Congratulations to Mahone and Nelly


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Thanks everyone :)

I haven't been on here at all until now since before the wedding, what with dealing with the aftermath of getting married 5000 miles away, and then helping my wife become accustomed to living in the UK starting from the day after the wedding - something that's not exactly easy to adjust to immediately as she had previously never left the USA before. I think she has coped fantastically with everything she has had to deal with in recent months.

I couldn't bring myself to wear a tux unfortunately, I was a lot more comfortable in a suit as I wear one 6 days a week anyway...

Lessons learnt:

- If you take your attention away from your feet for even a second, you'll step on the dress... several times in my case, resulting in this piercing stare all married men know so well

- Smarties in the UK are NOT the same thing as smarties in the USA. I'll bear this in mind time I'm asked for my opinion on items for a "candy table", hopefully not resulting in enormous bags of the wrong item being purchased.

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Now do you mean had never lived out of the USA before and not had never left the USA before?

I meant never left the USA prior to meeting me. Shannon only got her first passport this year. It's a big move, living in a different country, but especially more so when you've never been abroad anywhere before with the exception of a couple of times within the year prior to moving. And now she'll get to see (and live in) not only England but we may as well travel across Europe while we're here :)

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Thanks everyone! It took a lot of planning and decisions.. I always wanted to change my mind.

Oh yes, dravin! The food here is a whole different variety and is fun trying. I don't like Indian curry though as I found out last Saturday!

Thanks bini!

If y'all want to see more pics or follow me (as I am on Facebook more than anything as pam knows...) message me so I can tell you where to find me :).

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