Cool Technology

Dr T

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Someone was telling me that they saw a virtual keyboard for a PDA while at Disneyland last weekend. I thought, "That sounds like a great idea." I was looking for it on-line and found that there are a number of them. Some of them have designs and kid friendly keyboards. Some are also virtual piano type keyboards. Here is an example of a basic one: I think this is amazing. I'm not selling them-just thought some of you might find this interesting. What will they think of next? :)

Dr. T

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Hello Rosewood,

I'm not sure if there is a full sized piano keyboard but here is an example of what they are doing: I'm glad you found it as cool as I did. :) They even have a virtual touch screen. It really is futuristic (in my mind).

Dr. T

Edit: Sorry, I just looked at that link and I was wrong. I don't think it is the same as the comp keyboard-sorry. :(

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If you order one, let me know how it works. I'm thinking they'll be a bit buggy for a while. Couldn't find any reviews anywhere online... probably too new.

It would be great for my company who creates point of sale software... we have lots of POS keyboards for testing. I'm wondering if the keyboard could be customized with POS info (depts, subtotal, cash, etc.).

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If you order one, let me know how it works. I'm thinking they'll be a bit buggy for a while. Couldn't find any reviews anywhere online... probably too new.

It would be great for my company who creates point of sale software... we have lots of POS keyboards for testing. I'm wondering if the keyboard could be customized with POS info (depts, subtotal, cash, etc.).

lol for realy, if companies had a key board like that think of all the space they could save....i know from many experiances that the keyboards just get in the way to have one of those little things would save so much space and anyoince of trying to find somewhere for the darn keyboard to go, lol
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Some tech companies are also working on a new kind of screen called an "O.L.E.D." screen. With this technology your TV screen could be as thin as a peice of poster paper and roll up. Instead of having a projector to project an image on the white screen, the white screen would be the whole package. You could have a television screen built into the windshield of your car. Also, it is cheaper to construct, therfore it will be less expensive than a regular flat screen.


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Virtual keyboard... :thumbsup:

A good size screen you can fold up and carry around in your shirt pocket... :thumbsup:

What would be better?... a virtual library of true knowledge.

You carry a small "device"... it's more like you wear it... and ask about something you want to know.

The "device" actually hears you... your thoughts, not just words... and the knowledge is "displayed" so you can "see" it.

There is actually a movie that catches on to this idea... starring Michael Douglas, based in Seattle, I don't remember the name of it... and they envisioned walking around while inside the virtual library, opening drawers to see "words" and "images". And it even included a help assistant (they portrayed it as a little flying angel-dude) you could talk with to ask questions to find knowledge... about whatever it was, or is, you want to know.

Some prophets talk about this too... the concept I am thinking of... as something Celestial inhabitants now and/or will actually have. Each one with their own "stone" and their name written on "it"... and with this "stone" they can learn everything that God knows.

I wonder how long it will be before everybody here can get one of these things for themselves? :idea:

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Some prophets talk about this too... the concept I am thinking of... as something Celestial inhabitants now and/or will actually have. Each one with their own "stone" and their name written on "it"... and with this "stone" they can learn everything that God knows.

I wonder how long it will be before everybody here can get one of these things for themselves? :idea:

The stone is called the Urim and Thummim - you haven't got your's yet?

They are priceless and cannot be purchased with either Master Card are Visa.

The Traveler

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Some prophets talk about this too... the concept I am thinking of... as something Celestial inhabitants now and/or will actually have. Each one with their own "stone" and their name written on "it"... and with this "stone" they can learn everything that God knows.

I wonder how long it will be before everybody here can get one of these things for themselves? :idea:

The stone is called the Urim and Thummim - you haven't got your's yet?

They are priceless and cannot be purchased with either Master Card are Visa.

The Traveler


I'm not saying I have.

I'm not saying I haven't.

If you want one, please just get (or use) your own, Traveler.


And don't leave home without it...

... the device or the card you should carry.


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Some prophets talk about this too... the concept I am thinking of... as something Celestial inhabitants now and/or will actually have. Each one with their own "stone" and their name written on "it"... and with this "stone" they can learn everything that God knows.

I wonder how long it will be before everybody here can get one of these things for themselves? :idea:

The stone is called the Urim and Thummim - you haven't got your's yet?

They are priceless and cannot be purchased with either Master Card are Visa.

The Traveler


I'm not saying I have.

I'm not saying I haven't.

If you want one, please just get (or use) your own, Traveler.


And don't leave home without it...

... the device or the card you should carry.


I regret to say that mine is still on lay-a-way. But I am hoping to get it soon with some help from my "older brother".

The Traveler

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Oh... then the "thing" I am using right now is probably just a tutorial, then ;)

And btw, for those who don't know...

...his "older brother" is also his Father... just like some other brothers are Fathers... and the Son of our Father who is really the Father of all.

Right, Traveler?

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ppl are distracted enough as it is when they drive. i don't know if i like the idea of a tv in the windsheild. lol

I believe the idea is to put the gauges and such in the windshield rather than in the dash; so people don't have to take their eyes off the road to look at the guages.

The O.L.E.D. stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode. They are extracting an organic substance out of neon fish to use for them. When the right electrical current is applied, it lights up; colors and all. It is quite incredible.

Also, the US air force is currently researching technology that enables fighter pilots to pilot their jet with their mind. They strap on a special helmet and think about which direction they want to fly and the jet ponts in that direction. However, they haven't been able to yield acceptable results yet. But they're working on it.


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Maybe that's the reason it hasn't worked yet. :)

To get where they're going they have to think of where they want to go... while trying to keep their mind in the present.

If they look at what's around them and then think of what they're seeing they'd soon be going off in that direction.


Yet another thought that also applies to the gospel and our return to our Father in heaven. :)

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Maybe that's the reason it hasn't worked yet. :)

To get where they're going they have to think of where they want to go... while trying to keep their mind in the present.

If they look at what's around them and then think of what they're seeing they'd soon be going off in that direction.


Yet another thought that also applies to the gospel and our return to our Father in heaven. :)

Well actually it's more of an immediate reaction. For example, in a dog fight, should they want to go up, then the plane would go up. The problem they have is they have'nt figured out how to pick up the brain waves strong enough. They can get the plane to react using the brain, but it is only a slight reaction. This also effects accuracy of the movement as well.


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I always heard a 747 can't really fly; it's the collective will of all those people going "please let it fly." :lol:

Conversely, this is why birds can fly but cows can't. A bird's brain is too tiny to tell it it can't fly, but a cow is just smart enough to think "my big butt will never get off the ground"... :lol::lol:

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:sing:I believe I can fly...



... this character was in this animated movie, and he sang these words for a laugh.


And btw, since we're talking about technology... what do you think of the latest animation techniques.

Cool, huh?

... and why do they say that these movies are for kids?... they're defintely targeted at adults...

... how is a kid supposed to get all those jokes?... about things they have never heard of?

I like most of them. :)

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Ray, I love kids animated movies, and yes I agree that the jokes are sometimes aimed at adults rather than at children.

Going back to the technology thing...Lion Heart, you said the following:

'The O.L.E.D. stands for Organic Light Emitting Diode. They are extracting an organic substance out of neon fish to use for them.'

Are the fish killed in order to extract the substance? Watch out for a demo by us animal activists and vegetarians!!!!

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Sorry to somewhat change the subject, but has anyone seen Happy Feet? I saw it last weekend and it was awesome!

Yes I saw it too - you are so right, it is awesome. I would like to go see it a couple of more times too. But I will settle for buying it when it comes out in a DVD.

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