Awkward and disturbing love triangle amongst close friends.


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Thank you for letting me get problems off of my chest as I send them into the virtual world for strangers to read. I have posted a lot today, but there is a lot on my mind.

This summer I became wonderful friends with 3 people. One of these people happens to be my younger brother. We have know each other for awhile but we really connected and formed a close group this summer. Brother. Girlfriend. J. Brother and Girlfriend ended up getting together. J became best friends with brother. I became best friends with Girlfriend and J in separate ways but we all are good friends together.

Anyways. J because jealous of Girlfriend and Brother. Girlfriend become jealous of J and Brother because they are always together. J begins sending strange texts to Girlfriend concerning Brother and Girlfriend becomes increasing uncomfortable with J and Brother's relationship. Brother realizes things are weird and that J is way too close to Brother. However, Brother is too nice to really discuss this. They are both theater boys- being cuddly and 'gay' is some sort of weird theater thing... that is totally inappropriate.

J confides in Girlfriend that as well as harboring feelings for his ex-girl friend, he has feelings for Brother. He is apparent 'bi'. He says he is trying to stop and surpress these feelings but sending inappropriate text messages about Brother and always hanging out with him is not helping the cause. J and Girlfriend are not speaking. Boyfriend and J are still friends. Brother and Girlfriend broke up.. got back together and now everything is very weird. I miss my friends.

I know this is an odd situation but any advice or comments would be nice. All three of these people are good members of the church.

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It's fairly straightforward I think.

Sharkbait, her brother, her brother's girlfriend, and J are all good friends. J admits to having homosexual feelings for the brother to the dismay of the girlfriend. So Girlfriend and J are not speaking but J and the brother are still friends.

And now Sharkbait wants to know what she is supposed to do about this.

My answer? Nothing. Remain friends with everybody and avoid the drama.

Seems like you have a lot other things going on - you can scratch this off your "things to worry about" list.

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I would try to stay out of it. I know it's hard with J living so close, but whatever J is working through needs to be between him, Brother... and perhaps J might ask advice from Bishop. You need to take a big step back and try to maintain friendships on the individual levels.

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