FHE and teaching the gospel in the home to my 2 year old


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My DH and I are not uber members iykwim. We go to church and do our callings but we dont read scriptures or have prayers, just a family prayer once a day. But Ive decided that I need to up the ante a bit when it comes to teaching the boys the gospel in the home, its my responsibility and if we are bringing them up in church then we have to go for it, so now is the time to make a few changes.

Im not really sure how to encorporate the gospel into our day to day lives. Me and DH could go a few days without even speaking about something church related so I dont know how to suddenly do this with our sons who are 2 and 10 months. Ive started asking him things such as where does jesus live when we're out walking and pointing to the sky. We have a short scripture story every evening and a prayer. And Ive started to sing primary songs to them at bedtime which they LOVE. Id like to start doing a very short and basic FHE but DH thinks they are too young but I think its a good time as my older son is becoming extremely good at understanding things. A 10-15 minute one would do but I dont know where to start with it or what to do, and how to include my 10 month old, if atall?

Im just not sure if Im doing enough, and if not what else?! Anyone have any ideas for me?

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My kids are young (5, 3 and 3 months) and this is our routine. We first sing a primary song and then have a prayer. Then we do a 3-5 minute lesson. That's what their attention span will handle at the moment. It's not something we plan ahead- usually the topic comes from problems we've been having in the home that day. So if the kids have have not listened to mom and dad very well lately the topic might talk about listening and honoring your father and mother. If the older two have been fighting with each other the topic is about being kind. We often role play during the lesson. We finish with another song and closing prayer. Then we spend about 10-20 minutes just playing with the kids- ring around the rosie, london bridge is falling down, once there was a snowman etc. My husband will also rough house with them and give them rides on his back and that sort of thing. My kids LOVE it.

If I had to incorporate a 10 year old into our family routine I'd probably have them look up a scripture or two that would pertain to the topic. Or have them speak 1-2 minutes about the topic. Our FHE's at this point are never planned ahead to I think it will be more tricky adjusting a lesson due to the age gap.

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The Church has wonderful resources to help teach children to learn the gospel. The FHE manual and the Nursery manual are great places to start.

Children are never to young to learn the gospel. As parents we are able to read to them while they are young. They may not understand but they wil feel the spirit.

Teach by simple phrases, that is best with young children. Repetition is always good also. The Church provides the "scripture stories." These are great for young kids because of the pictures associated with words.

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Teach them to listen for the Spirit in your lesson and in their lives.

A simple lesson: "How do you feel when you do something nice for your Mom or Dad? Do you feel good? Why? That's the Spirit! So listen for the Spirit as we talk about Jesus, okay?"

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Guest Doctrine

My son is two, and my wife and I have taught him how to pray by folding his arms a bowing his head, we have a Jesus picture in the living room and ask him where is Jesus and he loves to point at the picture and say I love you jesus, in his little baby voice, it is sooooooooo cute.

We sing the abc song and then we sing the aleph bet song ( abc's in Hebrew ). Also we play a find game like, where is the scriptures or where is the hymn book or something.

But to answer the question, it's always good to go little by little here a bit and there a bit.

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I agree on using some of the nursery activities with your 2 year old. I have found that some boys at this age do not like to color very long. They love things that move and open. So many of the activities can be turned into simple games that can be used to teach them about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I have found and have encouraged parents to use activities that I used when teaching the Nursery in their FHE. It helps our little ones to see something often at this age. They love it when they see something that they can do and know. I use clear contact paper on games so the "little ones " can handle and touch pictures and activities. Just keep everything simple. Also at this age, sometimes things you try may not work the first time. If you see that you have lost their interest then just put it away. The next time you try, it might work out just great.

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I love that you sing Primary songs! I know that as I sing Primary songs and hymns my 2 year old calms down and seems to listen, even while still playing. Children are so smart :D

Have you seen this https://www.lds.org/music/library?lang=eng ? It amazing! I don't know many Primary songs, so this is where I turn when I can't remember the second verse to "Book of Mormon Stories".

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We used Church media, paper and video. For me it's one of the easiest and best way to invite the influence of the Spirit. Show more videos. The advice above on simplifying lessons in FHE was excellent. We always had aFHE and we are all doing fine now as a family years down the line. Add daily 2 minute pictures and scriptures and it makes a difference. The church always gives sound advice for rearing a family.

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The friend magazine is great. Read and discuss a story for FHE or just read one at bedtime.

My kids also loved acting out scripture stories (your's might be a bit young but will be old enough in no time).

Learn a simple primary song (and what it means if they need it).

At the younger ages I saw FHE as more of building the habit and having some family time than "teaching". Learning how to fold arms and get ready for prayer (if they can repeat things after you then it's a good time to practice them saying the prayer). Sometimes even just making the desert can be the activity, cooking together as a family can be fun. It builds the habit for you and the kids so it won't be so awkward and difficult as they get older. Things will just evolve.

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