Man mistakes girlfriend for wild hog


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I was going to withold judgment until I saw some pics, but according to the article she doesn't look like a piggy, she just sounds like one.

To be fair the catalog of noises a hog out in the bush can make is more than just oinking or squealing.

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Do wild pigs make any nice ladylike sounds that we can be proud of being compared to?

People walking through the brush can snap twigs or rustle leaves just like a hog can. I'm not sure stepping on twigs is a lady-like sound but it's certainly not, "You make pig-like noises". At least not outside of a hyper-technical sense that it'd be silly to be offended by. Likewise if someone was a bit winded from traipsing about and breathing a bit heavy. Or the same from allergies. Not sure being a touch winded is lady-like, but it's the same scenario as twig snapping. Likewise with allergies.

My main point is she could have sounded like his prey without oinking, squealing, or grunting.

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If that was the case then he was in the wrong simply because anything could have made the noise. People who shoot at noises should have their guns taken away permanently.

I agree people shouldn't be firing blind, and even if the sound was something only your prey could make you should have eyes on it before pulling the trigger.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is a sign of a lack of proper training. When hunting you never shoot unless you know what your target is and what is beyond your target.

Please, anyone reading this, if you own firearms get proper training. Just because you bought a firearm does not mean you know how to properly use it. You can end up in jail or worst, negligently kill someone you love because you mistake them for an intruder or an animal.

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