i feel like crying when i share my testimony, is that normal?


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everytime that share my testimony , either talk to other, writing on letter to my friends, post on internet, write diary...

i always feel like crying, there is this feeling in ny chest/heart that bring me joy. and i feel like crying everytime. there were tear in my eyes,buti dont actually cry.

make me feel weird cause i not often cry

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Yes, it's normal. The emotions of joy the Spirit brings can also (for some people, most often women but also men) bring tears. You can condition yourself to feel that same joy and wonder without crying.

I agree about the conditioning, though, I don't know if it's necessary. I guess if you're full-on crying uncontrollably, unable to function, yeh that could be problematic.

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I think I have cried rarely, if at all, while baring my testimony. That's just me. Feeling the Spirit is usually more of an exciting rush for me than the waterworks. It used to worry me that I was wrong for NOT crying.

And, yes, there is something to be said for too much crying. If real emotion is tears, fine. But I've seen people bawling and soaking the front of their clothes and all I can think of is "Get a hold of yourself".

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I agree about the conditioning, though, I don't know if it's necessary. I guess if you're full-on crying uncontrollably, unable to function, yeh that could be problematic.

It can be socially uncomfortable for a man to start babbling every time he feels the Spirit.

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When I feel the spirit I don't always get teary eyed. The difference for me is when the spirit tells me to say something. When I discuss things of a spiritual nature personal to me then I do, in testimony meeting when I share my testimony, I usually get teary and shaky voice a bit. I don't think it's a big deal when anyone does though

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Speaking in front of a large group or even discussing something personal in a one on one setting can bring about tears. The atmosphere of it all can bring it. I feel like crying many times when I speak in public or simply talk about personal things with someone I know. It's nothing to worry about. I'd say it's normal enough.

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Posted (edited) · Hidden

everytime that share my testimony , either talk to other, writing on letter to my friends, post on internet, write diary...

i always feel like crying, there is this feeling in ny chest/heart that bring me joy. and i feel like crying everytime. there were tear in my eyes,buti dont actually cry.

make me feel weird cause i not often cry

People often cry when they feel the spirit. You don't have to cry to feel the spirit. If you don't cry, that doesn't mean you don't feel the spirit. Depends on the individual. What you are describing is normal for some people so don't worry.

One year at girls camp, I bore my testimony and I balled. I was not planning on it, it just happened. I was SO embarassed. After that, I tried to get more of a grip on my tears (and I have). I have not cried bearing my testimony since then. There have been times where my eyes have watered and voice cracked a bit.

I remember listening to a previous bishop bear his testimony. Tears were falling from his eyes and he did not seem ashamed one bit. He did not wipe them away, he let them run down his face. He was not balling but simply tearing. I felt the spirit very strong. I admired him for being a man and not being ashamed to shed some tears.

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I feel there is absolutely noting to worry about when I cry bearing a testimony. I must admit it occurs during the times in my life when I start talking about something that really means something to me and I want share whatever it is. The tears just come and there is nothing I can do. If I try and stop the tears I often stop the free expression of gratitude and love that I was trying to express.

The scriptures talk about not being ashamed of Christ. If I cry when "man" thinks that it is not appropriate and then try to stop crying because of that pressure, then I have let the world interfere with my relationship and worship with God. I have put the world first.

To me the meaning behind why I stopped crying is detrimental to my faith. The tears in those instances are a testimony of meaning, that my heart is touched.

However there is the extreme where people just go up and cry, a pure emotional moment because they talk about something that affected them a lot. A passing of a loved one, a career lost job, even smaller things a failed test. And all the person is doing is telling their burden without bearing a testimony. Their tears aren't because of the Spirit but because of the struggle from the tragedy, the sadness that they feel.

So there is no equating tears with the spirit. But it does occur together often.

my 2 cents

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