States Of Grace ~ God's Army 2

Brother Dorsey

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I received my advanced DVD copy yesterday and watched it last night...and WOW! Dutcher has hit a home run with this film! Rated PG-13 for some gang violence but the story is fabulous and the movie keeps you on your seat all through to the end. This is one quality film that would rival Hollywood films. It a wonderful story of missionary life in Venice Calif., an almost impossible conversion of a hard core gang member, an Elder led astray and the basic theme of how much we are loved by the Lord no matter what mistakes we make....this is a must see film for all adult LDS and even for other Christians because of it's message of the Lord's forgiveness and love...this is, bare none the best LDS film so far AND one of the best films this's a link to the movie trailer:

I'm watching it again tonight!

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this is a must see film for all adult LDS and even for other Christians because of it's message of the Lord's forgiveness and love

I actually watched God's Army, and found it compelling. Similar to Bro. D's description, there is both a conversion, and an elder gone astray. Faith affirming, and yet realistic. The struggle of one investigator with giving up coffee-drinking was a humorous, and again realistic, inclusion. My review of that work is at Amazon.

Based on that one, and Bro. D's thumbs up, I'll likely give States of Grace a try. Besides, if nothing else, Kirk Franklin's music (the subject of a bit of controversy, btw), is surely a +.

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I received my advanced DVD copy yesterday and watched it last night...and WOW! Dutcher has hit a home run with this film! Rated PG-13 for some gang violence but the story is fabulous and the movie keeps you on your seat all through to the end. This is one quality film that would rival Hollywood films. It a wonderful story of missionary life in Venice Calif., an almost impossible conversion of a hard core gang member, an Elder led astray and the basic theme of how much we are loved by the Lord no matter what mistakes we make....this is a must see film for all adult LDS and even for other Christians because of it's message of the Lord's forgiveness and love...this is, bare none the best LDS film so far AND one of the best films this's a link to the movie trailer:

I'm watching it again tonight!

You got your copy already! I thought that they weren't getting sent out until the 15th October! Still it will probably be a while before it wings it's way across the pond to the UK. Really looking forward to this as I am a great admirer of Richard Dutcher's work. A great director, who's made some great movies.

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this is a must see film for all adult LDS and even for other Christians because of it's message of the Lord's forgiveness and love

I actually watched God's Army, and found it compelling. Similar to Bro. D's description, there is both a conversion, and an elder gone astray. Faith affirming, and yet realistic. The struggle of one investigator with giving up coffee-drinking was a humorous, and again realistic, inclusion. My review of that work is at Amazon.

Based on that one, and Bro. D's thumbs up, I'll likely give States of Grace a try. Besides, if nothing else, Kirk Franklin's music (the subject of a bit of controversy, btw), is surely a +.

Hey P.C.:

Did you ever see the movie, Brigham City, by Richard Dutcher? It's kind of hard to describe other than the main plot is about catching a cerial killer.

btw, whats the controversy on the Kirk Franklin music?


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Brother D,

They way you described it is more appealing than the trailer. The gangsters in the trailer seemed too fake. I would still like to watch it.


Dr. T

Dr. T

I would have to say that the gangsters looked a little too clean. That's not how I remembered the neighborhood I grew up in.

Still it doesn't look like a bad movie and I must confess, my son works at Hollywood Video, so it won't cost me any thing to watch.

I enjoy Richard Dutcher's work, but you would never know it by my glowing reviews (lol).


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I didn't know that he was coming out with the new one. Thanks for sharing. :animatedthumbsup::bouncingclap:

I loved Brigham City , own it and have shared it with others-member and non. So far everyone else has thought it excellent. :animatedthumbsup:

Dutcher does do excellent film work. :animatedthumbsup::winner::twocents:

A picture is worth a thousand words. I'll try to summarize in a few less.

I think he really does a good job of painting the contrast between the world we live in and our eternal home that we work towards. He presents well the evil that surrounds us, not just showing the " ideal perfect mormon world" from church videos. Many things don't fit into the ideal picture. I love the way he brings forth the crazy inperfections and evil to our attention in a respectful, uplifting kind of way. The wrestling that people do in trying to live the gospel in a messed up, sinful world. That evil causes pain.....

Presenting the pretty evil picture all while actually pushing us closer to the ideal mormon world.

His work address LDS and non LDS. Even where the some church technicalities may slightly differ from what may be practiced (a complaint I have heard from a few members), the viewer is drawn closer to basic gospel ideals.

He really addresses the issues that the General Authorities can't (they have to paint the strive to, ideal position, as well as give hope) and most people don't express well. :sparklygrin:

I can't wait to see this new movie. Looks great. :sparklygrin:

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Hey P.C.:

Did you ever see the movie, Brigham City, by Richard Dutcher? It's kind of hard to describe other than the main plot is about catching a cerial killer.

It's not on Netflix yet--but I have it on my wish list.

btw, whats the controversy on the Kirk Franklin music?


What's a good evangelical doing in an LDS film? :ph34r:

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<div class='quotemain'>

Hey P.C.:

Did you ever see the movie, Brigham City, by Richard Dutcher? It's kind of hard to describe other than the main plot is about catching a cerial killer.

It's not on Netflix yet--but I have it on my wish list.

btw, whats the controversy on the Kirk Franklin music?


What's a good evangelical doing in an LDS film? :ph34r:

We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things. Even evangelical singers :ph34r:.

If you can't find "Brigham City" just pm your address and I will mail you my copy, if you will get it back to me (lol).

Your Friend - allmosthumble

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What's a good evangelical doing in an LDS film? ph34r.gif

I don't know, what are you doing here? :dontknow::blink::P

You wantin' me to provide background worship music? :sparklygrin:

On a related note, I read on another site that Dutcher is thinking about making an R-rated slasher-type movie. What do you think will happen to his credibility in LDS circles if he does that?

Just don't tell me that Amy Grant is doing the soundtrack! :wow:

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On a related note, I read on another site that Dutcher is thinking about making an R-rated slasher-type movie. What do you think will happen to his credibility in LDS circles if he does that?

Just don't tell me that Amy Grant is doing the soundtrack! :wow:



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What's a good evangelical doing in an LDS film? ph34r.gif

I don't know, what are you doing here? :dontknow::blink::P

On a related note, I read on another site that Dutcher is thinking about making an R-rated slasher-type movie. What do you think will happen to his credibility in LDS circles if he does that?

I know that he has had a problem raising money for his Joseph Smith project, lol.
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Got home after my physiotherapy and found the film waiting for me in the porch. Stuck it on and WOW!! Fantastic film, I've got to say that I was crying at the end of it. How true the message is, that Heavenly Father loves us now as much as he did when we were little children. And that he wants all his children to return to him, no matter what sin, Jesus died for us! Just got to watch this again in case I missed something.

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