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Yes... but I didn't even have a stormy time ... i avoided it basically telling God to get it out of my way... i don't want to go through it and deal with it

So you had a temper tantrum and demanded something from God out of selfishness and laziness and he granted your wish? You snap your fingers and God jumps to do your bidding? Do you actually think ANYONE is going to believe that?

Do you actually believe the words you write? Are you actually just some bored teenager trying to see how much ridiculousness you can write on an internet forum?

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I didn't .... become Omnipotent ...you were the one who stated earlier.....he was a non believer

I said not all Christians are protected/ or healed as well...

Same for Jewish people..and Muslims who pray to the same God as well...

My father is a Muslim he prays to the same God as Jews do and Christians...He's been sick with diabetes for a long time now... maybe he doesn't pray enough, maybe he doesn't have enough faith even though he goes to mosque every Friday... maybe he just goes because he is use to it as part of his religious upbringing.. and prayers three times a days because it is what he is use to doing as a child but doesn't really have enough faith in the prayers he's saying ... I don't know .... you can't really know the inside of another person...

I never said he was a non-believer. You made that up in your own little head. Even if he had been, what you wrote is still wrong.

I suggest you look up omnipotent in the dictionary....

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So you had a temper tantrum and demanded something from God out of selfishness and laziness and he granted your wish? You snap your fingers and God jumps to do your bidding? Do you actually think ANYONE is going to believe that?

Do you actually believe the words you write? Are you actually just some bored teenager trying to see how much ridiculousness you can write on an internet forum?

- By telling I mean... I actually asked a lot more nicely and humbly than I described....

( I don't write well in a hurry... English isn't my first language... so some things sound worse or not described the way I meaning to describe it...)

But yes I asked like that That i would like this trial to go away I didn't want to deal with it....

--- I don't care if anyone believes me or not.. this is what actually happened...

--- I was young at the time... Maybe God is easier on Children/ teens...

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- By telling I mean... I actually asked a lot more nicely and humbly than I described....

( I don't write well in a hurry... English isn't my first language... so some things sound worse or not described the way I meaning to describe it...)

But yes I asked like that That i would like this trial to go away I didn't want to deal with it....

--- I don't care if anyone believes me or not.. this is what actually happened...

--- I was young at the time... Maybe God is easier on Children/ teens...

Maybe what happened had nothing to do with God.

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So you had a temper tantrum and demanded something from God out of selfishness and laziness and he granted your wish? You snap your fingers and God jumps to do your bidding? Do you actually think ANYONE is going to believe that?

Do you actually believe the words you write? Are you actually just some bored teenager trying to see how much ridiculousness you can write on an internet forum?

- No i am actually 23 ...

- And yes I was raised in LDS church from when i was 10 till I was 15...

- Did I necessarily agree with every single things taught there... no... I believe in some parts from there... but there are some things that I find ridiculous or over the board


For example.. I agree with modest dressing.. To me it's not Dressing like a W****... with cleavage showing and short so short that your butt will stick out of them... i under stand why that is bad....

But in LDS Tank-tops are inappropriate and bottom wears that don't cover your knees... that I find ridiculous ... and also some other things as well....

Like their encouragement for young marriages and building a family earlier on ..

Their views on trials and suffering...

no i don't understand them ..... The things that my friends pastor says .... I seem to understand a lot more ...

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I accidentally chose the wrong photo ... I've been trying to change it for several months but it's just stuck at that Oh well...

The full Writing is " DAVID'S TEA" a popular tea shop in my city ... Some man named David wanted to open a tea shop with 500.00 different flavors .... I 've been drinking an oolong tea from there to lose weight and make me skin better ... Had the cup at the time and took a picture for FB~

I've erased the picture for you.

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Of course Christians get punished ......because they are just Christians by name.. or it was just a religion they were born into ... but they don't really bother to pray for God to watch over them and protect them... get into accidents ...

No. I did not meant that you Husband was punished for not being a Christian.. and that's why he lost his leg and life... many Christians get sick... but they ask and pray for healing and get healed ...

Your husband due to not being a Christian... didn't bother praying / asking for healing ...

infact wasn't there something in the bible verse ... where a tower fell on a bunch of people... and someone asked they must have been sinners... and then.. the response was No in fact they weren't worse than the person asking they just didn't pray and ask for protection ...

Atheists/ non-believers can be nice people... kinder and nice than some Christians.. but if they don't pray for protection.. don't ask for healing there's only so much God can do...~

This is the most ridiculous and offensive post I've read in some time.

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Do you really believe that Christians hold the monopoly on answers to prayer? That only Christians pray for healing and their prayers are answered?

If that is what you have learned, you have learned wrong.

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I'M sorry if i offended u...

But this is what i learned and how i believe

Why are you in this forum?

If you are listening to non-LDS teachings and believing them....why are you here? All you seem to be interested in doing is telling us you are right and we are wrong.

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