The Danger of Sticky Notes


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The prank itself was totally harmless.

If something happened to one of those kids the school could be sued especially since they got access thru a school employee.

It's not the schools fault it's our litigious society.

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When I was in school the kids involved would have been made to clean up the sticky notes. And that would have been the end of it, other than some teasing about getting caught.

Suspension and the janitor being fired is an over-reaction.The principal could have found another creative solution but just reacted with the easiest tool -suspension.

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That's an alternative school near here for kids that have been in trouble in other schools and with the law. I think they're pretty strict. Other stuff happened, like one kid poured oil over the floor in an upstairs hall (I had a friend do this in high school while he was supposed to be in student counsel, and he didn't get in this kind of trouble). One article said there were $1000 in damages and janitorial costs from calling in a cleaning crew (after the kids cleaned up their sticky notes and I don't know what else). From what, I'm not sure. Last I read the charges against the kids were reversed, but I don't know if the employee got her job back.

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Wow. If the custodians, who would be in charge of cleaning it up, didn't have a problem with it then I don't see what the big deal is. Sometimes following the letter of the law (being on the premises after hours) just isn't right. I'd like to know where they got the key. If it was a board member's key, then it seems that they had permission. This all seems like a huge overreaction on the part of the school. There is no way that permanent damage was done, and the students did their best to obtain permission without spoiling the surprise (which is the whole fun of pranks, anyways).

Sidebar: My former YSA Branch President had his entire office (books, chair, everything) covered in sticky notes by the YSA and his wife. It was epic. No harm done to church property.

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From here:

This afternoon, I had the pleasure to meet with several parents and students regarding the recent disruptions within our school community. With the help of six students who were initially suspended, the healing process in the Mill Creek Community has begun. These students have developed plans to bring the student body together in order to refocus their energies on academics and providing a positive climate for learning.

"Healing process" -- what/who needs to heal? Seriously, people.

I saw this a few years ago and loved it: All Too Flat : Post-it Notes

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Okay I feel super lame now for not reading the links. I assumed it was referencing an identical story that happened here in Idaho last week. I'm just going to slink out quietly now.

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Cascade High School is in my ward's boundaries. I actually know some of the kids involved. Much nicer than some of the pranks done at my high school in the 70s, like stealing all the door knobs or main sign from the rival high school....

A friend of mine let live chickens loose in the quad for our senior prank. Everyone knew who had done it because he was pretty much obsessed with rubber chickens.

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