Yea, My Kids is Better Than Your Kids...


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My middle two just graduated middle school and both got onto the Principle's Honor Roll. My one girl got an award for book reading (she read 100 books, most in the school) and her twin got the Math award. Their graduating GPA is 3.9 and 4.0 respectively. They both struggled when they got into middle school, getting some "C" and "D" grades, but they sucked it up and clamped down on their school work including taking a lot of extra credit work.

Yea, they made daddy proud again :)

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Ok I know a little late but if we are bragging about kids I've got one for you. My oldest daughter just graduated 1st in her class. whoo hooo!!! Her freshman and sophmore years she made mostly A's and some B's without even having to ever study. She also played basketball and softball. Was ok in basketball but she was an awesome softball player. Than the summer before her junior year she was in a car accident and had a head injury. No other injuries. She spent 8 days in a coma and after two weeks in the hospital they sent her to a rehap and told her she would probaly be there for a few months. When she went to the rehap she was just learning how to walk again she couldn't do math(which was her strong subject) count money and many other things. She spent one weekend at the rehap! She was able to start her junior year on time but only went a half a day. She had to work hard no longer did things come easy to her, she couldn't think fast anymore and wasn't very good at sports anymore. She made the decision to give up the sports and focus on learning how to study. She had a different personality and so had struggles with her friends. Way too much for a 16 year old. But she worked hard and did it. She is amazing! Now she is off to college in a few short weeks and wants to be a doctor. Did I mention that she is amazing!!!!!!!!!

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Well to take this back to slamjet since he started the's a good thing your girls didn't follow you in the grammar and spelling department. hahahaha

But congrats to them. That is really an accomplishment.

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Well to take this back to slamjet since he started the's a good thing your girls didn't follow you in the grammar and spelling department. hahahaha

But congrats to them. That is really an accomplishment.

I was going to make an issue of the "My kids is better than your kids" too.....I have to even the score after telling him he was right.

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Yes, Pam, they luckily didn't get my feeble brain. But they did get my tenacity and temper.

As for CTR, please, feel free to take my thunder. You have an amazing story in your Daughter! Just wonderful to read where she was, what she decided to give up, what she decided to concentrate on and how she put herself back on the road to being successful.

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I was going to make an issue of the "My kids is better than your kids" too.....I have to even the score after telling him he was right.

What I find interesting is those with the ability to help and save me by replacing "is" with "are" didn't and left me hanging to be ridiculed. Gee, what wonderful friends I have :rolleyes:

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No way! I didn't want to take your thunder just wanted to share it. Sounds as if your girls are amazing as well. Growing up I was more like them. I struggled with grades until one day it just clicked for me and than I started getting the grades. Not an easy task. You should be so proud!

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I do apologize to you ctr123. I didn't mean to come off as rude about your post. Your story is absolutely amazing as well. What an accomplishment for your daughter.

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CTR, I didn't mean that in a condemning way at all. We all have great kids and have every right to brag about them. I said my piece and of course, will afford every one else to chime in about theirs. No competition here. Just sharing how wonderful they are. I'm glad you shared about yours.

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