Performing Baptism when not fully Temple worthy


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I am a disfellowshipped member of about 3 months. I am one of those baffling members that has a super strong testimony, great family, and lives the gospel... but made a super stupid mistake in which I was deceitful and dishonest.

I was reading in the new handbook and saw a section which states that a priesthood holder that is not fully temple worthy may be allowed to baptize and somewhat participate in ordinances pertaining to his child if he was working towards, but had not fully resolved his issues. I am wondering if disfellowshipment could possibly fall into this category? Or is it more for members on less severe formal/informal probation? I am meeting with my Bishop monthly and am a bit hesitant to even ask as it seems a bit of a stretch... but thought I would see if anyone has any thoughts or advice.

My child is turning 8 in a couple of months and has hinted that he might wish to wait until I am worthy to perform at least the baptism. He is ready to be baptized and I don't want him to wait on account of his idiotic father, although it would mean the world to both he and I if I was able to perform the ordinance...

Any comments or advice would be appreciated.

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Generally, the answer is no. Disfellowshipped means you cannot use your priesthood privileges. The handbook discusses the issue of those who are members who have issues, but have not had rights taken from them. For example, a member has a smoking problem. We do not disfellowship smokers, yet they cannot get a temple recommend. They still, with the bishop's approval, can baptize or stand in on other ordinances.

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If baptism is his decision and we believe he is responsible and mature enough to make that decision on his own, then I would also think he has the opportunity to choose to wait for you, if he so chooses. I would not encourage him to wait, but I also would respect his choice if that is what he wants to do.


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You made a big mistake, and there are consequences. Hopefully you will take from this experience wisdom to know that your actions affect others in unexpected ways. I'm sure your son would be thrilled to get baptized by his awesome dad but maybe this is a time for you to show true humility and repentance to him, and help him understand that it is more important to have the ordinance done and why it should be done now, when he's ready, instead of later when you're ready.

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The Living Ordinance recommend is for performing ordinances in other stakes without holding a current temple recommend.

They are for:

- Blessing a child

- Baptism

- Confirmation

- Priesthood ordination.

I know. I just had one myself.

My uncle used when of these to stand in the circle when my children were blessed. He had not yet been thru the temple, yet his bishop said he could do it.

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The Living Ordinance recommend is for performing ordinances in other stakes without holding a current temple recommend.

They are for:

- Blessing a child

- Baptism

- Confirmation

- Priesthood ordination.

I know. I just had one myself.

And were you disfellowshipped when you got it?

Thats the OP's situation.

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