults. Checked it out from the library. I got it because it had a big section of the Mormon Church, but the book was actually not to bad. It gave an honest look at groups that others considered to be "cults," and was accurate and non-polemical. Anyways it has this big ole section on The Toronto Blessing. So I was reading it see. And then I starts to thinking, I thinks. Toronto, huh? Charismatic huh? Then I starts putting two and two together and next thing I know, there's a new poster on the board who is asking questions about the Toronto Blessing. Actually it wasn't a new poster at all, just someone I privately asked to make a few posts to raise the topic.

Guess who answers the posts without me even getting involved? Give up?

It was you Trident. You voluntarily offered that you belong to what many people feel much more of a cult than the LDS Church and I didn't have to say squat - personally - to get you to admit it. Course back in those days, you weren't attending less frequently than visit your mechanic, you were acting like you were right there in the thick of it all. Remember the poster , Arnott, that acted like he was a traveling pastor for the Blessing? Same guy Trident.

I don't care that you belong or belonged to a cult. Whatever floats your dingy. The funny part is that you belonged to a cult all the while you were calling us cultists.

Question: How do you skin a seal?

Answer: With ease my friend, with the greatest of ease.

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Let me tell you a little story Trident. I was reading a book about cults. Checked it out from the library. I got it because it had a big section of the Mormon Church, but the book was actually not to bad. It gave an honest look at groups that others considered to be "cults," and was accurate and non-polemical. Anyways it has this big ole section on The Toronto Blessing. So I was reading it see. And then I starts to thinking, I thinks. Toronto, huh? Charismatic huh? Then I starts putting two and two together and next thing I know, there's a new poster on the board who is asking questions about the Toronto Blessing. Actually it wasn't a new poster at all, just someone I privately asked to make a few posts to raise the topic.

I find it very humerous that because you read somewhere that somebody thinks the Toronto Airport Church is a cult, that makes it so but give no weight to the fact that the mormon church is probably the best documented cult in the world.

I don't care that you belong or belonged to a cult

Do you repeatedly bring up subjects that you care nothing about?

You make me laugh.

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Guest Starsky

Originally posted by Tr2@Mar 8 2004, 05:35 PM

Of course this is a discussion about a religious tenament....not science fiction...

I just figured that since some are choosing to believe in something, that there is zero basis for, I could too.
That is just the point...there is not a zero basis for is just that you choose to believe on and about nothing/zero...
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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by Behunin@Mar 8 2004, 05:37 PM

You have proved me correct.  It is anyone's business who posts here.  No one, including yourself, likes to be harassed.

Yet that is what you are doing.

If you don't mind, I'll jump in here and tell you what I know...

I asked TR2 the same question...why does he post here...last year.

He told me that the LDS misrepresent the teachings of the "real" Christ, and he felt it was his moral duty to talk to LDS people about this.

I don't remember if he told me what he was hoping to accomplish.

My guess is that he wants to get as many LDS people as he can to leave the Church.

If that is his goal, he might succeed with a few people on the internet. And if he can save just a few souls, I guess that will give more meaning to his life?

I could be wrong about that, but it makes sense, based on his behavior.

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Originally posted by Tr2@Mar 8 2004, 06:21 PM

I find it very humerous that because you read somewhere that somebody thinks the Toronto Airport Church is a cult, that makes it so but give no weight to the fact that the mormon church is probably the best documented cult in the world.

That's your reply Trident?

"I know I am but what are you"

Good thinking. That is precisely the point. You, a fringe cultist, calling the 5th largest denomination in the county a cult.

Say, you not one of those fancy dancy logic experts er ya?

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by Tr2@Mar 8 2004, 07:42 PM

He told me that the LDS misrepresent the teachings of the "real" Christ, and he felt it was his moral duty to talk to LDS people about this.

Wow, did you hear what you wanted to hear.
Dude...I am trying to help you get Behunin off your back ;)

Anyway...we talked about this several months I am sure I was not quoting your exact words.

If I misunderstood, I apologize.

What part did I get wrong?

Are the following statements true or false?

A. You believe Mormons worship a different Jesus than that of the Bible.

B. You want to teach the Mormons to worship the true Jesus of the Bible.

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by Snow@Mar 8 2004, 10:10 PM

That's your reply Trident?

"I know I am but what are you"

Good thinking. That is precisely the point. You, a fringe cultist, calling the 5th largest denomination in the county a cult.

Say, you not one of those fancy dancy logic experts er ya?

What church he belongs to (or belonged to) is irrelevant. It doesn't matter if his church is considered a cult. His church doesn't need to be a cult if the LDS people here want to see him as a hypocrite.

All Christian anti-mormons are hypocrites to some degree, because they don't hold their own beliefs up to the same high standards that they expect of the Mormons.

They ridicule the LDS for believing in latter day revelations and scriptures, while they themselves believe in revelations and scriptures from 2000 years ago. For some reason this difference in TIME matters to them.

I think this deserves a new topic...I'm going to open one...

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