Our continuing relationship with Heavenly Father.

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Has anybody else ever wondered about this? If we stay true to the Gospel, and eventually become Gods. Will Heavenly Father, still, be our Heavenly Father, or will be equal to Him?

If He continues to be our Heavenly Father, does He have a Heavenly Father?

Here is my basis for asking. " AS man is God once was" "As God is man may become.

If this subject has come up before, can someone show me old posts. Brother Ray

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This is my own perspective:

Children grow up to become like their parents and family is an eternal gospel principle.

After children grow up, aren't they still your kids? Won't they ALWAYS be your kids - no matter how old they are or what they've done?

Wouldn't it also make sense that we have eternal grandparents?

However, none of this means that there are 'any other gods'. We worship our Father in Heaven as our God, and Jesus Christ as our Savior.

Everything else is officially speculative.

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Joseph Smith in the King Follett discourse said:

What did Jesus do? Why, I do the things I saw my Father do when worlds came rolling into existence. My Father worked out His kingdom with fear and trembling, and I must do the same; and when I get my kingdom, I shall present it to My Father, so that He may obtain kingdom upon kingdom, and it will exalt Him in glory. He will then take a higher exaltation, and I will take His place, and thereby become exalted myself. So that Jesus treads in the tracks of His Father, and inherits what God did before; and God is thus glorified and exalted in the salvation and exaltation of all His children.

Thus as Christ inherits what the Father had, the Father is exalted. We will never eclipse or reach the Father. Some fail to recognize this important point.

In the Family Home Evening Resource Book in the section "I Am a Child of God" it says, "Explain to your children that they will always be members of your family and that you will always be their father and mother. Nothing can change that. The same is true of God’s family. He will always be our Father. We will always be his children." Now this is not a definitive source but it is clearly and well stated. God will always be our Father and we will always be his children.

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This is my own perspective:

Children grow up to become like their parents and family is an eternal gospel principle.

After children grow up, aren't they still your kids? Won't they ALWAYS be your kids - no matter how old they are or what they've done?

Wouldn't it also make sense that we have eternal grandparents?

However, none of this means that there are 'any other gods'. We worship our Father in Heaven as our God, and Jesus Christ as our Savior.

Everything else is officially speculative.

That goes along with my thinking. Just so everybody will know. i realize that when we use the word god it is always spelled with a small "g" unless you are talking about Heavenly Father. I choose to use the capital G when talking about what we may become. Because I believe we will be Gods and not gods.

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Joseph Smith in the King Follett discourse said: Thus as Christ inherits what the Father had, the Father is exalted. We will never eclipse or reach the Father. Some fail to recognize this important point.

In the Family Home Evening Resource Book in the section "I Am a Child of God" it says, "Explain to your children that they will always be members of your family and that you will always be their father and mother. Nothing can change that. The same is true of God’s family. He will always be our Father. We will always be his children." Now this is not a definitive source but it is clearly and well stated. God will always be our Father and we will always be his children.

So as we gain in glory.Jesus and Heavenly Father will also gain in glory. I'm guessing Jesus will always be one step ahead of us, and Heavenly Father will always be two steps ahead.

So, I guess it could be possible that we, not only, have Heavenly Grandparents, we may also have Heavenly Great, or Great,Great Grandparents.

I have another thought. But I don't want to hijack my own thread, so I'll start a new one.

Brother Ray

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As mentioned before, you may want to review the King Follett Discourse (which talks about our relationship with Christ and God, as well as Christ's relationship with God). A few short months before his martyrdom, Joseph Smith gave the Sermon in the Grove and expanded further some of his previous thoughts (plurality of gods, meaning of Revelation - "God and His Father" - reference).

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That goes along with my thinking. Just so everybody will know. i realize that when we use the word god it is always spelled with a small "g" unless you are talking about Heavenly Father. I choose to use the capital G when talking about what we may become. Because I believe we will be Gods and not gods.

Of course that is your right, while I may not agree with it. :)

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