Mother eggs on tot fight


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It's disheartening and just as bad as parents that allow this to go on in their homes between children and do nothing. The psychologist made a valid point. Kids this young don't really know what's going on. It's all raw emotion and little, if any, think-through. I know that when I take my daughter out and she sees other children crying or having a tantrum, she automatically responds to it, and she quickly becomes upset herself and not knowing why.

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Since the two that got the Libya thing are both from across the pond...perhaps that is the issue.

I suspected it was that, but the idea of making certain articles only available to one country seemed silly seeing as the blogs and forums that link to these articles will be accessible worldwide. It's certainly the first time I've come across this with news articles. Oh well. I'll have to access it via Shannon's computer ;)

Edited by Mahone
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All parents have bad days. I'm glad we're not filming and scrutinizing every mistake parents make.

There's a bad day, and then there's unabashed child abuse. This video demonstrates the latter.

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I watched the video but for some reason it is very grainy and I can barely hear what's going on.

So, let me see if I saw the right thing... It's about some video that was submitted by another woman who knew the kids... the video is showing a mother telling the kid to (grab her face?) while they're fighting - no indication if this was a real fight or a play fight - and then a Psychologist saying something about how bad it is to teach 3 year olds how to fight?

Okay, I don't see what's wrong with this picture. Sorry, I really don't. My kid wrestled with his dad when he was around 3 years old. He joined the martial arts school when he was 5. By the time my 2nd boy was 5, they've been practicing on each other. No, the martial arts school won't let them partner for scrimmage. It's some rule in the school. But they do scrimmage at home.

I know parents who teach their kids to swim at age 0. Parents who drive 100 miles everyday to send their 3 year olds with professional figure skaters... etc. etc. Why not teach them fighting skills?

We only saw a very small snippet in the video - for all we know, this fight training is their equivalent of martial arts training. There are different fighting styles. We don't see the part where the parent/martial arts instructor is telling the kids the fighting discipline.

For example - last month, my 8 year old was playing at the public waterpark when a little kid - could not have been more than 6 years old, tried to get him into a fight. From what I see the kid trying to do, he looks like he is learning some Tae Kwon Do - either he saw it on TV or he goes to a school - he was doing this posturing trying to do roundhouse kicks at my son. My son looked at him and said, "that's cool" and continued playing at the water fountain. He couldn't really walk away because he was at the edge of the rubberized section where it ends up on the dirt. The kid kept on saying, "Fight me, fight me" and my kid keeps on saying, "I'm not going to fight you!", and... I can't believe this - I was watching the whole thing from like 10 feet away. The kid pushed my kid to the dirt! I mean, it caught my kid off guard that he rolled on the dirt getting his suit muddy! I stood up and yelled, "Hey!" and my kid said, "it's okay, mom. He's a little kid." so I turned around (my temper was getting riled). My older son was on the other edge of the water park but he heard me yell hey, so he walked over tried to figure out why his brother got muddy and he went to talk to the little boy and asked for his mother. Well, seems like the kid's parents or whoever had him that day was not in the water park. They're watching baseball at the baseball field adjascent to the water park that cost 3 bucks to get inside and just left their kid playing in the water fountains... Really crazy. But this was in small-town Texas. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

Anyway, the reason I mentioned this is because - my kids know how to fight. I mean, they can put a hurt on other kids - especially a smaller kid! But, the reason they don't get into fights - like that one at the water fountains - is BECAUSE they were taught how to fight. The lessons come with a certain discipline.

So, if this was the case with the video, then that's a good thing. If not - if they were just taught to fight without the accompanying discipline - then it's wrong teaching.

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I saw nothing good in that video. It looked like a full on fight between some toddlers to me and a mother egging it on. I don't think this was some kind of practice fight due to a class.

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Okay, I don't see what's wrong with this picture. Sorry, I really don't.

Because you are not teaching a child how to fight or defend herself. You are teaching a baby how to beat the living crap out of another innocent human being.

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If that's the case then sure. I agree with you. I just can't come to that conclusion out of 15 seconds of a grainy video. I hate to think somebody would judge my house out of a 15-second snapshot of my kids choking each other out Brazilian style with their dad egging it on. It happens a lot in my house. And yeah, they've been wrestling each other since they were old enough to climb all over their dad.

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The video has enough clarity for me to see what's going on. It is obvious this is not play but an ongoing fight between two little tikes and with mother dearest encouraging it. This scenario is not the same as what you describe happens in your household, Anatess.

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I've seen sparring before. The video was no sparring match.

First of all there's the age of the kids involved. Only under organized classroom environments such as an official karate dojo do such young children understand the discipline required to learn fighting techniques. None of that is even remotely evident in the video.

Secondly there's the environment it's taking place in. Nobody I know of was schooled in legitimate fighting techniques while falling over the living room sofa. In the back yard, sure. The garage, you bet. An unfinished basement with no furniture in the way, carry on. One child had the advantage and mommy dearest was egging the child on to press the advantage in spite of the clear imbalance.

Third, because of the two first situations, is it actually rational to think mommy dearest is a trained expert in real fighting techniques? I have no doubt she knows what she's talking about due to a strong possibility that she had to learn to fight at a very young age herself, but that's just supposition on my part. It would be very wishful thinking to imagine, at this stage of development, that a trained fighting expert would subject their children to such brutality.

At this point let me mention that I know of a member family that is centered in the karate discipline. Dad is a 10th degree blackbelt, mom and daughter are both 5th degree, as well as daughter's fiance'. The family is the very picture of self-mastery and discipline. They're very relaxed, happy, and confidence comes from them in waves. I think it has much more to do with developing discipline as an individual learning a very demanding fighting technique (defensive technique for the picky readers), than it does from the fighting itself.

In other words, what I see is a mom trying to do something for her kids that she cannot do for the following reasons;

a) she is unqualified to truly teach fighting techniques

b) she is only teaching what she knows, which is what parents ought to do, but at the same time, she ought to be intelligent enough to know that this video indicates that bad things are happening.

c) if her kids actually are in a karate class, she is immediately undercutting and destroying all the time and lessons the real instructors have spent with her kids.

Finally, speaking for those of us acccustomed to observing trained fighters in action, I can assure you there are no fighting lessons of any value going on in this video. The body language of the kids is brutal and animalisitc according to their development, not trained or disciplined at all. I don't need more than five to ten seconds to recognize that. Turn the sound off, watch the video and tell me what you'd do if you saw your kids doing that in your living room.

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