I Don't Envy Bishoprics. Or Gospel Doctrine Teachers.

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Eowyn, some people wrap themselves up in sports. Some people wrap themselves up in music. Others dancing. And others still reading enormous amounts of information. Most people know who and what an "intellectual" is just by observing his/her behavior on a day-to-day basis. People do not "fancy" themselves as an intellectual personality type. They either are or are not based on their day-to-day behavior.

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Eowyn, some people wrap themselves up in sports. Some people wrap themselves up in music. Others dancing. And others still reading enormous amounts of information. Most people know who and what an "intellectual" is just by observing his/her behavior on a day-to-day basis. People do not "fancy" themselves as an intellectual personality type. They either are or are not based on their day-to-day behavior.


I'm not educated, but I read a lot and know a lot. I have "intellectual" friends who throw information at me all the time like I don't know anything. I smile and thank them even though I usually already know. There are some who learn for the pleasure of it, and some who learn to show people how much they know.

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The intellectual personality type is not something that's even disagreeable, Eowyn.

It is one of many different psychological personas that has been studied by scientists for over a century.

Disagree with science if you must for sake of winning an argument. But you're wrong.

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Usun, if you think Elder Packer was singling out avid readers, I would suggest you obtain and re-read his actual remarks.

I don't aspire to the title of "intellectual", but I do read a bit and do have a postgraduate degree. Elder Packer's observations don't bother me in the slightest. In fact, I have found them very useful--both in preparing me to receive additional counsel that has affected my life for the better, and (hopefully) in preventing me from becoming an obnoxious know-it-all (in real life, at least; as for my online persona--somewhere would argue that in that regard I've failed miserably).

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I don't aspire to the title of "intellectual" ... Elder Packer's observations don't bother me in the slightest.

Makes perfect sense.

Usun, if you think Elder Packer was singling out avid readers, I would suggest you obtain and re-read his actual remarks.

"so-called scholars or intellectuals" were his remarks.

People who believe their greatest strength to society (or the church) is represented by one of these two have cause for concern. Clearly you do not reside in that group.

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Makes perfect sense.

"so-called scholars or intellectuals" were his remarks.

People who believe their greatest strength to society (or the church) is represented by one of these two have cause for concern. Clearly you do not reside in that group.

My Patriarchal blessing states I have the gift of knowledge. I am going to use it to bless others :). Though I realize how poorly I do it, I would consider myself in this category of having knowledge and using it to benefit the church. My PB says to do so.

I know not what you meant. :rolleyes:

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Makes perfect sense.

"so-called scholars or intellectuals" were his remarks.

People who believe their greatest strength to society (or the church) is represented by one of these two have cause for concern. Clearly you do not reside in that group.

Cute use of ellipses there, but leaving aside your dubious rhetorical tactics: A person's greatest strength to society lies in his testimony of Christ, His work, and his willingness to assist in that work in all of its facets. It doesn't matter if my chosen profession is research, law practice (in my case), medicine, education, hospitality, construction, or waste removal. Nor does it matter whether my knowledge is obtained in a classroom, in a book, or by being out in the trenches of life, ministering to people far away from an ivory tower. The point is that I consecrate my labors and learning, whatever they might be, to the Lord and His kingdom.

There are an awful lot of "intellectuals" who don't do that, and they didn't spring into existence fully-formed just because Boyd Packer gave a talk to a bunch of seminary teachers. And I think it's fascinating how, over the intervening years, they've pretty much proven him right.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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For me the doctrine behind Elder Packer's words are found in 2 Nephi 9 : 28-29 which reads

28 O that cunning plan of the evil one! O the vainness, and the frailties, and the foolishness of men! When they are learned they think they are wise, and they hearken not unto the counsel of God, for they set it aside, supposing they know of themselves, wherefore, their wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth them not. And they shall perish.

29 But to be learned is good if they hearken unto the counsels of God.

Its not a condemnation of being intellectual... It a condemnation of being proud of your own intellect and wisdom so that you will not listen to the words of God specifically if and when they come from someone you deem to be intellectually inferior.

I have every confidence that Elder Packer is in full support and agreement with verse 29 as well.

Those who wish to take offense at the simple truths taught in these scripture can do so to there own loss.

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I think the "so-called intellectual" comment is referring to those who think they are so learned, they know more than our leaders, they know what needs to be changed in the church, and they start preaching to others what needs to be changed.

I met a couple guys like that in Utah, one of which said he was working on a very important book, so he wasn't currently going to church. He told me that tithing wasn't meant to be taken so literally and it wasn't about money. We're supposed to give 10% of our time - not 10% of our income.

I told him, "Sounds like you just don't want to pay your tithing, Bob."

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I think the "so-called intellectual" comment is referring to those who think they are so learned, they know more than our leaders, they know what needs to be changed in the church, and they start preaching to others what needs to be changed.

I met a couple guys like that in Utah, one of which said he was working on a very important book, so he wasn't currently going to church. He told me that tithing wasn't meant to be taken so literally and it wasn't about money. We're supposed to give 10% of our time - not 10% of our income.

I told him, "Sounds like you just don't want to pay your tithing, Bob."

is tithing 10% of your income no matter what, or do you have to make a certain amount

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I think the "so-called intellectual" comment is referring to those who think they are so learned, they know more than our leaders, they know what needs to be changed in the church, and they start preaching to others what needs to be changed.

I met a couple guys like that in Utah, one of which said he was working on a very important book, so he wasn't currently going to church. He told me that tithing wasn't meant to be taken so literally and it wasn't about money. We're supposed to give 10% of our time - not 10% of our income.

I told him, "Sounds like you just don't want to pay your tithing, Bob."

Morningstar hit the nail right on the head...

There's a very important distinction between intellectuals and so-called intellectuals...

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if I lived alone that would break me, since I make next to nothing

but since I don't they'd just get next to nothing since I make next to nothing:lol:

The tithing for next-to-nothing is... 10% of next-to-nothing which is next-to-nothing. :D

If you have a husband who makes loads of money and he does not believe in tithing, or does not want to tithe, then that's ok. You can just tithe next-to-nothing on the next-to-nothing that you earn, not counting your husband's.

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The tithing for next-to-nothing is... 10% of next-to-nothing which is next-to-nothing. :D

If you have a husband who makes loads of money and he does not believe in tithing, or does not want to tithe, then that's ok. You can just tithe next-to-nothing on the next-to-nothing that you earn, not counting your husband's.

I don't believe he has a husband. :)

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I have a close very female friend named Lakshmi...

yeah Lakumi is a doll I own (and in the short story I wrote about her, she is called Lakumi Lakshmi, she has ice powers...anyways)

at the time I signed up, she was right there and I had no good idea's for a screen name

hindsight perhaps I should have gone with something more masculine :lol:

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which is strange since the vast percentage of the my little pony fanbase, are men

It's not really strange, there is a reason the whole Bronies thing was unexpected. If it was the culturally expected demographic it wouldn't exactly be a phenomenon would it?

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It's not really strange, there is a reason the whole Bronies thing was unexpected. If it was the culturally expected demographic it wouldn't exactly be a phenomenon would it?

exactly, which I find odd that people would think I was a woman for liking MLP, when the fandom is largely male.

But what with the feminine sounding name, the dolls, and etc, I am not surprised I have been called a woman a few times here. Doesn't bother me.

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exactly, which I find odd that people would think I was a woman for liking MLP, when the fandom is largely male.

But what with the feminine sounding name, the dolls, and etc, I am not surprised I have been called a woman a few times here. Doesn't bother me.

I think you missed my point, if one isn't keeping up with (or keeping in mind) the whole Bronies phenomenon then the traditional association of MLP with females is going to be made.

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