Is the Spirit World on Earth?


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When I first heard of someone being cast into Outer Darkness, the thought that came to my mind was of being caste out into outer space like the defeated Darf Vader was in Star Wars. I dont think that is intirely accurate though.

What about the Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial Kingdoms. What do you Imagine those to be like, and where?

Edited by dirtydevil
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1 Corinthians 2:9 "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."

That said, I imagine the celestial kingdom to be much like our families at their very best and most loving.

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We really don't know, as there hasn't been too much revealed about the three kingdoms beyond these few general facts;

-The Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial kingdoms are kingdoms of glory and are, together, considered what most protestant Christianity understands as Heaven to be.

-Outer Darkness is not a kingdom of glory. It is what most protestant Christianity understands as Hell to be.

-The vast majority of humanity will be saved in one of the three kingdoms of glory.

-very few people will ever be in a position of risking being sent to Outer Darkness. Fewer still will actually commit the sins that warrant such a fate.

There are, of course, some details beyond these. I recommend the Doctrine and Covenants for your further study.

As to where these kingdoms are, what conditions there are like, etc., we don't have any details at all. Joseph Smith merely indicated in one sermon that the conditions in the Telestial kingdom, the lowest of the three, would be far and beyond even the most optimistic dreams of mankind of his day. I would suppose even our most optimistic dreams of today don't come close, but then nobody will know for sure until we get there.

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I also, thought of this earlier today: I understand that you beleive that everyone will have a perfect body after you die. You also beleive that only those who are married eternally will be able to have children in heaven. You also beleive that personal agency is an eternal principle. Doesnt it stand to reason that those three beleifs combined are conflicting each other. If you are unmarried in the Telestial or Terrestrial kingdoms, and have a perfectly working body (with perfectly working sex organs), and you have agency, than what would stop you from engaging in the procreative act or having children if you desire to do so? In order to resolve this conflict, which item in this equation would you limit or remove? If you beleive that Heavenly Father hasnt revealed an answer, please dont simply say that he has not revealed it; I am asking for an answer from you, irregardless of if it is correct.

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I also, thought of this earlier today: I understand that you beleive that everyone will have a perfect body after you die. You also beleive that only those who are married eternally will be able to have children in heaven. You also beleive that personal agency is an eternal principle. Doesnt it stand to reason that those three beleifs combined are conflicting each other. If you are unmarried in the Telestial or Terrestrial kingdoms, and have a perfectly working body (with perfectly working sex organs), and you have agency, than what would stop you from engaging in the procreative act or having children if you desire to do so? In order to resolve this conflict, which item in this equation would you limit or remove? If you beleive that Heavenly Father hasnt revealed an answer, please dont simply say that he has not revealed it; I am asking for an answer from you, irregardless of if it is correct.

This has not been revealed.

But it seems obvious to me that the ability to create life is divinely bestowed. It therefore stands to reason that the ability to create life in the eternities is bestowed only upon those who have proven the ability to guard and wisely use such an ability. Thus, I assume that non-celestial beings do not, and probably cannot, procreate.

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If you beleive that Heavenly Father hasnt revealed an answer, please dont simply say that he has not revealed it; I am asking for an answer from you, irregardless of if it is correct.

So you're not looking for the right answer, just any old answer will do? :confused::eek:

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Well, Dirtydevil, since the imagination is allowed, what do YOU imagine about all these things? ;)

Here are my best guesses, from my imagination based on doctrine where I understand it, but mostly my imaginings. :D

Or is it on other planets or in a different realm? Same question, but as it applies to the different degrees in Heaven. (both from a doctrinal standpoint, and individual beleifs)

I think the Spirit World is definately here. Kind of like the movie, Ghost, without the ghouls. I think it was James Ritchie that wrote Return from Tomorrow. I believe he really did have that NDE, and that is what it is like.

About the three kingdoms, I have never thought too much about it. Getting through this life keeps me pretty well occupied. I find comfort though in the thought that even the lowest degree of glory will be better than this world. Yay! For all of us!

I believe the Celestial Kingdom will be on this earth, but it will be renewed and upgraded, just as our bodies will be renewed. So I guess the other kingdoms will be on other best guess. If I could choose, I would like the Celestial Kingdom to be like the Garden of Eden as opposed to mansions and golden paved streets as I have heard some people's imaginations of Heaven.

Also, how do you imagine the place called outer darkness to be? Do you think these different places have physical boundaries?

Honestly, I never thought about it before, but since you asked. I think the name Outer Darkness is symbolic not literal. Christ is The Light of the World, so outer darkness would be a place outside of his presence eternally. Not literally dark though.

When I first heard of someone being cast into Outer Darkness, the thought that came to my mind was of being caste out into outer space like the defeated Darf Vader was in Star Wars. I dont think that is intirely accurate though.

What about the Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial Kingdoms. What do you Imagine those to be like, and where?

LOL, thanks for sharing your imaginings. I answered this partially above, but I just want to add, I think they will all be wonderful, better than this life. I mean the Telestial Kingdom is compared to the stars in glory. I love the stars! It sounds like a wonderful place. The Terrestrial like the Moon...I am so in love with the moon! Some people like sunsets, but I love the moon. And then there is the sun, so bright I can't even look at it.

Mostly, I just LOVE the idea that the God I believe in loves all his children, even the Hitler's and Sandusky's etc of this world enough to give them a better place in the next world.

As to your last question...interesting. I never thought about it before. Fortunately for you we have a rule in my family that you can't say "I don't know" (it makes for a lazy mind). You have to at least try a hypothesis. So my hypothesis to your question would be that perfect may not mean perfect in the sense that we know it. Maybe perfect means, never growing old or getting sick, but does not mean fertile or with any sex drive whatsoever. best guess. Who knows?

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Do you think that god has bestowed on animals in heaven to procreate? Maybe they cant, but that would seem quite unnatural to me. So if God did bestow the gift of procreation to animals, it would seem that he might also bestow that gift to humans that live somewhat more like animals. Especially, considering that most humans (in my opinion) are more self sacraficing than other animals, even if they were not counted worthy of exaltation.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

I can only speak for myself, but I'm "done" until you acknowledge the answers you have already received. Just a thanks would help. AND share some of your ideas.

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Joseph F. Smith had this to say about reincarnation,

"Now can it be supposed that these particles were inactive and dormant from all eternity until the received their organization in the form of the infant spirit?…If they were once organized in the vegetable kingdom, and then disorganized by becoming food of celestial animal, and then again re-organized in the form of the spirits of animals, which is a higher sphere or being, then, is it unreasonable to suppose that the particles have, from all eternity, being passed through an endless chain of unions and disunions, organizations and disorganizations, until at length they are permitted to enter into the highest and most exalted sphere of organization in the image and likeness of God?"

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Joseph F. Smith had this to say about reincarnation,

"Now can it be supposed that these particles were inactive and dormant from all eternity until the received their organization in the form of the infant spirit?…If they were once organized in the vegetable kingdom, and then disorganized by becoming food of celestial animal, and then again re-organized in the form of the spirits of animals, which is a higher sphere or being, then, is it unreasonable to suppose that the particles have, from all eternity, being passed through an endless chain of unions and disunions, organizations and disorganizations, until at length they are permitted to enter into the highest and most exalted sphere of organization in the image and likeness of God?"

Not sure where you got your information on this, but this was actually written by Orson Pratt in a publication call The Seer. You can read about that here:

Please note the statement made by the First Presidency under Resulting Doctrinal Controversy.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

Dirtydevil, thanks for the quote, wherever it came from it is good food for thought. (Connie the link didn't work for me).

My husband and I have pondered...just for fun...could it really be possible or fair for a fly to remain a fly for eternity? I think probably not. So I like the idea of a form of reincarnation that allows insects, crustations, birds, fish, animals etc, etc to progress to human form. Who knows. We believe we were "intelligences" before we were spirits, but what are "intelligences".

My understanding of Buddism is limited to my current interest in meditation, but hey that's a start, right? ;)

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I thought that it was interesting that in Tibetan Buddhism, they also beleive in a life review after we die, based on having a perfect memory. Perhaps the spirit world, or bardo, is outside of the fabric of the space-time continuem, and that is what makes this possible.

Your thinking is too limited to the 3 dimensional space-time.

The Traveler

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