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I started another thread in general discussion about healthy /unhealthy consumption.

I have studied nutrition (not my line of work) but made the subject of health and wellness my business because aside from words of wisdom and other dietary rules, because in all honesty I am one who embraces health and wellness. No matter how spiritual, virtous or religious you are, you won't be able to live a really happy life if your spirit is dwelling in a sick body.

Ok you asked is tea good for you. The answer is yes and no. The tannins in tea can draw out infection, and green tea varieties do contain high amounts of antioxidants that fight aging, cancer and many illnesses. But the unhealthy part is the stimulant cafeen which can over time have a very negative effect and cause adrenal insuffucency and a crash to your immunie system which defeats the entire purpose of those healthy antioxidants.

Decafenated green tea is possibly an option, but you can also suppliment Green Tea's good components EGCG by taking a capsule from a health food store. Or better yet you can get tons of healthy antioxidants from fresh fruit and veggies and they satifsy hugder and taste better too.

Natural herbal teas (tons of flavors) can also have health benefits.

The same goes for the healthy antioxidant Resveratrol found in red wine. It is also present in grape juice which is tastier with no alcohol, effects.

The LDS church follows the words of wisdom to become Temple worthy. I think a part of this is the discipline and obedience that is equally important as the reasons. Heavenly father created our bodies and in his perfect wisdom knows what our bodies need and do not need to keep us in good health both spiritually and physically.

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The reason we abstain from tea is because the Lord commanded it.

Are there health benefits? Depends on who you ask. Every day there are reasons for or against things in the word of wisdom.

The word of wisdom isn't just a law of health. It's a law of spirituality. It's a law to test to see if we will do what the Lord asks of us. It's about discipline, obedience and spirituality.

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There is a difference between Black tea and herbal teas. Some people include green tea with herbal teas but its the same plant with different processing.

Willard Richards was an herbalist. "Tea" is a process of steeping leaves (beneficial or otherwise) in hot water. If someone has an issue with "tea" period and still needs or wants to use beneficial herbs then there are other ways to use them.

Herbs are medicines. I've had this discussion with two bishops. Because of nausea there are times when I'm not at home to brew a cup of ginger tea. Most times ginger is not available at restaurants or convenience stores. Which is better for the body? A natural remedy for nausea or a chemical? That's a personal choice. Both bishops said when tea is used for medicinal reasons its not against the WoW.

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