More inspiration comes with endowment?


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So I will be entering the Temple to receive my endowments and have a couple of questions. So far any divinity I have felt in my life has come from the promptings of the Spirit. I suppose it all comes from here but I never have really experience a direct command or a very specific idea or direct suggestion from the Spirit. I believe the Holy Ghost communicates differently to people depending on their Spirit and character. Usually my promptings come in the form of me pondering and making sense of things and then the Spirit will validate my thoughts. Other promptings, which are less, usually come from listening to someone, usually a general authority, Apostle or the Prophet, and then realizing something that I never have before.

But again I have never had a direct command, please don't be troubled with my wordage, or a vision or dream. Actually, I think I may have had one dream before but it has to do more with nature than gospel doctrine.

Anyways, I wanted to know does the Lord reveal more to you in different ways after attending the temple. I am not looking for personal stories but would appreciate any. Did the way revelation come increase or change or remain the same.

Thanks in advance.

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Guest mormonmusic

For me, after I went I felt entirely clean and uber-spiritual for about three solid days afterwards. In terms of getting inspiration or more knowledge? Not much. Even though I am a deep thinker by nature, beyond a couple reinforcing ideas about things I already knew outside the temple, it hasn't helped me much.

Even being in the celestial room, with other people milling around and not being able to kneel and pray has made the temple more of an exercise for helping my ancestors than something I do for personal inspiration.

I had a problem once with my relationships before marriage, and I went to the temple seeking inspiration, and I didn't get anything but a shoulder shake from a temple matron who thought I was sleeping, which sort of put a wet blanket on my meditation.

However, this is only my experience. I'm sure others have a different perspective given their personalities, and I think for many, the temple is a very good place for personal inspiration. I have simply learned not to feel badly about it, and to go for the peace and order that is there. That is worthwhile in the right doses.

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Personally, yes.

The first thing that happened was that I simply couldn't look at certain things that I had prior. I never read or did anything horrendous. But things that were more on the vulgar or crude side became extremely uncomfortable. I remember one time soon after receiving my endowment, reading an article that half way through I just couldn't finish it. I knew logically that all of a few weeks prior I would have been able to finish it without a problem. But now the discomfort was permeable.

I also began to have dreams that weren't just dreams and had a semi vision. But those are sacred and very personal and not for discussion over an open forum. In short it entailed my family and husband that aren't mine yet. Previously I can't say that I really ever had.

Some of the other changes might of course just been from my mission....but I'm not sure. I knew that I was truly endowed with power from the temple without a doubt. But a lot of the spritual experiences on my mission I feel came from a very earnest seeking for the Spirit. I wanted to understand better how it felt like and the many ways it talked to me and to be in tune with it. It was such a great experience as I did so and I learned that the Spirit really isn't as silent as we often think of it. The more I studied out how He spoke to me and to people in general through scripture, the more I realized just how constant He truly was as a companion.

To me I think that's the biggest lesson I've learned. That, yes, the temple did endow me with power. But to me it was power to better access gifts and blessings the Lord had already promised me. I right now work to maintain it by studying, praying, church, and temple. If I don't I lose it. It's a very contingent gift.

With luv,


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I'm still a temple newbie, but I don't think I've had any significant revelations in my life as a result of attending the temple. Then again, I've never been prone to any of the visions/voices/deep epiphanies, etc.

I do like the temple, though. It clears my mind.

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Usually my promptings come in the form of me pondering and making sense of things and then the Spirit will validate my thoughts. Other promptings, which are less, usually come from listening to someone, usually a general authority, Apostle or the Prophet, and then realizing something that I never have before.

And that's the same way the GA and Apostles receive revelation and inspiration according to Elder Boyd. K. Packer (I will try to find the quote) where he says people think Apostles receive inspiration in a completely different way when in fact they receive it in a very similar fashion than the rest of members.

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Guest mormonmusic

I've been reading Mormon America, a book from the late 90's about the LDS faith. And there was a piece where they (a couple journalists who were fair in their assessments, I thought) indicated that the revelation to restore the priesthood was quite powerful -- based on a report from one of the Apostles who was present at the time it occurred in the temple. It was more of a confirmation than a command, however.

But when I read the account of the revelation, it was no different from a couple experiences I had on my mission. Later in the book, President Hinckley indicated that mostly the inspiration comes when they talk about what they should do, and then come to general understanding as a group.

So, it would surprise me if their revelation is NOT of the same nature and frequency as Joseph Smith who frequently saw Heavenly Beings. At the same time, I leave myself open for anything to happen. Who knows what goes on in any place where we are not present.

But my hunch is that their experiences are far less grandiose than the general membership thinks.

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It's hard for me to say for sure what the impact is. Before my endowment I had visionary dreams and strong promptings from the Spirit, as well as the baptism of fire. Also an experience of physical intervention via unseen forces, from a fall that would've been very bad. OTOH, after my endowment I applied the teachings there and found a great many more outpourings of the Spirit, which led me to other things.

So it's hard to say. I will say this, though -- I've only had one waking vision, and it was in the temple about 5 years ago. I'd been endowed almost 30 years.


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So I will be entering the Temple to receive my endowments and have a couple of questions. So far any divinity I have felt in my life has come from the promptings of the Spirit. I suppose it all comes from here but I never have really experience a direct command or a very specific idea or direct suggestion from the Spirit. I believe the Holy Ghost communicates differently to people depending on their Spirit and character. Usually my promptings come in the form of me pondering and making sense of things and then the Spirit will validate my thoughts. Other promptings, which are less, usually come from listening to someone, usually a general authority, Apostle or the Prophet, and then realizing something that I never have before.

But again I have never had a direct command, please don't be troubled with my wordage, or a vision or dream. Actually, I think I may have had one dream before but it has to do more with nature than gospel doctrine.

Anyways, I wanted to know does the Lord reveal more to you in different ways after attending the temple. I am not looking for personal stories but would appreciate any. Did the way revelation come increase or change or remain the same.

Thanks in advance.

A few thoughts from me;

That depends if you are living worthy of it, and you've kept yourself prepared to recieve such, and it also depends if you need it and God thinks you should recieve it.

IS theere something specific that you really need help with? do what you can yourself to know about it, as do waht you can to achieve whatever. Then sincerely fast and pray about before going to the temple.

And not always does the answer comes in revelation...

In addition to the commandments and learning, the Temple is a refuge from the world.

I certainly think that going to the temple worthily can help us get in tune more with the spirit.

Edited by Blackmarch
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Guest Magen_Avot

I think there have been some great answers. I would say, that for me after going to the temple things started happening much more often; however, my mission followed directly after so there was more of a need. Since then it has been occasional. and everything comes line upon line so for most people I don't think the heavens will be parted all at once. Yet I feel this topic has more parts to it, some have been covered above and you will learn more on your own and through experiences that may follow. Just remember, 'Seek and ye shall find." ^_^

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