A first date?

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Okay, my turn I guess. So, let's say you're two middle aged + adults, have both been married before, have known each other for 35+ years, and have each loved the other from afar (literally 2600 miles afar) for several years (unknown to each other until last year) and you haven't even seen each other in person in more than 10 years, and now he's come home to visit for Christmas.

So is taking a basket of food and going to the beach to watch the sunrise too private and romantic for a first date?

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Sounds like my story, only we hadn'y seen eachother in 20 years. Now we are married and have a baby coming.

Wow! That's amazing. So, what was it like seeing him for the first time after all those years? I mean, I'm a little paranoid here. I know when you love someone their creases and lines and wrinkles don't matter, you see past those things, but I'm still a little, um, terrified I think, lol.

Pictures are one thing. Real life in the glare of the light of day is a little scary. Yet I don't care about his wrinkles at all, or any gray, or even his bad tattoos from his wild youth. He's beautiful to me. Well, don't know if men like that word, but he is, and he thinks I'm beautiful. I just don't want him to be disappointed.

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I was litterally shaking. But we lived very far apart, so we met in the middle and stayed the weekend. (In two different hotels, of course.) Oh, I had thoguht about him so many times over the yeas, I am so happy now, we've been married 2 years now.

Oh that sounds wonderful! Well, except the literally shaking part. That's what I'm expecting of me. He's also younger than I am, which doesn't help. I'm afraid he's picturing me as I looked the last time he saw me, even though he's seen current pictures. But, when I told him today not all my wrinkles show in my pictures, he said not all his did either, so I was glad of that, lol!

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Also, if it helps any to think of this...my hubby and I met very briefly when I was 16 with long dark hair, and zero wrinkles. He wouldn't have anything to do with me, barely acknowledged I was there. It was after I had grown into womanhood, with children, that I turned his head.

on a side note I want to share...it was so funny...I was in a grocery store and he saw me again and ran smooth into a bakery display!

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Also, if it helps any to think of this...my hubby and I met very briefly when I was 16 with long dark hair, and zero wrinkles. He wouldn't have anything to do with me, barely acknowledged I was there. It was after I had grown into womanhood, with children, that I turned his head.

on a side note I want to share...it was so funny...I was in a grocery store and he saw me again and ran smooth into a bakery display!

Oh gosh! I love that! Lol. My brother did that one time walking down the street looking at a girl, walked right into a stop sign! Stopped him cold, lol.

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Have fun, Forget-Me-Not! Just go with the idea of renewing a friendship. If nothing comes of it--so be it. If it does, yeah!

Thank you. You're right. I like that way of looking at it. But I think I scared him. Or, I'm just dense, or something, lol.

We were messaging and talking about how we'd see each other, and he mentioned that he was going to his grandparents in a few days, and then later in the conversation I said I had a question for him, and he came back saying, "I know, you want to go with me." I said well that would depend on whether or not he wanted me to go with him, but that wasn't my question. Then I brought up the date, and that's when he went off the radar. Think maybe he wanted me to go with him to his grandparent's? That maybe I should have said, "Yes, I would like that." ???

I know nothing. Not only have I never asked a man on a date before, but the last time I was on a date I was 19 years old! I don't know how to do this, at all, lol...

Edited by Forget-Me-Not
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Um, okay, might be reconsidering the first date plans. Not sure now if a date on the beach on a cold clear starry night with a crescent moon is such a good idea after all. Might be a little risky. Saw him today for the first time in nearly 13 years. Thankfully there were several family members present. His eyes were even more piercing azure blue than I remembered. His hands more beautifully sculpted. And his voice, oh my. I could hardly breathe! Maybe we should go bowling instead.

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