Is smoking marijuana viewed as a sin?

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Smoking pot is, as others have expressed, a sin. It is breaking the commandment, as another has expressed, within the word of wisdom.

I am always dumbfounded when people try to promulgate this argument, "it makes me very spiritual and I can connect to the bible better." It is similar to a young man I spoke with once who said he was a better artist after he smoked marijuana. Smoking pot doesn't enhance any ability of the human intellect, athletic skill, or spiritual capacity.

When your mind is hazed by marijuana you will not be able to think better, or even be intuned to the voice of the spirit when reading the bible.

It would be like a husband saying he is a better husband when he is on marijuana. You will need to really study more and understand more what it means to be "spiritual".

You will be better off in the long run deciding now never to smoke cannabis again.

It may be stated in the words of wisdom it is a sin but I feel that If there is something that leads to my ability to see my religion more clearly I think there is an exception. I assume that you have never smoked marijuana so you can't tell me it isn't a spiritual experience. When I smoke weed I feel relaxed, and more alert of my surroundings. I notice things I wouldn't have noticed when sober. For me it just adds a new perspective to life and helps me understand the preachings of the bible better. I tried shrooms one time and it added a entire new dimension to life. I went on a true spiritual journey meeting a shadow entity on travel though time and space looking at my child hood memories. Memories I never knew I had. It showed me my flaws as a person and what I can do to be a better son, grandchild, student, and person in society ect... It really made me step back and look at what I need to do to be as good as a human being as I can be. It was really a life altering experience. I felt as though I connected to god in a greater way than I ever had before. It was truly astounding. For me I have found marijuana and shrooms VERY spiritual.

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How do you know that those memories are real, or that the "insights" you're having hold actual truth? Satan will try to duplicate things of God to lead you astray, and I believe that mind-altering substances are one of the easiest ways he can do that.

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How do you know that those memories are real, or that the "insights" you're having hold actual truth? Satan will try to duplicate things of God to lead you astray, and I believe that mind-altering substances are one of the easiest ways he can do that.

I saw my 3 year old birthday party. There was a cake and it was a chocolate Thomas the tank engine one with a 3 candle. I saw my self blow it out. I also had a memory of the park next to my house where I got scared off by this hot air balloon launch, and another when I ran naked around in a restaurant downtown when I was 2, memories that have all happened before. I have asked my parents about those memories and they are true. Why would lucifer try and show me good warming childhood memories and show me the path of being a real, truthful good human being? I am positive that it wasn't Satan trying to lead me astray. Shrooms has made me really think twice about life and how amazing everything god has made is.

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2 Nephi 26:22-23 "...yea, and he leadeth them by the neck with a flaxen cord, until he bindeth them with his strong cords forever.

23 For behold, my beloved brethren, I say unto you that the Lord God worketh not in darkness."

Yes, drugs feel good. That's why people get addicted.

It sounds like the flaxen cord is already wrapped around you, if you believe that God would reveal light and truth to you and draw you nearer to Him because of your disobedience. There is also a lack of reason in believing that He would impart this great spiritual light and knowledge to you when you are in the fog of drug use.

2 Timothy 1:7

7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (italics mine)

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It may be stated in the words of wisdom it is a sin but I feel that If there is something that leads to my ability to see my religion more clearly I think there is an exception. I assume that you have never smoked marijuana so you can't tell me it isn't a spiritual experience.

The logic is flawed, because it assumes if it leads to something good, then it isn't wrong. I have friends who watch rated R movies, and they say they learned something good, so an R movie is ok to watch if I learn something good.

The adversary constantly uses good and truth to deceive individuals. Note when the Lord was temepted, the Adversary quoted scripture. He quoted something good with a twist, in the event, if Christ followed any of his advice, he would have no longer been the savior and all would have been lost.

I don't need to smoke weed to know the effects. I only had to watch my friends growing up. This is the great aspect of knowledge, we can learn through observation or learn through experience. I don't need to do drugs to know they aren't good for anybody, and they don't enhance anybody's abilities to be more spiritual or a better artist. It is a myth that smoking weed will enhance your spiritual capacity, however it will put you in a path that will more likely allow you to be deceived.

All you have to do is take a good look and recognize you are trying to tell everyone that doing drugs, despite the Lord's counsel of not doing drugs, will lead, or provide spiritual enhancement. Not only are you trying to convince yourself of marijuana, now you are trying to convince yourself of shrooms.

This reminds me of a missionary back home who purchased a tatoo on his mission, of CTR, and said it was a sign of him truly coming unto Christ.

It is irony at it finest.

Here are some leaders thoughts on drugs:

Researchers tell us there is a mechanism in our brain called the pleasure center. When activated by certain drugs or behaviors, it overpowers the part of our brain that governs our willpower, judgment, logic, and morality. This leads the addict to abandon what he or she knows is right. And when that happens, the hook is set and Lucifer takes control. (2010 October General Conference, O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One, Sun. Afternoon Session - M. Russell Ballard)

Some of the most addictive drugs that, if abused, can hijack the brain and take away one’s agency include nicotine; opiates—heroin, morphine, and other painkillers; tranquilizers; cocaine; alcohol; marijuana; and methamphetamines. (2010 October General Conference, O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One, Sun. Afternoon Session - M. Russell Ballard)

Am I aware of the increasing availability of illegal drugs, and warning my children of the dangers involved? What am I doing in my community to clear up problems pertaining to drug addiction, alcoholism, sexual promiscuity and disease, which are more prevalent than most parents realize? In your own community these are threatening the children of every home. (Dec. 1971 Ensign, “Where Art Thou?”, N. Eldon Tanner)

There are those who would have us believe that the use of liquor, tobacco, and drugs is not harmful or injurious to the body; that illicit sex is acceptable, and dishonesty is justified if it helps to achieve an end. (Dec. 1971 Ensign, A Time of Testing, Henry D. Taylor)

We will shun the vices of immorality, gambling, tobacco, liquor, and illicit drugs. Our Sunday activities will reflect the commandment of God to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. We will follow the example of Jesus Christ in the way we treat others. We will live to be worthy to enter the house of the Lord. (Nov. 2000 Ensign, The Covenant of Baptism: To Be in the Kingdom and of the Kingdom, Robert D. Hales)

I really hope that you listen to your parents, speak with your Bishop, and stop immediately. Either way, I wish you the best in your endeavors.

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So you've gotten plenty of evidence here that God doesn't approve of drug use. Now I think it's your turn to show us something not anecdotal that says that He will give you further light and knowledge if you use shrooms or MJ or anything else of that nature.

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Have you ever read or seen the 'most amazing' creative works of people done in a drug haze? Well they may have looked good at the time but later not so much.

The thing about drugs is that you think its all wonderful at the time but later you look back and wonder what in the world you were thinking. I have never used. Never will. Why? I like to have control over my body and mind, instead of turning them over to some chemicals.

my husband on the other hand. well he had a fun time when he was at berkley. He has some 'interesting' stories about how good people thought on the drugs. Pretty much not at all.

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The logic is flawed, because it assumes if it leads to something good, then it isn't wrong. I have friends who watch rated R movies, and they say they learned something good, so an R movie is ok to watch if I learn something good.

The adversary constantly uses good and truth to deceive individuals. Note when the Lord was temepted, the Adversary quoted scripture. He quoted something good with a twist, in the event, if Christ followed any of his advice, he would have no longer been the savior and all would have been lost.

I don't need to smoke weed to know the effects. I only had to watch my friends growing up. This is the great aspect of knowledge, we can learn through observation or learn through experience. I don't need to do drugs to know they aren't good for anybody, and they don't enhance anybody's abilities to be more spiritual or a better artist. It is a myth that smoking weed will enhance your spiritual capacity, however it will put you in a path that will more likely allow you to be deceived.

All you have to do is take a good look and recognize you are trying to tell everyone that doing drugs, despite the Lord's counsel of not doing drugs, will lead, or provide spiritual enhancement. Not only are you trying to convince yourself of marijuana, now you are trying to convince yourself of shrooms.

This reminds me of a missionary back home who purchased a tatoo on his mission, of CTR, and said it was a sign of him truly coming unto Christ.

It is irony at it finest.

Here are some leaders thoughts on drugs:

I really hope that you listen to your parents, speak with your Bishop, and stop immediately. Either way, I wish you the best in your endeavors.

Well what if the lord is wrong about marijuana? I would guess that he didn't take the time a pleasure of smoking cannabis. And you cant judge something you haven't taken or used. All I am saying is a lot of things have changed. people used to think that the earth was the center of the solar system and now we know it isn't. Marijuana isn't a bad drug. And it can enhance some of your senses to a point. People have been brainwashed by the drug administration There are plenty of worse things out there like alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes. I will be talking to my bishop about my experiences and I will let you guys know what he tells me. My parents already met with him today and I meet with him tomorrow.

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The other day my 3 year old son was playing next to some rose bushes, I told him to stop running and playing next to them. He didn't listen, and invetibly got half his arm tangled in one. Once his arm was entangled he couldn't free himself of them alone and I had to very carefully get him out of it, it was a painful and slow process for him.

Stop playing next to the rose bush before you get tangled in the thorns. Please, stop rationalizing and listen to the Lord, just as I knew my son was in danger near those bushes, the Lord knows better than you about what is good for your spirituality.

Drug abuse is a terrible road which can lead to having your ability to choose temporarily or even permentaly taken from you.

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The answer is clear, smoking cannabis is contrary to the will of God and the commandments he has established for the church. Now it is incumbent upon you to decide whether you will be obedient to the commandment or not.

I don't know of anyone who is evil or a 'tool of satan' for having coffee or tea, yet these are also against the same commandment. It doesn't matter what the consequences are, if God says we should abstain from something for our own spiritual (if not physical) well being, we ought to listen to him for that reason alone, and trust that the answers to why will come with time.

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It may be stated in the words of wisdom it is a sin but I feel that If there is something that leads to my ability to see my religion more clearly I think there is an exception. I assume that you have never smoked marijuana so you can't tell me it isn't a spiritual experience. When I smoke weed I feel relaxed, and more alert of my surroundings. I notice things I wouldn't have noticed when sober. For me it just adds a new perspective to life and helps me understand the preachings of the bible better. I tried shrooms one time and it added a entire new dimension to life. I went on a true spiritual journey meeting a shadow entity on travel though time and space looking at my child hood memories. Memories I never knew I had. It showed me my flaws as a person and what I can do to be a better son, grandchild, student, and person in society ect... It really made me step back and look at what I need to do to be as good as a human being as I can be. It was really a life altering experience. I felt as though I connected to god in a greater way than I ever had before. It was truly astounding. For me I have found marijuana and shrooms VERY spiritual.

Satan is 'spiritual' too.

From weed to shrooms; a trip to nowhere. What next? And at what risk?

The natural state is a sober one. The altered state is a drug induced one. You are fooling yourself and falsely justifying the use of drugs. You are not getting closer to God, you are getting closer to yourself. While you were tripping did you happen to read the scripture, "The natural man is an enemy to God?" You are pleasure seeking, not God seeking.

You want to get closer to God? Try serving Him with a clear head.

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I saw my 3 year old birthday party. There was a cake and it was a chocolate Thomas the tank engine one with a 3 candle. I saw my self blow it out. I also had a memory of the park next to my house where I got scared off by this hot air balloon launch, and another when I ran naked around in a restaurant downtown when I was 2, memories that have all happened before. I have asked my parents about those memories and they are true. Why would lucifer try and show me good warming childhood memories and show me the path of being a real, truthful good human being? I am positive that it wasn't Satan trying to lead me astray. Shrooms has made me really think twice about life and how amazing everything god has made is.

Here is the misleading part: happy feelings, memories, and true realizations (even about "how amazing everything god made is") has lead you to illegal activity, which could land you in jail. Worst still, these sins you are committing may land you into spirit prison if you should die without repenting of them.

You say your parents remembered these events, so wouldn't talking to them in a sober state of mind about your childhood also bring you to these happy revelations?

Truth comes from the Holy Ghost, not a drug.

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Have you ever read or seen the 'most amazing' creative works of people done in a drug haze? Well they may have looked good at the time but later not so much.

The thing about drugs is that you think its all wonderful at the time but later you look back and wonder what in the world you were thinking. I have never used. Never will. Why? I like to have control over my body and mind, instead of turning them over to some chemicals.

my husband on the other hand. well he had a fun time when he was at berkley. He has some 'interesting' stories about how good people thought on the drugs. Pretty much not at all.

Yeah, I remember college. Interesting stories of sex and drugs and rock-n-roll; and not a single lasting friendship. In God's eyes, only shame.

Now God is my friend, the community of saints my brothers and sisters, and His Spirit is my companion. What a difference sobriety makes; like night and day.

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Well what if the lord is wrong about marijuana? I would guess that he didn't take the time a pleasure of smoking cannabis. And you cant judge something you haven't taken or used. All I am saying is a lot of things have changed. people used to think that the earth was the center of the solar system and now we know it isn't. Marijuana isn't a bad drug. And it can enhance some of your senses to a point. People have been brainwashed by the drug administration There are plenty of worse things out there like alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes. I will be talking to my bishop about my experiences and I will let you guys know what he tells me. My parents already met with him today and I meet with him tomorrow.

More flawed logic: The Lord was (is) wrong. You have to try something before you can judge it. People's lack of understanding makes God wrong. And the one I like best...because there are worst things, marijuana is okay.

So beating your wife and children is okay because it is better than killing them.

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The other day my 3 year old son was playing next to some rose bushes, I told him to stop running and playing next to them. He didn't listen, and invetibly got half his arm tangled in one. Once his arm was entangled he couldn't free himself of them alone and I had to very carefully get him out of it, it was a painful and slow process for him.

Stop playing next to the rose bush before you get tangled in the thorns. Please, stop rationalizing and listen to the Lord, just as I knew my son was in danger near those bushes, the Lord knows better than you about what is good for your spirituality.

Drug abuse is a terrible road which can lead to having your ability to choose temporarily or even permentaly taken from you.

God gives us the freedom of choice; but we cannot choose the consequences of those choices.

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I am unsure if I am sinning.


What do you guys think of marijuana? Is it a sin? if so how bad of a sin?

Hi Skinners, kudos for being concerned about sin. How bad of a sin? I'm not exactly sure. What are the laws in your state? Are you obtaining it legally or illegally? Where do you get your weed? Do you personally know the local grower who has a small operation and a few select clients like yourself? Big difference between that guy, and stuff coming through Mexico, grown and shipped by organizations also involved in kidnapping, extortion, murder, and child prostitution and slavery.

Hopefully you do business with the first guy. If you buy from the guys who ship product across the border in the body cavity of a kidnapped 13 yr old girl, you might be sinning a bit more for your increased spirituality and artificially-induced sense of well-being, don't you think?

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I have smoked marijuana a handful of times with my friends but have stopped since I am unsure if I am sinning. I find that It can make me very spiritual and I can connect to the bible better but still that doesn't mean it's okay to do. What do you guys think of marijuana? Is it a sin? if so how bad of a sin?

Just go to D&C 89. What do you think?

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God created a lot of things. lol. He sure didnt come up with the ways to misuse them. We seem to have done a good job of that with a little help from the snake.

I am always a bit confused about why people what to give up control of their minds to chemicals. It is impossible to see why anyone would think God actually wants us to do that. The glory of God is intelligence not drugs.

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God created a lot of things. lol. He sure didnt come up with the ways to misuse them. We seem to have done a good job of that with a little help from the snake.

I am always a bit confused about why people what to give up control of their minds to chemicals. It is impossible to see why anyone would think God actually wants us to do that. The glory of God is intelligence not drugs.

I live in Doper City so people better not go making any lame excuses to me about weed. I have seen what it does. I HAD a medical marijuana card and saw the inner workings of the legalize movement. For me it is all really really phony.

I choose Jesus Christ

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Well what if the lord is wrong about marijuana? I would guess that he didn't take the time a pleasure of smoking cannabis. And you cant judge something you haven't taken or used. All I am saying is a lot of things have changed. people used to think that the earth was the center of the solar system and now we know it isn't. Marijuana isn't a bad drug. And it can enhance some of your senses to a point. People have been brainwashed by the drug administration There are plenty of worse things out there like alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes. I will be talking to my bishop about my experiences and I will let you guys know what he tells me. My parents already met with him today and I meet with him tomorrow. think you are wiser and more knowledgeable than God himself? You know more about cannabis than the creator of cannabis?

If you truly believe that, I daresay you've already destroyed more brain cells than you can afford to lose.

What is the point of your thread? Simply a feeble attempt at justifying being high? Do you really think these arguments will win over Heavenly Father when you are called to account?

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Yes, well he created Tobacco too, but D&C 89 prescribes its permissible uses.

Really people ! :mad:

I think you're misreading Wignut, she's not supporting the use of marijuana because God made it, she's pointing out the idea that the Lord is mistaken or unfamiliar with cannabis has some issues. Or was the "Really people ! :mad:" not aimed at Wignut?

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Originally Posted by SkinnersPinners Posted Image

I have smoked marijuana a handful of times with my friends but have stopped since I am unsure if I am sinning. I find that It can make me very spiritual and I can connect to the bible better but still that doesn't mean it's okay to do. What do you guys think of marijuana? Is it a sin? if so how bad of a sin?

I guess it comes down to one thing: are you willing to give up exaltation for a temporary artificial high? If you feel that it is more important to you, then quit asking permission from us, quit trying to justify it when you already know what the prophets and your bishop will say, and just do it. Just know that the Lord does not approve of those who sin, and especially looks down upon rebellion. And that's exactly what you are trying to justify.

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