And how many people can you cram into a sealing room?


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Reminds me of a baby blessing our ward had a couple of months ago. When it came time for the blessing, half the pews emptied out. It was this HUGE gaggle of priesthood jocking with each other to try to get into position to put their hand into the circle. There were enough men to make at least four or five concentric rings around the poor child. The family should be embarrassed with themselves.

I know my former wife's first marriage, the groom just about invited the whole ward and they ALL wanted to be in that tiny room. She hated it. So when it came time for our sealing, she warned me about it. But I've always been under the opinion that there should be minimal people to keep the reverence of the occasion. So it was our parents and one set of friends each. Even the officiator commented on how wonderful it was to have such a small group.

Now my re-baptism, that's going to be a different story. :D

Is it getting close to time for that? :)

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Is it getting close to time for that? :)

Naw, not until at least after November. There are a lot of people that know my status so I figured a general announcement would head off having to explain myself. Besides, I think my SP wants to announce it to the world that I finally got my head screwed on [somewhat] straight.

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Naw, not until at least after November. There are a lot of people that know my status so I figured a general announcement would head off having to explain myself. Besides, I think my SP wants to announce it to the world that I finally got my head screwed on [somewhat] straight.

I think most of us need to have our heads screwed back on in an attempt to straighten them. I know mine need regular and often adjustments. LOL

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  • 1 year later...

My husband and I aniversary is next week of 10 years ..we are going through the temple to be sealed on thursday...we are both so excited and waited along time for this!..I reserved a room that will 50 people.. this post has been very helpful for I have almost 70 names and can only have 50 I have to illuminate names and its going to be tough! The good thing is I dont have to uninvite the people.

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My husband and I aniversary is next week of 10 years ..we are going through the temple to be sealed on thursday...we are both so excited and waited along time for this!..I reserved a room that will 50 people.. this post has been very helpful for I have almost 70 names and can only have 50 I have to illuminate names and its going to be tough! The good thing is I dont have to uninvite the people.

Kathy I think you meant eliminate not illuminate.

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My parents are like most of you, they think a temple wedding/sealing, should be a private, family only, affair. When my brother was marrying his now-wife, her parents were sealed just before the wedding, they gave an open, everyone’s going to be there, type of an invitation to their sealing, but my parents said no, since my parents thought that it should be private, it wasn’t until they got an official invitation from my brothers soon-to-be wife, that they felt comfortable attending her parents sealing.
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The largest one in the Orlando Temple where we were sealed held about 20 - 24 people.

It sounds like your co-worker wants a Protestant/Catholic type wedding and not a sealing.

We invited about 16 people to the sealing and only 12 could make it.

We had a reception later with about 60 people in the cultural hall.


Once again an old thread re-opened. I'm sure its over by now.

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