My missionary asked me if I want to become a missionary


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Hi I'm Alistair, I live in England

I have joined the mormon church and was baptized recently, one of my missionaries is a girl from Riverton, Utah. She's the same age as me (21) Shortly after I got baptized- literally like an hour afterwards, she came up to me, congratulated me and asked me if I've already thought about becoming a missionary.

I told her I have thought about it and I would like to be one eventually

but I found it odd how she just came out with the question, I didn't expect her to ask me that

i've heard that lds girls are encouraged to date and marry only guys who are returning missionaries so it led me to wonder.....

what do you lot think? any particular reason why she so bluntly asked me if I want to be a missionary soon?


Edited by AliiiDS
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Personally I find it doubtful that she's trying to set things in motion for a future marriage (either to her, or some future woman who will only marry a return missionary). More likely she's excited about her own mission, has felt joy and satisfaction in so serving, and wants you to contemplate also having that experience in your life.

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One of my mission presidents said, "If you marry someone from your mission, you deserve it!"

Just sayin' ^_^

Okay I don't get this.

I respect missionaries but they're not all knights in shining armour. I've dated a few.

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Okay I don't get this.

I respect missionaries but they're not all knights in shining armour. I've dated a few.

I heard this said in 1980 in the Canada Toronto Mission. It was meant as a thought provoking statement about not being on a mission to find a spouse. So it can be taken as a possitive or negative statement, depending on your view point or circumstances. It's not about a knight or damsel, if you will, it's about one's eye being single to the Glory of God.

So in context to the OP, will he go on a mission with the thought that maybe she'll wait for him, and if so,... and they do hook up,... then they deserve it. Ah,... my kind of humor, but meant to be a chuckle, not serious. :whistling:

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If you dated a missionary, it's pretty much a given he wasn't the knight-in-shining-armor type.

I was too lazy to go back and insert RETURNED missionary. I figured people got what I meant. Then again, I should have known we're not all mind-readers..

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what do you lot think? any particular reason why she so bluntly asked me if I want to be a missionary soon?


I think its innocent. I don't think she had any other agenda but to boldly ask you if you were ready for more church service. Bold questions like this are very common in LDS culture.

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