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I was involved enough this week end to be in Heber for a shoot of a seen in a coming movie. The plan was to shoot the seen at the LDS chapel at 1st North and 2nd West or 2nd North and 1st West – but the LDS Church would not give permission for that activity so the seen was shot a couple blocks away at the Catholic Church. When it came time to break for lunch several of the camera crew wanted to go to a place called Dairy Keen – Home of the train. I do not know why – it is just a local version of greasy fast food – I choked down a fish burger.

The film crew cause a little bit of a seen itself at the small town eating establishment but the best part was as we were about to leave Dieter F Uchtdorf showed up at the burger joint. I suggested to the director that he ask brother Uchdorf for a cameo in a reshoot of one of the seens at the Catholic Church. BTW the seen is about distribution of emergency supplies during a disaster -- Anyway the director did not see the humor in it that I did – so no request was issued. But I was still impressed in the connection that Brother Uchtdorf has with us very common folk.

The Traveler

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I was involved enough this week end to be in Heber for a shoot of a seen in a coming movie. The plan was to shoot the seen at the LDS chapel at 1st North and 2nd West or 2nd North and 1st West – but the LDS Church would not give permission for that activity so the seen was shot a couple blocks away at the Catholic Church. When it came time to break for lunch several of the camera crew wanted to go to a place called Dairy Keen – Home of the train. I do not know why – it is just a local version of greasy fast food – I choked down a fish burger.

Next time, go to Granny's. I think they're open year-round now. Great shakes, if somewhat over-priced.

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I don't mean to be a pain, but I was correcting midterms and looking at the site while taking a quick break. I was still in correcting mode.

Not a problem - I am and engineer and I never have done well with English and spelling. The only "A" in English I got was because of a bet I had in college with a professor - I bet my grade that I could speak a sentence in perfect English that she could not write (spell) correctly.

- object lesson - never bet against an mathematician. :D

The Traveler

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