"Revealing Outfit" - seriously?

Guest tomk

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I guess the fineness of the line--and its apparent one-sided enforcement--is my quibble.

If I show up to work with my necktie loose and my shirt hanging out, and our female receptionist says "JAG, that outfit makes you you look like the town drunk" - how is that OK, but if our situations are reversed I can't say "Receptionist, that outfit makes you look a little trashy"?

Its hard to see how the tie comment is sexual in any way. It is just plain rude and ignorant!

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You could say that sexual harassment is in the eye of the beholder. A man walks into an elevator and says to two women, "Looking fine today, ladies." One woman grins and is obviously flattered. The other is completely turned off and offended.

Anyone who would find such a comment to be sexually harassing is a hyper sensitive primadonna who has lost touch with reality

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Anatess...nonverbals and context are huge in these incidences. I think most men get in trouble because they do not want to accept that the rules have changed, not because women are hypersensitive.

Of course cintext and nonverbals provide the difference but, the workplace follows a zero-tolerance mindset for fear of lawsuits.

Now, put that in the context of that note you saw on the news item. It's ridiculous to me to assign sexual harassment to that.

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When I was a child, no female left the farm in anything but a dress, arms covered and scarf. Gee that was rural Oregon in the 50's. Now days, in the summer, I constantly see young women out in spagetti strap mini dresses that barely covers their utmost.

Of course, being new to the LDS culture, it is pleasantly conservative, but no where near as conservative as what I just came out of. AND, males are conditioned from 12 (?) to be part of the priesthood; the guardians of the faith. So, college age makes this dude somewhere between 18 and 24? The peak years of serum Testosterone are probably on him and the weight of his responsibility is probably a bit overwelming to him.

On the farm in the 50's he'd have been worn out from bucking hay, and Mom would have locked her in her room until she finished getting dressed. There was no FB or Twiddle then, only a 4 party line. I'll go to bed giggling about the folly of youth.

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