Inspired callings

Guest Doctrine

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Guest Doctrine

Something that has been on my mind for a while. Some times before I receive a calling in the church I get a idea of what it is to be, and sometimes it happens, and I hear about this with other members as well.

I feel that not only god will let the bishop or stake president know what calling is right for us but that he will also let us know as well. ( that might be the convert in me talking).

But could this be seen as aspiring to a calling.

Here is an example, Dave is called to the bishops office to be asked to serve as the ward mission leader, but as they are talking Dave said that he was impressed to serve as a Sunday school teacher.

Who's calling is the one from The Lord, and if Dave said elders quorum prez in stead does that change you answer.

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That’s a good question, considering that we are taught that we can receive revelations relating to ourselves. But the bishop can receive revelations concerning his congregation. I would consider both of them valid without a question, but we must submit ourselves to Heavenly Fathers wishes. And on this note, the bishop has been placed in a position of authority over his ward, therefore we must submit to his authority and revelation concerning his ward as long as his teachings are not heretical and clearly against church doctrine and regulations.

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Guest Doctrine

That’s a good question, considering that we are taught that we can receive revelations relating to ourselves. But the bishop can receive revelations concerning his congregation. I would consider both of them valid without a question, but we must submit ourselves to Heavenly Fathers wishes. And on this note, the bishop has been placed in a position of authority over his ward, therefore we must submit to his authority and revelation concerning his ward as long as his teachings are not heretical and clearly against church doctrine and regulations.

Sounds good and have you had any experiences like this before.

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I am reminded of this talk by President Dieter F. Uchtdorf. "Lift where you stand"

Lift Where You Stand - general-conference

Specifically where he says

When traveling to the stakes of Zion for the purpose of reorganizing a stake presidency, I have sometimes been surprised when, during an interview, a brother would tell me that he had received an impression that he would be in the next presidency.

When I first heard this, I wasn’t sure how to react.

It took some time before the Holy Spirit gave me understanding. I believe that the Lord has a certain calling for every man. Sometimes He grants spiritual promptings telling us that we are worthy to receive certain callings. This is a spiritual blessing, a tender mercy from God.

But sometimes we do not hear the rest of what the Lord is telling us. “Although you are worthy to serve in this position,” He may say, “this is not my calling for you. It is my desire instead that you lift where you stand.” God knows what is best for us.

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I've had the experience where I was called to serve in a calling. I asked to give me a couple of days to ponder on it. I didn't feel like I was qualified for that calling. I prayed and got the impression that I shouldn't take the calling. Was that just my thinking overriding any impression of the spirit?

It ended up being just that. My fear of not being qualified overrode the promptings of the spirit. Yet I took the calling with many misgivings.

It was to be a Primary President. It was the best calling I have ever had in the church. I learned so much from it.

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This is a great question, and the answer can be summed up in two responses from an Apostle and a Prophet (however, the prophets words are quoted from Elder Maxwell).

Let's first read the words of President Uchtdorf (source):

"But sometimes we do not hear the rest of what the Lord is telling us. “Although you are worthy to serve in this position,” He may say, “this is not my calling for you. It is my desire instead that you lift where you stand.” God knows what is best for us."

This was given in relation to a brother who felt he had received revelation that he would be the next Stake President, and wasn't surprised when he was called. In other words, according to President Uchtdorf, the brother only felt from the Lord that he was worthy for the calling, not that he would receive the call. Other brethren in the Stake were just as worthy.

In light of this quote, Elder Maxwell, spoke of an incident with another Stake President in a World Wide Leadership training (I will have to look up the source) where a similar experience happened with one of our prophets.

The same thing by the member was shared that he had received revelation that he would be called and according to Elder Maxwell, the response from our prophet at the time was very different than Uchtdorf. The prophet responded, and turned to Elder Maxwell, saying something to this nature, "You see, this is why it is so important as leaders we live by revelation."

I have come to realize it is both. There are times when the Lord prepares and preps an individual for the calling. The Lord is saying they are worthy, and also inspiring the person to prepare to be called. However, I would caution anyone who believes to tell the bishop or any other leader well the Lord spoke to me and told me I would be called to this position.

Why? Revelation flows one direction within the bounds of a ward in receiving callings. The Lord directly speaks with the bishop, a stake president, or some other leader.

In this scenario provided, the individual who felt he would be called to another position may have felt the impression as Uchtdorf said, "Although you are worthy to serve in this position,” He may say, “this is not my calling for you. It is my desire instead that you lift where you stand.” God knows what is best for us."

I would suggest, this brother should lift where he stands -- lift where he has been called.

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Sounds good and have you had any experiences like this before.

No I have not had this happen to me as of yet. I have gotten revelations concerning my family that I must and do judge by heavenly fathers word, the scripture. We have to remember that heavenly father will not contradict himself with revelations. But this all boils down to the main and base point of this and that is obedience. Like we find in Moses 5:6

“ And after many days an angel of the Lord appeared unto Adam, saying: Why dost thou offer sacrifices unto the Lord? And Adam said unto him: I know not, save the Lord commanded me”.

I also believe that we have our own personal Liahona to help guide our trip and we should constantly be using it to track our course. And with that in mind we have to remember that everything is within Gods time not ours. So yes you could have gotten the correct revelation that you have a calling to be the EQP but maybe that is not this calling but this calling will help you prepare for what God has prepared for you.

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Guest Doctrine

The reason I had this thought is that they just changed our stake presidency and the old stake president and the new stake president said that after the interviews they both new that the new stake president would be the next president days before he was called by the seventy.

Then I thought about the tv commercial were the the guys do weird things to make there team win and then at the end of the commercial they say " if it did not work it would have been weird" or something to that effect.

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Here is the experience Elder Maxwell shared, regarding his experience with Elder Harold B. Lee, who was actually calling a new patriarch for the stake.

"As I sat with him in a nearly deserted stake center, I watched him interview a man and his wife and then issue the call. The man began to sob and the wife urged her husband by saying, 'Tell him; tell President Lee.' And the husband, when he could regain his composure, said, 'Brother Lee, the Lord told me two weeks ago this would happen.' Elder Lee turned to me and said, "You see, Neal, why we must operate by the spirit of revelation.' Hence whatever our several callings, revelation is essential to help us discern the way" (Elder Neil A. Maxwell, "Revelation," January 11, 2003, First Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting).

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I believe in and have received revelation and we should all seek to have these experiences. That said, we are imperfect and sometimes callings are not necessarily always from revelation. MY SP confided in me that he had once called a Bishop because his counselor had recommended the brother and that he agreed because the man was really good with the youth and should make a good Bishop. The brother served for one year and was released because his job made him absent 60% of the time. My SP told me that he had felt even while calling him that another man was supposed to be called, but instead went with his counselors recommendation. He said he has learned from his error...

I can imagine that the brother who was to be called was being prepared and is likely left a bit confused.

Edited by bytor2112
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A week before I was asked to be mission leader I had a 3 year mission plan appear in my head one night. Which was odd since I never wanted anything to do with missionary work. The day I ended up meeting with him I had the urge to read the Preach My Gospel manual sitting in our house unopened for the previous two years. I had no appointment with the Bishop we were at an event and he asked to speak with me.

I had a conversation with a RS President one time, she was upset about the Bishop refusing a calling request she had made. She said her Presidency had prayed and gotten an unmistakable confirmation about this person in this calling. She couldn't understand why the Lord would tell her yes and him no.

What we sometimes fail to realize is that one does not invalidate the other. The Bishop prayed and got no the RS prayed and got yes, both from the same source. However what we specifically pray about makes a difference. If the RS President prayed and asked if this person would be good for this calling she could get a yes. If the Bishop prayed and asked if this calling was correct for this person he could get a no.

2 different questions, they might be good for the calling but not for them. The example that started the thread is the same. A person might get inspiration from the Lord that they might be ready for a calling or able to do one but be offered something different based on what the Bishop prayed about.

Several years ago I had a strong impression I was being considered for Bishop. Two names came to mind immediately for counselors. I was never interviewed or asked about it, i don't know if I actually was considered for it or not however the two counselors I had in mind were the two that were called.

We are limited by our mortal state from fully connecting with our spiritual life. Therefore the communications system is impaired at times, we simply must go in faith and do the best we can.

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I have learned that we may come to know a small portion of the will of God for us, including a calling, but we never understand His full will concerning things. In part I would add that a BP or whoever can still impact what will happen.

Case 1: I was prompted that I'd be called into the BR. Never happened. 6 months later I was passenger in a car with the new SP counselor. We were discussing this topic and I shared this case. He began to shed tears which confused me. He said he had been called to be the BP and had selected me as one of his counselors, but the SP had decided to call him as his counselor instead.

Case 2: I was promted that I'd be called into the BR (different ward). A couple of hours before going in to meet with the BP the spirit said to "do whatsoever the BP asked of me, because he would not ask contrary to the will of the Lord". The BP said he wanted to call me into the BPric but with the WML empty for so long he needed me there. My DW was very upset so I let her leave. I told the BP what I was given by the spirit and he just broke down in tears. I truly love this man, my BP, because I know he loves the Lord,... and me.

Case 3: A bishop, via his counselor, called me to the scouts. I was allowed to pray about it. To my shock, the spirit said NO!. Three times. I reported that back and the BP said that's fine. Later my wife heard BPs wife tell someone I had turned down a calling. I fasted and prayed what to do. The answer was to go to the BP and tell him the answer I had gotten earlier but if he wanted me to serve with the scouts I would accept it. He told me, "no, thats fine, I hadn't prayed about it anyway". He further said he had never received an answer to prayer in his life.

Case 4: At a BPric meeting a brother was called to be EQP. I knew I was supposed to have that calling. Three years later I did. It was very humbling,... and difficult. But one of the most important blessings I ever had.

Case 5: I shook a brothers hand and the spirit said "he will be the next BP". It kind of shook me because the LDS box says we don't receive answers for others/church without reason. Three years later, speaking to a member of the SP about who would be the new BP. I shared the prompting I had 3 years previous and he said that was interesting because he had been considered for that position then but things had changed.

It's easy, IMO, to take things at face value and without all the facts, to race ahead having misinterpreted the intended message. As in case 3, someone was given a priceless example that God does indeed answer prayers. I missed that for a long time.

I don't believe we always know what comes of things that other wise makes no sense at all. One seemingly random event or prompting we respond to just might make a difference to someone. Who says it should be me? But sometimes we are indeed blessed to see an outcome that is faith promoting.

I'd say,... be patient and look for Gods hand in it. ^_^

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I think we make way too much over callings - I do not believe specific callings are important but that a calling and serving as directed is important. I believe that being able to fulfill callings is part of our mortal experience but I also believe that the calling we speak of and often think important have no place in the eternal scheme of things - only that we learn to serve as called and that we serve as directed by the spirit rather than by our own direction or purposes.

Many times G-d is able to accomplish wonderful things though callings but these things could be accomplished by others serving as well. As strange as it may seem - I believe that the primary value is serving in a calling is for the person called to serve in that calling. However, if the person called; focuses on themself and how they will or should benefit they will fail to accomplish the propose in their call and the blessings intended for them.

The Traveler

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My husband was called for a meeting with the Stake President - out of the blue, and told I should attend as well. We had no idea what it was about, in fact as newish converts 2.5 years at the point we had no idea why the Stake President would even want to meet with him, we joked that he must be in big trouble although there was no reason he would be.

The evening before the meeting we were talking, trying to figure out what it would be about, and both got the impression that he was going to be asked to be Elder's Quorum President. Immediately he said there was no way the Stake President would ask him to do that as there were several better "qualified" elders who could be asked, so we decided maybe he was going to be asked to be a counsellor or something instead.

Guess who was called as EQP, my husband was in shock, although not near as bad as it would have been if he hadn't received revelation, even if he didn't believe it at the time. The Stake President also seemed to be concerned about Husband's "newness" I got the feeling he personally wanted someone else, but he said he prayed several times and "the Lord wants Brother (Wordnerd)" So yes callings are inspired, but the people extending them also have to act in faith, sometimes revelation doesn't make "sense"

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