Field Trip Fundraiser


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Last year my son was able to participate in a variety of fundraisers for field trips, but this year my 5th grader only has one option.

Selling coffee.

Not only does this involve approaching people to sell coffee, we have to bring it home and fill the bags. They said we can also write a check for $60.


What would you do? I don't have $60 to blow.

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Last year my son was able to participate in a variety of fundraisers for field trips, but this year my 5th grader only has one option.

Selling coffee.

Not only does this involve approaching people to sell coffee, we have to bring it home and fill the bags. They said we can also write a check for $60.


What would you do? I don't have $60 to blow.

I would tell them we don't have $60 and have no intention of selling coffee.

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Is it blowing it or is that $60 providing something or services much needed by the school?

It's for one of their team building exercise field trips where they do fun things like ride ziplines. My oldest did that last year and they had multiple fundraisers like car washes (which brought in a lot of money). The school itself just finished a cookie dough fundraiser. It seems like it never ends! Our budget is very tight, Christmas is coming, we still need to move, etc. They already knew there were issues last year with Mormon kids not selling coffee, so it's extra frustrating. My son came home and said we needed to sell it. I asked him, "Would a Jewish kid sell bacon?"

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What will happen if you don't give $60? Does that mean your kid can't go?

If you really want your kid to go and he can't go unless you cough up $60, I would get my kid to call friends and relatives and sell them something else - like volunteer to wrap Christmas presents, or rake leaves and earn that $60 to send to the school.

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? sell the aren't drinking it are you? Are you encouraging others to drink it? are people that normally wouldn't purchase it buying it and starting a new habit?

sell the coffee...

Marijuana is now legal in Washington. I bet they'd make a lot more money selling pot door-to-door. Hey, why not? Are people that normally wouldn't purchase it buying it and starting a new habit?

I just love such "logic". I can justify pretty much anything. Surely that's the way to happiness.

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I worked at many restaurants, and bars and served/sold many alcoholic beverages, and coffee, cappuccino, latte's, etc...

Why did I do it? I needed the money....

I did not drink, but I prepared many drinks...

How is this different?

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I worked at many restaurants, and bars and served/sold many alcoholic beverages, and coffee, cappuccino, latte's, etc...

Why did I do it? I needed the money....

I did not drink, but I prepared many drinks...

How is this different?

Agreed! It's no different from pot! Our children should be selling marijuana door-to-door!

Thanks for the valuable insights, mdfxdb.

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If it is legal....however marijuana is a controlled substance just like alcohol..Coffee is not.

I do believe in legalization of drugs. So not a lot of traction with the comparisons.

You believe that drugs should be therefore my example is invalid?

No. I'd say it makes my example all the more valid. You are in favor of children selling harmful recreational drugs for profit as long as it's legally allowed.

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I have to say it! Based on the logic expressed, selling porn to children, as long as you do not look at the pics yourself, would be justified in a country that allows it? This is a subtle path to destruction my friend. "Avoid the appearance of evil!" and don't support it either.

I would use this opportunity to show my children how important obedience to the gospel is even when most would justify it. There are many approaches, but some are much better than others.

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Selling legally controlled substances (alcohol) to minors is illegal, and if drugs were legalized I think they would be controlled the same way.

Coffee is not illegal. It is a school fundraiser... you don't have to be 18 to buy or sell it...

sell the's not a big deal. my advice doesn't change

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? sell the aren't drinking it are you? Are you encouraging others to drink it? are people that normally wouldn't purchase it buying it and starting a new habit?

sell the coffee...

I am not having my children sell and prepare coffee. It sends a mixed message to them, "Oh, we don't drink coffee. We just encourage other people to."

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Respectfully I disagree, what are you going to do when they get their first job at a restaurant that serves both alcohol and coffee? And by selling the coffee are they actually "encouraging" others to do it? Is there some sort of sales pitch they are giving?

What if your children someday become owners of a grocery store? Are they not going to sell coffee or cigarettes, or alcohol?

What if they own/manage a hotel....

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Guest SquidMom

i think there is a difference between selling in a store or establishment and door to door. I mean, if someone is seeking it out on their own, there it is. However, taking it into your house and going around asking people to buy it "for the kids" is different. While I don't think anyone will suddenly feel pressured to start drinking coffee just because a kid came to there door, I agree with a person's right to refuse to do it, especially if they have to have in their house. Some people cannot stand the smell. And it's always okay to refuse to something because it's 'against your religion,' right? What happened to the constitution? I actually like coffee,(sshhhh!) but I would not have my son go around town selling it.

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