Chinese girl dies


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Don't we have laws in the U.S. that say bystanders must report these kinds of things to the police?

Not that I'm aware of.

I know it isn't the same thing exactly, but most people are under no legal obligation to help a person in need. Certain people with training are required, but that usually involves a certain standard of medical training.

For instance, physicians that witness a car accident are required to stop and give assistance.

River guides are required to throw ropes to people struggling in the water.

But, take me for instance--suppose I'm out on a hike with my scout troop and we are 6 miles from the nearest road. We come across a man in his 60's who is in obvious cardiac distress and is going into cardiac arrest. If he's capable of swallowing an aspirin, I'll give him one. But if his hear stops, I will not begin CPR. And there's no legal obligation for me to do so. However, if I do start CPR, I'm obligated to continue until either help arrives or I'm physically incapable of continuing.

So no, I'm not convinced that there is a reporting requirement.

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Vermont has a law: The Vermont Statutes Online

Minnesota as well:

I found the text of the laws from following up on references on Wikipedia (Good Samaritan law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). It's possible that buried elsewhere in Vermont state law it further specifies who "a person" is, but a plain text reading certainly gives the impression one is obligated to act. It doesn't mention calling/obtaining aid, but considering the ill that can come from untrained people trying to mimic what they see on medical dramas it would surprise me if calling 9-1-1 didn't qualify as reasonable assistance.

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I actually cried a little bit while watching that, my heart goes out to the parents. The passerby's not doing a thing, the people that HIT the toddler is more disconcerting to me, how can they just leave the accident, leave that child there? It's sickening to me, particularly when talking about a helpless child.

This really strikes home for since I have a 2 year old myself.

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Sorry, couldn't help it. :D

You probably should have considering I wasn't:

1) Seeking legal advice.

2) Didn't get the meaning of the laws from Wikipedia, note the links to the state codes provided online by the respective states?

It's kinda like a kid trying to 'catch' someone for cursing when they talk about a ******* sword.

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