The LDS Church is true or it is not true. Therefore...


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To "know" God is to both commune with him and to understand his ways and his ideals. To be over-simple, I must both pray and study scripture.

I can do both of these and still not know God, but it will be awfully difficult to truly know him if I do not do these disciplines.

The proof of my knowledge of God will be seen in how fully I love God and my neighbor. And, of course, most people will only witness my love for my neighbor. Yet, these are the fruit of true knowledge. That knowledge will include doctrine, but doctrine is an aspect of God, not the be all and end all. Important, but not complete, in and of itself.

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...but doctrine is an aspect of God, not the be all and end all. Important, but not complete, in and of itself.

Right on.


Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. = the first and great commandment.

If ye love me, keep my commandments. = all the rest of the doctrine.

In short, if you don't follow doctrine, or concern yourself with the commandments, you don't really love God.

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I just wish the saying "this church is true" in sacrament. If it wasn't, the speaker would be in another faith. People attend for a reason. We are not the biggest of all the faiths but it is built on the right principles, no paid ministry except HQ administration. No false idols, keeping the sabbath holy and obeying the principles of the Bible and BOM.

The problem lies where commercialism are in a pending collision course. Big chain stores open on Sundays here "was not like this 20 years ago".

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In the end the real way to get change is to ask God about it then pray for His will to be done. If He provides you or someone else with the opportunity to bring it up then fine. Otherwise, we have a direct line to God's ear and if He agrees with you then a way will be found as He wills. Our part is to listen and be ready to do GOD'S will not our own.

I remember we had a conversation on this a few months ago on here.

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A persons belief is very personal. The gospel of Jesus Christ is true no matter what an individual person believes.

We need to respect that all people LDS or not are allowed to follow the dictates of their hearts.

I am not a doctrine based disciple. The deeper the doctrine, the less I care.

I am a faith based saint. Either the Book of Mormon is true, or it is not. If it is, Joseph Smith was indeed the prophet chosen for the restoration.

I don't care about any mistakes Joseph might have made, or his personal misgivings. He restored the Lords gospel.

The current prophet and Apostles have many opinions. The only ones important to me are their living testimonies of this incredible work.

I choose to live the gospel and never judge those in or out of the church who don't.

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In the end the real way to get change is to ask God about it then pray for His will to be done. If He provides you or someone else with the opportunity to bring it up then fine. Otherwise, we have a direct line to God's ear and if He agrees with you then a way will be found as He wills. Our part is to listen and be ready to do GOD'S will not our own.

I remember we had a conversation on this a few months ago on here.

This may be another topic altogether, but, just as we are expected to pray for discernment that the gospel is true, that a particular church is true, etc., I would suggest we need to pray for so many things in this way. To say, "Lord, I WANT A...B & C, your will be done, is sometimes legitimate, and sometimes lazy. Better to say, "Lord, is A your will for me?" Then I must tarry until the Lord reveals the yes or no. Then it is a holy answer, and I may pursue with confidence. "Lord, since you've confirmed to my spirit that A is right for me, then I confess that I have it. I am convinced that you will bring it, and that I may walk in it. This is your will. Amen!"

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