Not sure how to handle this


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No thats not how it was AT ALL.In fact I was laughing with him telling him "All I wanted was a box" and I laughed and he laughed to and he calmly said I will talk to the employee and soory this happened.No big deal we actually had a nice conversation about it.

angel333, in your original story you said your friend wanted the box. Not really a big deal, but your painting a different picture.


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Sorry if I offended anyone.My whole point was to tell the poster to be careful and stay alert and be careful and stand up for what you believe.I never dreamed what I wrote would cause contention around here. Im trying to stay busy online and not think about my son leaving for his mission today.I do apoligise.

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Sorry if I offended anyone.My whole point was to tell the poster to be careful and stay alert and be careful and stand up for what you believe.I never dreamed what I wrote would cause contention around here. Im trying to stay busy online and not think about my son leaving for his mission today.I do apoligise.

No apology necessary. I did not mean to hurt your feelings. I didn't feel any contention; I was just commenting on your story. Not trying to criticize. Sorry if that's how it came across.

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If after some of the polite responses that have been suggested this friend doesn't back off I suggest you become very familiar with your fb settings. You can actually stay her friend and block her from seeing your updates. Unless she goes to your page she won't know anything has changed and she won't see all your new "likes" and such. Might end some of the fuss if she doesn't see it.

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I was going through on Facbook adding "Like" pages (,, etc) and I got an instant message from my landlord (whom I'm friends with on Facebook). I was trying to be careful as to say something to turn it into a bad situation, but I'm not sure how to handle issues like this. I'm a newly active convert and still learning.

How do I handle this type of situation?

Her -

Mistie, are you out of your mind? Mormanism is a cult. You should run as fast as you can AWAY from them!!

Just trying to help you out. If a church has any leader (John Smith) other than Jesus Christ, it is not correct in their beliefs.


I have done much research on the church/religion. I don't believe it is a cult (lots of prayer went into my decision, and I was a member of the church since 2000 and just now became active again). I know that there is a lot of stigma with the church though!

Joseph Smith was who created the church, but is not the leader. The church is centered around Jesus


They believe that they can be just like Jesus and that there is no hell. That is clearly stated in the Bible

Tracy studied all the other religions while she was in college at Evangel. They were taught all the things that are wrong with all those other religions.



I like the church and the community there. I've done lots of praying to find the truth about it. I know I'm where I need to be


That doesn't make me feel very good, knowing that you are making a mistake like that.

FYI- I would "print screen" your facebook page rather than just copy and paste it to your email. That way if there is a issue in the future she can't say you just made it up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It has been a while since I've logged on here, but I wanted to give an update if anyone was interested. After the fiasco with my landlord and her adult children (my friends), things got better. She apologized to me for confronting me the way that she did. She acknowledges that I'm an adult and can make my own decisions and such. She still isn't thrilled, but at least there isn't that animosity between us any longer :)

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