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I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.

I've been a member of the church for several years now but I recently converted to the church. I was baptized at a young age and had no idea what I was doing at the time. I honestly don't know if God exist but I have a deep desire to believe in the gospel and in the true church. I've been studying the scriptures with the local missionaries and have been active in the church for a little over a year now. I attend a YSW and a small Spanish speaking branch not far from Atlanta, Georgia.

I have a lot of questions about the gospel and I hope y'all can help me find the answers to those questions. I also hope to make a few friends on here.

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Hi GeorgiaRed,

I went to a singles ward when I was younger and liked it. I'm single again but have children so that hasn't seemed a good option for me right now. I also attend a Spanish speaking ward.

I hope to see your questions and help you with them. There are a lot of knowledgeable people here who like to help out.

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