Testimony of Two Women Shown The End of The World with VERY similar stories(members)

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Anyone may receive the vision of all, but only one is permitted to receive and declare for and on behalf of all. In other words, if you have received your calling and election made sure, received Christ and the Father, which is the fullness of the gospel, you are also shown everything from the beginning to the end including your role in it and this is for you to treasure up alone. Only the prophet may reveal anything for the world as the Lord commands as it is his role, stewardship and calling. As for the vision of the two women, well, we'll find out sooner or later the source of those visions.

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Ok so I have been sitting around just watching this thread unfold and learnning about this stuff is going to unfold in this wolrd. I got into this after 9/11 and was very supsicious of the fall of them then it grew into learnning about the Federal Reserve and it be used as a tool to enslave the masses. Then learned of the New World Order composed of leadership manipulated by secret combinations bent on the destruction of the United States and what it stands for. Then I came across George Washingtons Vision saying the same things these ladys are saying about the invasion of the world againts the united which is the USA. George Washington's Vision 1777 / Iran Prophecy Part 2 - YouTube I believed it cause I understood that church taught about the founding fathers being inspired by god in some way.

I have also learned that the shields that protect the earth are down greatly and if a massive solar flair hits the earth that will cause a EMP wave that will knock out all electricity unless some type of ground system is placed and the powers that be know of this and are just silent waitting for the time to strike. Michio Kaku: Massive solar flare in the years 2012/2013 could throw us back 100 years - YouTube I have learned that through inside source who built underground safe structures for emergency i also learned that emergency underground shelters are being built by the goverment all around the world and has been on the increase of buying up all supply related to the construction of it. I have also learned of a Massive Planet that comes through our solar system every so thousand of years that can cause distruction to this earth if it where to fly by it. I remember one of the ladys stating this. Even the acient sumerians talk about this planet of destruction I think also the mayans not sure if i recall everything i came by and researched. The conspiracy is that the goverment spoted it through nasa and is withholding that information from us. Look it up. They have a bunch of things on Nibiru on youtube talking about this. NASA & Nibiru & 2012 - YouTube I have know idea if its true or not. I am just reseraching and considering possibilities. It is up to you to weed out the bad stuff and fight for the truth posted on the internet. I suggest Jesse Venturas Conspiracy Theory Show. Watch all of them. That should get your feets wet and also Alex Jones Show at Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! mind you he is a little rude and paranoid. Dose not cuss but sure is pasionate for what he believes. Don't be turned off by him unless the spirit lets you know otherwise. Some times he dosent make me feel good because the fear he can instill even paranoia but the stuff he stats in facts is very interesting. His just doom and gloom sometimes. Yet at times very inspiring such as this video. The Ultimate Red Pill Will Break Your Trance! - YouTube

The most mysterious of this conspiracys is that the world aiport murials hint of such a comming disaster. With all sorts of secret society symbolism in the Denver International Airport. Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: Apocalypse 2012 - YouTube A scary one is the plan to depopulationthe wolrd by 90%. Those some of the Bildaburg Group Members the elitist talk about this plan. Depopulation and The New World Order Part 1 - YouTube Watch and research. This is no joke to them but maybe to you but to those in charge of worldy affairs this is no game.

I know I have stated stuff with out much proof but I beg you to search for your self and discover the Anti Christ is composed of earthly kingdoms. I have learned through a source who knew one of the Rockefellers that they have planed for the world a microchip to be put into all people for the purpose of control and that it can be turned off any time they want to if they rebel againts the new system that is going to be placed in the future. Nicholas Rockefeller admitted elite goal is 100% microchip population control - YouTube And also this video stating facts to search up in the new laws stating microchips. Micro Chip Implants Coming March 23, 2013? - YouTube

I onced asked God a few years back in my mind why are we being decieved like this and why do they have plans to kill the world and who is truly behind all this besides top aristocrats, the first thought that came to mind was Satan. I had no spiritual confirmation but now it makes sense to me not cause of the visions of the ladys but cause the extent of this powerful people who seek destroy our libirty our familys for the purpose of a scientfic dictatorship such as aldous huxleys brave new world. One other thing I learned as years passed is that in the secret societys that are involoved in one way or the other have occultism that praises lucifer to be the enlighten one, the one true god. Manly P. Hall stated this and many others involved in secret societys that I cant name at the top of my head.

I am Mormon and have always questioned what was around me. I do believe in the Church Of Jesus Christ Of latter Day Saints. I have a strong testimony of it and love the teaching of Jesus through this church. I have a testimoney of the Book Of Mormon and the Temple. I do miss the spirit cause I am not that obidient unto God and one day hope to be full commited to it as I once was. Well obviously I wasnt that fully commited but hope to be again but trully. Seperate from everything else I trullly know this church is true not the stuff I stated. If you want to ask for sources Ill look them up for you just ask me ok.

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I haven't really read much on this thread that I disagree with. We know that "the prophecies of Joel have been fulfilled" where people will have dreams/vision/increased inspiration in the last days. Most of these dreams are not for "the public" but for the invidual. However, some feel inspired or are even told to share dreams/vision/NDEs with an individual, with their ward (like in a testimony meeting) or on more public forums like a post or book.

I don't see how these things fall within the stewardship rule as they don't tell anybody but the dreamer to do anything, if they did that WOULD be a huge red flag!...even then if it was a righteous thing the listener might want to run it through his or her own test of the Spirit. Heavenly Father does sometimes use people we know to reach us/teach us through inspiration he gives them and they are not always "above" us...they could be dear friends or acquaintances.

I truly believe that some people are more inclined to this spiritual gift than others. We also know that in the last days Satan will deceive many. I think that is why every conference (more so lately it seems) we are told that you won't survive spiritually (perhaps physically) if we don't have a personal ability to follow inspiration.

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I have read hundreds of dreams/vision/NDEs and researched these things. Scientifically our brains are designed to be able to have such experiences (at least NDEs) under certain conditions. Why that is so I can't say except that a Heavenly Father has made us so.

What I do know is that most last days dreams are seldom literal being mostly symbolic (think of Lehi's dream) but most have common threads and it is those common threads or lessons that I find most interesting.

Some dreams of course are "too much pizza" dreams or I just saw "2012" again dreams or even just made up for the attention, etc.

What I find particularly interesting are when people of other religions have complementary dreams to those that LDS members are having.

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I find the dreams highly interesting such as the Cardston vision by Sol Guardisto, the two reports of George Albert Smith's purported vision of the last days, Mosiah Hancock's vision, the purported vision of Pres. John Taylor, etc. But I can't think of one that I could point to and say this one is "true." But I do find the similar aspects in some dreams/visions intriguing particularly when I run across people that have had similar dreams and have never read these dreams.

If you are interested in last days prophecy an interesting article I recently read was found here...it's the research of an LDS author who recently wrote a fictional account of last days events where he lists LDS leaders quotes regarding why he included various events in his story. I have not read the book but his research is interesting.

Escape to Zion - Prophecies

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Depends on your definition of "visions." Lehi said I have dreamed a dream, or in other words he had seen a vision.

I know this to be true. I am currently married to my wife because of a dream I had on my mission. Three people I spoke with on my mission were converted because of a dream, or a vision they had. Now here is the most interesting thing to me regarding these dreams:

One dream was regarding eternal families. The other dream was regarding the one and only true church. The third person's testified of the importance of reading the book of mormon.

In one of my areas we worked with a man who also was converted by a dream, or a vision, regarding Joseph Smith. Very interesting dreams these four had.

I would love to go into detail, however in a live forum it isn't my place to share these people's dreams, nor my own. They are written in my journal and my posterity will read about them when I am worm food.

One lady, after we knocked on her door asked us to come in and we shared the first vision. She sat with a grin on her face the entire time. When we finished she said she knew the story already. The night before she said she had a dream of a young man in a forest that prayed for an answer and 2 persons came and gave it to him. She said the young man looked exactly like JS. She was baptized very quickly and after I left the area, like 30 members of her family joined the church. Most of us discredit our dreams too quickly.

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If these sort of visions were faulty, why would they be in compilations given to those who are given Emergency Specialist callings or whatever the E-Prep guys are called? The emergency guy in my ward has a book full of these sort of accounts. I am not sure if all emergency people get them, however. You should ask the one in your ward.

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I just read a book called the Hargbinger. It compares some scriptures in Isaiah to exact things that happened surrounding 9/11 and the credit collapse. Very interesting. It doesn't talk at all of specific future calamities, except that they will come unless we humble ourselves and turn back to God. That theme is part of these stories, too. But I don't think it takes a special dream or vision to know this.

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I just read a book called the Hargbinger. It compares some scriptures in Isaiah to exact things that happened surrounding 9/11 and the credit collapse. Very interesting. It doesn't talk at all of specific future calamities, except that they will come unless we humble ourselves and turn back to God. That theme is part of these stories, too. But I don't think it takes a special dream or vision to know this.

It's just like the Bible and Book Of Mormon, keep Heavenly Father's commandments and you will be protected or delivered from a broken heart, broken family, broken things will be mended through Jesus Christ rebuilt strong with duration.

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  • 2 months later...

If these sort of visions were faulty, why would they be in compilations given to those who are given Emergency Specialist callings or whatever the E-Prep guys are called? The emergency guy in my ward has a book full of these sort of accounts. I am not sure if all emergency people get them, however. You should ask the one in your ward.

This is not a Church sponsored book at all, although it is a LDS Church related book. Roger K Young had a dream (it's found on the internet) while at the MTC of future devastations in the Provo area and he shared that once and other people who had similar dreams started telling/sending them to him. Because they were so similar they were compiled and sold at his website (which site he sold to a friend when he was called into a bishopric). While it is very interesting they should not be taken literally as obviously some of the people have passed on and others have moved past the time in their lives when these things occurred in their dream. What I find most interesting is when I run into people that have had a similar dream for their family but have never heard that other people are having dreams of an invitation to gather to safety.

I believe some kind of gathering could be necessary in the future for safety from calamities for some people and I have pondered that this could be the start of the "trek" back to the New Jerusalem for others. But they always start as an invitation from the prophet...so until that happens it is on the back burner as a possibility. One of the common things that has been dreamed is that you have to have your commanded food storage to be able to go and survive.

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A similar NDE book is out this week which was compiled and written by John Pontius called "Visions of Glory: One Man's Astonishing Account of the Last Days" compiled and written by John Pontius from over 50 hours of interviews with his friend "Spencer" who had the NDEs. It is available for around $14.50 on Amazon.

This is the blurp on it..."In this true account of near-death experiences, we learn about the miracles of the millennium, the return of the Ten Tribes, the building of the New Jerusalem and temple, and many other astonishing events long prophesied in scripture but never before described in such vivid detail. Visions of Glory is a mesmerizing and fascinating read that you will not be able to put down."

I haven't read it yet. I understand that it IS fascinating. It will be interesting to see how "Spencer's" NDEs (he's had more than one) may or may not agree with the similar topic dreams and NDEs of my other LDS friends.

I think I posted a disclaimer about NDEs and visions above...the thing to remember is that they are limited by the persons understanding and interpretation. So even if a dream, vision or NDE were a true experience, the interpretations of it may not be as we filter things through our own understandings and beliefs. But I still find them interesting!

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One is definitely a member of the church and I think the other one is too. She is purposefully vague.

WARNING: some parts of there visions of the end of the world are a little hard to swallow. I was very captivated by both though.

My favorite

Gayle's story

Gayle's Story - One Woman's Visions of the End of Days in America

Dead Man Musings: Sarah Hoffman: The Woman who Predicted 9/11

Having read most of Gayle's Story. I do not believe it to be "true" and suggest that it is mostly a waist of time - there are better things to read.

The Traveler

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Gayle has since moved from the home where she was when she had that dream. So it could not be a "literal" dream. She is a cousin of a friend of mine who respects her and so I wouldn't call her a false prophetess but there are many reasons why one can dream dreams. If you read one such as these it is very important to listen to the Spirit as you read.

On the book "Visions of Glory" I just posted, it was sold out the first day and they are waiting for the second printing. There is a lot of interest out there and people who have read it are buying it for family and friends.

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