I'm Endowed!


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Well folks, it was a longggg day, but I was endowed today in the Manhattan temple! It was such a great experience, with great friends as well as awesome temple workers. The Manhattan temple is really...boring looking from the outside, but the inside is amazing (I've been inside in the baptistry, but seeing the rest of it was awesome. Our guide brought us to the sealing room floor while we were waiting for someone from the Temple Presidency to talk to us, and it was really beautiful, and I got to see a little bit of sealings being done, and he showed us the mirrors, etc), and I could definitely feel the Spirit the entire time, especially in the Celestial Room (the Terrestrial Room was a REALLY cool room too, really beautiful). I really can't wait to go back, and I'm grateful to have a temple so close that I can go back as much as I want.

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I'm curious if anyone on this board has an idea of how many/what percentage of converts actually make it to the 1 year point and are temple worthy for their endowments?

I would imagine that without the missionaries continuing to watch out for you, and without a good ward network that welcomes and supports converts, it would be easy to become less active, or go to sacrament meeting but not do much else.

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I'm curious if anyone on this board has an idea of how many/what percentage of converts actually make it to the 1 year point and are temple worthy for their endowments?

I would imagine that without the missionaries continuing to watch out for you, and without a good ward network that welcomes and supports converts, it would be easy to become less active, or go to sacrament meeting but not do much else.

We're inactive, although the reasons are multifactorial-

1. Got stashed into the Gospel essentials class for long enough to experience the same topics twice (over a year!). As a noob, you don't know what you're supposed to do- nobody ever sits you down and says "so this is how it all works..." in terms of the logistics of your "path" as a new convert. So not only was it wholly spiritually unfulfilling sitting in GE, it also served to make us feel removed from 'everyone' else at church.

2. Got lonely. My wife works most Sundays- it's lonely without her.

3. Got busy and finally

4. Got lost.

So yeah- we were active members for over a year and gave it a good shot, but eventually got worn out... that initial self-motivating "high" only lasts so long. I'm sure people will say "but you should have XYZ"... my point is that as a new person without anyone holding your hand or showing you where to walk, you don't know about XYZ, nor do you know what is expected from or of you. Occasionally the Ensign would have a story about some ward's new members going to the temple or something and I would think "that must be nice..."

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marshac, do you feel like it's too late, or would some hand-holding be welcome at this point?

Too late for now I think- we will be moving in about two years, hopefully to the SLC UT area, and fully intend on giving it another shot.

I didn't mean to derail the OP- congratulations on your endowment and I hope the Spirit stays with you as strong as it was today :)

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Preparing for the temple is a long term goal. That's why new members wait a year before they go. It takes at least a year to get your spiritual life in order to attend the temple. But that doesn't mean you don't attend church, mingle with the ward members and continue learning. It's not about being perfect, but being in the right frame of mind so you appreciate the experience.

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Here's a question I have: so there are a lot of places in the hallways of the temple to just sit, and it seemed pretty...open as far as being able to wander around. Is it okay to do that after a session, like just walk around or sit in the hallways or in the chapel? I mentioned checking out the sealing room floor before my endowment, and when I mentioned this to some of the sisters that came with me in the celestial room, they said that they would go to that floor and check it out, as they'd never been. So I guess it's okay? Just making sure!

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Here's a question I have: so there are a lot of places in the hallways of the temple to just sit, and it seemed pretty...open as far as being able to wander around. Is it okay to do that after a session, like just walk around or sit in the hallways or in the chapel? I mentioned checking out the sealing room floor before my endowment, and when I mentioned this to some of the sisters that came with me in the celestial room, they said that they would go to that floor and check it out, as they'd never been. So I guess it's okay? Just making sure!

Good question!

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We're inactive, although the reasons are multifactorial-

1. Got stashed into the Gospel essentials class for long enough to experience the same topics twice (over a year!). As a noob, you don't know what you're supposed to do- nobody ever sits you down and says "so this is how it all works..." in terms of the logistics of your "path" as a new convert. So not only was it wholly spiritually unfulfilling sitting in GE, it also served to make us feel removed from 'everyone' else at church.

I sat through Gospel Principles for a year. This year I promised myself to finish reading the BoM before going to the temple. When I mentioned this to my VT companion, she said that they were doing the BoM this year in Sunday School and that I should start attending Sunday School. I think I would have asked around about 'what to do now' after the GP lessons started getting repetitive, but I'm glad my companion made the suggestion that it was time for me to switch classes.

One of the things that has helped me stay active is RS, my VT and HT, and my calling. We have regular RS activities, so that's always a chance to meet people and for them to get to know me. One thing that freaked me out at first, was that they would call on me for prayers. I got called on for a prayer at last year's talent show. I felt very new, but nothing gets your feet wet like standing in front of the congregation or RS and giving a prayer.

My calling involved calling members to set up dinners with the missionaries. I got to know a lot of people, at least by phone. They didn't let me sit around and wait for a VT assignment, but put me right in after baptism, which has been good. And my HT have been great at helping me with my tithing issues, answering my questions, etc. And since I've been a member, I've taken family history and temple prep classes. There is always something to do; I can't attend everything, but the more things I took the effort to do, the more people I got to know.

I am sorry you got lost. Sometimes I wish I could get lost :D , but it is probably a good thing that our ward does such a fine job of pushing new folks into the life of the ward. Just this past Sunday, our newest convert of maybe 3 months gave the lesson in RS. No hiding!

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I am sorry you got lost. Sometimes I wish I could get lost :D , but it is probably a good thing that our ward does such a fine job of pushing new folks into the life of the ward. Just this past Sunday, our newest convert of maybe 3 months gave the lesson in RS. No hiding!

She got lucky! I was only a member for 2 weeks when they gave me the Teaching for Our Times in RS! I taught the class with the wife of the Stake President sitting on the front row and I can't even remember to call it Sacrament meeting instead of Mass.

I was also asked to say prayer in RS within my first week of being a member. I recited the Our Father, Catholic-style, with the "in the name of Jesus Christ" in the end between "deliver us from evil" and "Amen". Hey, at least I didn't decline! :D

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