1,000 years of perfect peace coming very soon?


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I think we are getting close to the end times. But that could mean 20 years from now. That said, there will be an Armageddon. Just be aware that what Armageddon states in the scriptures may be different than Elder McConkie's view of Armageddon.

I personally suggest using D&C 87, the Prophecy on War to determine many timelines. I've written my understanding on it here: DC87 - Life, the Universe, and Etcetera

If I read it right, I say we are now in the period when a lot of chaos will occur, both in wars and natural disasters. It is at this time we are called to stand in holy places.

I personally think the USA will collapse economically. At that point, the nation will break up into tribes (a Nephite term) or regions of states - dividing the righteous from the wicked. The righteous, led by LDS (who are organized and prepared to deal with such problems) will begin to build Zion. The wicked will exist under mob rule in chaos. Those areas affected by the mobs will become very dangerous and wicked. And as D&C 45 tells us: those among the wicked who will not lift up their swords to fight, must needs flee to Zion for safety. We will no longer be the world's police force, though other nations will generally leave Zion and America's chaos alone.

Meanwhile, the Old Hemisphere will focus on their own problems. It will have three major coalitions of nations: the European Union (including Russia), China and the east, and the Arab/Muslim world. Over a period of just a few years, we will see them blame Israel for their economic woes. Armageddon will then primarily be the Arab world invading Israel.

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It seems that the spirit may be prompting me that the thousand years of perfect** peace may be coming very soon, (next month?, next year?) and Armageddon is going to be skipped.

**best possible, thus not total

Who here is open to the possibility of the truth of this?

I know that the LDS Church is the most righteous church on Earth.

the prophecies foretold will occur on this earth at some time. It may be soon or it may be not as far as i know.

Only those who are alive and on the earth during that time will suffer through it. Anyone who dies/brought up to heaven/not on the earth will most likely not have to suffer through it.

Altho i do note that many times things happen in a way we totally don't expect. Perhaps there might be individuals who will be totally protected from the events that will occur.

Edited by Blackmarch
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Perhaps the greatest confusion in understanding ancient scripture is trying to understand through modern eyes. Much of ancient scripture was written in ancient poetic format which is rich in symbolism and metaphor. One symbolic metaphor used extensively in ancient scripture models the society of believers in G-d after the ancient laws based on covenants that governed all of society of olden times – or in other words a “Kingdom”. The richness in understanding a kingdom is mostly lost to modern students of scripture with hardly any understanding or experience beyond pure fantasy as to what the social norms are concerning a kingdom. For the most part ideas are conjured up based on rhetorical and philosophical logic that is so uncertain in modern times that it is almost impossible to find even a single doctrinal construct from scripture that is understood consistently among the believers and students of scripture.

One intriguing book of ancient scripture (known as the Book of Isaiah) gives a detailed outline of everything concerning the plan of G-d for man from the very beginning to the very end all wrapped up in one “simple?” book. (See Isaiah 46:10). One point I find most interesting is that almost all attempts to understand things from the beginning to the end are chronologically based – when we are told time and time again in scripture that G-d does not use time – at least in the manner (sequence) that man does.

Now as to peteolcott’s contribution to this thread – I would say this statement sums it all up: “God's Love always made perfect sense, unlike God's wrath which is becoming (or has become) obsolete.” -points to exactly what I am talking about concerning modern thinking trying to make sense and of logic concerning ancient law and covenants of kingdoms.

I will speak directly to the context of his statement. -- There are two “kinds” of suffering spoken of anciently. The first is the sufferings inflicted by traitors at war against the sovereign Suzerain of a kingdom and his loyal followers in an attempt to over through and take control of the kingdom. The second is the suffering (wrath or justice) inflicted by the sovereign Suzerain of the kingdom against those disloyal to that king and the unjust persecution of his loyal subjects.

It is my personal opinion that peteolcott’s opinion is inaccurate concerning the “injustices” that must be suffered by the saints of the last days by the hand of those at war against G-d as well as the justice meted out to those that unjustly treat the saints.

The Traveler

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I ... well, my family ... is already experiencing some pretty bad things. I feel like we're fighting Satan on a daily basis.

These "turbulent times" will not just be public or world-wide/state-side catastrophies. Or even political upheaval. Turbulent times will be and are happening in our own homes.

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I look forward to those tribulations of the last days. It isn't that I enjoy such struggles, but they will signal how close we are to the end times. I also know that the Lord said in scripture that the faithful will be saved, even if by fire sent down from heaven. This will, of course primarily have to do with those dwelling in Zion, or with the faith of Enoch. Those with weaker faith may still experience much of the tribulation and ask, "why me?", when the experience is exactly what they need to develop the faith to overcome all things.

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I look forward to those tribulations of the last days. It isn't that I enjoy such struggles, but they will signal how close we are to the end times. I also know that the Lord said in scripture that the faithful will be saved, even if by fire sent down from heaven. This will, of course primarily have to do with those dwelling in Zion, or with the faith of Enoch. Those with weaker faith may still experience much of the tribulation and ask, "why me?", when the experience is exactly what they need to develop the faith to overcome all things.

Wow - I look at this as a mentality of someone saying they enjoy getting a root canal from the dentist because it indicates how close they are to not having to go the the dentist anymore.

I try to endure pain at the dentist because that is part of the fix. I am not looking forward at all to any suffering by any of the saints - and in many cases many that I do not think are saints. Sure, for some of the not saints yet - I think their suffering may open them to good possibilities but in all honesty: I would rather skip the part where bad guys do unspeakable things to nice people. I am not looking forward to that at all.

The Traveler

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And I see this as events that are inevitable, but necessary.

In Christ's teachings on prayer, he stated, "on earth as it is in heaven." Guess what, for us to have heaven on earth requires the earth to go through a cleansing of the wicked. At the same time, the Lord will not destroy the wicked until the wheat and tares are mature, which means some wheat will have to endure being among the tares for a time.

Ether 12:4 tells me that hope is an anchor to the soul, making it steadfast and immoveable through the trials of faith. Hope causes us to envision a better world, even the kingdom of God.

If to bring heaven to earth means we must go through hell and back, I'm willing to do so, and even do it with a hopeful smile on my face - knowing God's will is being done.

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Now as to peteolcott’s contribution to this thread – I would say this statement sums it all up: “God's Love always made perfect sense, unlike God's wrath which is becoming (or has become) obsolete.” -points to exactly what I am talking about concerning modern thinking trying to make sense and of logic concerning ancient law and covenants of kingdoms.

The Traveler

It seems that what I have said about God's wrath is coming directly from God himself, and thus not merely the opinion of a mortal man.

I mention these things here because I know that the LDS Church is the most righteous church on Earth, and thus much more apt to hear the actual real message than anyone else.

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And I see this as events that are inevitable, but necessary.

In Christ's teachings on prayer, he stated, "on earth as it is in heaven." Guess what, for us to have heaven on earth requires the earth to go through a cleansing of the wicked. At the same time, the Lord will not destroy the wicked until the wheat and tares are mature, which means some wheat will have to endure being among the tares for a time.

Ether 12:4 tells me that hope is an anchor to the soul, making it steadfast and immoveable through the trials of faith. Hope causes us to envision a better world, even the kingdom of God.

If to bring heaven to earth means we must go through hell and back, I'm willing to do so, and even do it with a hopeful smile on my face - knowing God's will is being done.

God could in a single instant unite all things to himself. To do this without destroying agency is a little trickier.

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It seems that what I have said about God's wrath is coming directly from God himself, and thus not merely the opinion of a mortal man.

I mention these things here because I know that the LDS Church is the most righteous church on Earth, and thus much more apt to hear the actual real message than anyone else.

What is coming directly from G-d, that is not filtered through thousands of years of mortal men (who are quite wrathful themselves) that you find so wrathful? -- as we journey together through the ancient landscape of scripture, I may be able to help you understand thing you have not noticed before.

The Traveler

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People talk as if the events of the last days are still to come. These events are happening, and have already happened as mentioned by the prophet Joseph Smith and others.

What suffering mentioned in the scriptures has not already been fulfilled by WWI and WWII among other tragedies?? Kingdoms have broken down. Many in the last 200 years. It is continuing with the future opening up of the gospel to more heathen nations. The wars that are necessary are occurring as I write this. There will be many stops and starts. I never thought the Iron Curtain would drop in my lifetime, but it did. But now there is a resurgence of authoritarianism in some of the old Soviet block countries.

Stay true to the gospel. It has and is, insulating the true believers from a lot of the things that are ocurring today. Some of you don't seem to realize it.:o

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