Anyone else sleep through Sacrament?


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I really miss my kids being little so I could put them on my lap and look like I'm snuggling up to them..only to be trying to catch a power nap.

I tried that this past Sunday, but my little girl is getting to big and kept moving around as soon as I would nod off a little. :cool:

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It would also cause you to sweat a little, tong may be on fire, eyes wide open.

Less mild is horsh radish. Very tasty with beef.

Pretty bad when you say sorry for the mispelling and misspell misspelling. :lol:

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I have attention problems. I try my best to be respectful and to have peaceful thoughts about the person responsible for sending my mind to another planet, but I don't sleep during sacrament.

I struggle with being able to pay attention unless the speakers are engaging and are teaching correct doctrine. Jokes, personal stories having nothing to do with the gospel, personal shout-outs, long teary crying over nothing gospel related, and disorganized speakers send me into La La Land.

Once-in-a-while I have to nudge my hubby, but that is not often. And sometimes my son (9) drops his head back on the back of the pew and falls asleep with his mouth wide open. That is disappointing, especially when we sit on the front row. Oh well, no Molly Mormon award for me. LOL :lol:

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Our meeting time changed to 8:30am, no joke. I will gladly go to church at this hour if it means my toddler is sleeping in her bed at nap time, not suffering through church like the last 2 years :D

We just switched from 8:30 AM to 1 PM The noise level from the kids went up drastically (they want their naps).

There are 3 wards in our building and we have not had the middle shift in the 6 years we've been here -- Starting to get a bit peeved about that.

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