Could this affect my Mission report date?

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Hello brothers and sisters! I have an MTC report date for June 26. I am 18 and couldn't be more excited to serve The Lord! I was endowed last week.

Some of you may be familiar with Vine, a new social networking application that allows you to post 6 second videos. It is much like Instagram. On Sunday, I was browsing and exploring profiles of multiple videographers, photographers, etc. I came upon the profile of an edgy, pretty morally degraded model/photographer and saw two women with their breasts exposed. I l left the profile quickly, but it before the images had time to make me feel aroused. I did nothing to encourage the feelings, but they came. I exited out of the page quickly and deleted the app ( I don't want to deal with it anymore because I'm so close to leaving.)

I have been very bothered by these photos over the last few days. Although I was not necessarily looking for any pornography, I feel at fault because I did not shy away from the profile when I saw other scantily clad girls. I feel like the spirit told me to exit out earlier, but i kind of shook off the impression. The application also does not allow for any nudity, so I did not expect to find any nudity. It has bothered me to the point where I fear it could interfere with my service. I plan on talking to the bishop about the incident because it has bothered me so much (more than I ever would have expected) but I am wondering if any of you think this incident would give the bishop reason to push my report date back.

Would this incident be cause for the bishop to change my report date? I have had multiple friends have to come home early to take care of things they failed to take care of, so It has always been a fear of mine. I want nothing more than to worthily serve The Lord and his children. Thank you for your time!

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I feel impressed to add that I was kind of looking for this edgy type stuff, although I didn't expect to find any nudity, I did expect to see some scantily clad girls. The incident was very short and I'm very confused as to how I let it happen at all. I have felt closer to God this last week than I ever have. Thanks again for your help.

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You just were endowed and you are leaving soon on your mission. Satan is going to pull every trick he can out of his bag of tricks to thwart this goal. Now is the time for you to do everything you can to remain strong.

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As an aside, and to anyone else who might be using Vine or a similar app, I recommend using the "report" function to report the video to the app developers as inappropriate/pornographic prior to simply closing it.

Edited by Wingnut
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I would recommend the bishop ASAP. Don't worry about the mission date. Your concern right now is to make yourself, with help of the bishop and the spirit and mostly Christ, feel better, and stonger to get the bad feelings to go away.

Porn is one of those things that really stick with you and Satan knows that. You can't unsee it. Yes, it was a mistake, and that is better than searching for it. However, you were looking for more than you should have. (You already know that.) Just so you know, it's not a sin to stumble upon it. The bishop with help with that part of looking for girls in skimpy clothes. I can't make that call. Perhaps since you were looking for the girls it makes it a bit more serious, I don't know. just go an talk, either way, weather it pushes back the date doesn't really matter right now, you wouldn't want to go feeling guilty. Who knows it might not push the date back. Now and prepare to serve and honest mission. :)

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As others have said, be sure to talk with your Bishop &/or Stake President.

Why? Not just to determine that you can report to the MTC 'on time', but to be sure that you aren't serving with any unresolved or unconfessed sins in the mission field.

Just the FEELING of an unconfessed sin can fester in your soul and cause you to feel unworthy.

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I would suggest you see your bishop only if you really feel you need to. I think you might be making a mountain out of a mole hill here. This something I would put on my "home repentence plan". For that matter I'm not even sure it rises to something that even requires repentence.

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I would suggest you see your bishop only if you really feel you need to. I think you might be making a mountain out of a mole hill here. This something I would put on my "home repentence plan". For that matter I'm not even sure it rises to something that even requires repentence.

Although the OP was not seeking nudity, he admitted to seeking scantily clad ladies. Generally speaking, I would say that this definitely requires some type of repentence.

Now if you thought you were going to see a video entitled "Funny insect fail" and then see nudity... think oh crud and turn it off, that may be a a different story. Although it was more than he bargained for... it is unfortunately the next step of searching for half naked people.

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When I pick up a SI swimsuit edition in the supermarket, and flip through the pages, am I committing a sin? I do not think so...

Not that you are trying to...but I am not in the slightest convinced. To what end do you pick up and look at the swimsuit addition? To see some skin or to read any article which may be in it? To what end is the SI swimsuit addition made? Sexual stimulation is the answer. I find no reason otherwise for you to pick it up, unless you are seriously going to to seek out a swimsuit for a spouse.

“Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart”

As found in an article with Elder oaks Pornography - general-conference

The scriptures repeatedly teach that the Spirit of the Lord will not dwell in an unclean tabernacle. When we worthily partake of the sacrament, we are promised that we will “always have his Spirit to be with [us].” To qualify for that promise we covenant that we will “always remember him” (D&C 20:77). Those who seek out and use pornography for sexual stimulation obviously violate that covenant. They also violate a sacred covenant to refrain from unholy and impure practices.

For a lot of us porn is thought of as the hard stuff. Sexual graphic videos or nudity. But can it really be said that seeking out and seeing a mostly naked woman is not a type of porn...even "soft porn"??

Edited by EarlJibbs
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If you cannot look at a woman in a swimsuit with out lusting in your heart then I truly feel sorry for you. The truth is those women are beautiful. That's it. I am not suggesting people go out and buy SI swimsuit editions (I'm pretty sure there are no articles, at least none that i've noticed).

For the OP he needs to do whatever makes him comfortable to leave on his mission. I agree with the previous statements that he needs to have a clean consience and not be in the field with anything unresolved. I am merely pointing out that it might not be as big of a deal as he is making it out to be.

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When I pick up a SI swimsuit edition in the supermarket, and flip through the pages, am I committing a sin? I do not think so...

Depends. What prompts a man/woman to pick up a magazine of women in scantily clad women in swim suits in provocative positions?

David's sin was not found in connection with the happen-chance of seeing the woman naked, his sin was in the second look.

I see no reason to pick up the swim suit edition save it be for lust. IMHO. Walking the isles and then noticing the swim suit issue verses seeking it out and then flipping through pages appear to me to different types of mind frames.

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If you cannot look at a woman in a swimsuit with out lusting in your heart then I truly feel sorry for you. The truth is those women are beautiful. That's it. I am not suggesting people go out and buy SI swimsuit editions (I'm pretty sure there are no articles, at least none that i've noticed).

You feel sorry for me? I am not sure what that means. You feel sorry for me that I cannot look at photos that were created to provoke your sexual desires and not be able think about puppies? I am not sure what else I would think of.

No one said they weren’t good looking. But if you are looking at that without the slightest intent to be aroused...tell me, what is your intent then?

I apologize to everyone for derailing this thread, but I think the message that you have put forth is entirely incorrect. However, in no way do I suppose that our conversation will have any bearing on the others mind set. However, I did have a nice time chatting. No ill feelings.

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I don't know, I think you need to pray on this. If you repent at home and still feel it lingering, then talk to your Bishop.

Take it a step at a time (go through your repentance checklist, as it were) and give yourself time to see how you feel. I worry if you rush to "I did a huge wrong!" over something like this, you're going to give yourself more anxiety. Which isn't really something you need right before a mission!!!

Good luck :)

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Has no one here ever been to a beach? How about a beach in a foreign country? I know that where I live when I go to a beach I fully expect to see women in tiny swimsuits. Is that a sin?

Grew up in Sunny Side California, Carlsbad and Moonlight beach I frequented much.

My response, depends on the reason why a person is going to the beach. I went to the beach to play beach volleyball.

I am unable to determine or control what is in a store, grocery store, or the beach, however I can determine to choose where my eyes focus.

Again, I would assume it all depends upon the person and the reason why they have chosen to go any place. If a person is going to the beach so that he/she is able to see women in G-strings, then yes, I would assume this person is probably prompted by lust.

Agree or disagree, these are my thoughts.

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My point is that these things are everywhere. Beaches, stores, tv. Maybe you are not seeking these things out of lust, but you do come across them. How do you deal with it? How do you feel about it when you see them? There is nothing wrong with looking at a beautiful woman. Nothing at all. Because you can appreciate beauty does not mean you lust. (well maybe everyone here does).

You don't have to go to a beach to play beach volleyball....just saying. Beach Volleyball is volleyball with sand. Could do it anywhere.....Did you play fully clothed? Were you covered so as not to draw lustful eyes? give me a break...

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My point is that these things are everywhere. Beaches, stores, tv. Maybe you are not seeking these things out of lust, but you do come across them. How do you deal with it? How do you feel about it when you see them? There is nothing wrong with looking at a beautiful woman. Nothing at all. Because you can appreciate beauty does not mean you lust. (well maybe everyone here does).

You don't have to go to a beach to play beach volleyball....just saying. Beach Volleyball is volleyball with sand. Could do it anywhere.....Did you play fully clothed? Were you covered so as not to draw lustful eyes? give me a break...

So we came from willfully picking up and oggling (for beauty of course) SI Swimsuite Additions to comparing it to going to the beach? The break should be given to the rest of us my friend. No one is saying dont go to the beach. Dont go to the local swimming hole. Dont even go to Wal-Mart for that matter. But if you willfully go to these places with the intent look at smut, how can that be called anything but vile and poisenous? Let's be honest here, We all know when we are "perving a dish" and at that point if we feel no guilt it can be one of a few reasons. We are not attracted to it or we have talked ourselves into thinking that it is okay. Can you walk by a lady that is showing most of her breasts and not be turned on? Of course, that is self control and we all encounter it. But what if we linger around her a little more for another peek? [buzzer] Perving.

However, can we premeditate going to the beach to perve on the hotties and explaine it away because they are simply beautiful? Everything can be explained away as art, or beauty.

I will never be convinced that seeking out women who are 12% clothed is in any way okay.

I beleive in appreciating beauty, just not the worldly way.

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I live in Panama City Beach, Fl. "home of the worlds most beautiful beaches" and I purposely avoid the beach, because it is a temptation to me and I know it. Scantlly clad...nearly naked really, young women is not a temptation I need to be around. Am I weak? ...Yep.

I used to read the Brittish tabloids, Daily Mail and one day realized that there were an awful lot of featured stories with barely dressed celebrities and I read those stories as easily as I read others and thought, whoa, I don't even consider this awkward or wrong as I see it so often. Was I, Bytor, going there because of the stories with these type of photos? In truth, I stopped and did some praying and immediately knew that this was not appropriate even if I didn't conjure up the images or dwell on them.

I want to be found standing in Holy places and have clean hands and a clean heart. To the OP, speak to your Bishop, if for no other reason than you are will feel better for sure and I admire the fact that you recognize the error.

Edited by bytor2112
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Editing because someone already made my point.

To the OP, you are being strongly warned to step away from a cliff which, if you continue, will lead to a fall that could ruin you. I am currently watching the destruction of a family who are being torn apart because of his choice to look at pornographic magazines with friends as a teenager (and the addiction and acceleration of sin that came with it).

It is incredible to me the level of justification and denial that happens with any level of porn use. It is Satan wrapping his cords around and leading those people slowly down to hell. I commend you for listening to the Spirit while the listening is good.

Run from it now and don't look back.

Edited by Eowyn
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Sometimes I think we over think things. Just go tell your Bishop what happened. Satan is gonna do everything he can to make you fall. You are now a truly, viable threat to him...what if you are the only person that can reach into the heart of a brother now struggling to find the truth, and you don't serve?

Satan would win. You so can't let that happen. Pray and fast for strength to avoid this. If you have to, stay off the computer.

You have come this far...I (we all) are so proud of you as I am certain Father is.

You have a strong spirit...even on here...I can sense it. Good job for not hiding this under a rock somewhere and trying to forget it. Deal with it. Move on.

Best wishes to you!!!!


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