4th of July Google (US) Does it bother anyone else?


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whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo

to be fair I only hijacked one, and its appropriate, rainbows and dashing and all

for 4th of July, here's something American

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Yeh and of course we ALL love talking about My Little Pony. :rolleyes:

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I wonder why that is...could it be that someone hijacks them?

It's not the internet if a thread isn't hijacked now and again. :D

Although not the case with this thread, it's a great way to dissuade the internet ner'do'wells, to turn their "bash the mormons" thread into a thread about opening pickle jars. It works particularly well.

(fine, got it, cease and desist, no more hijacking for me today, I'll try really hard. I promise.)

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Gretchen, I'm curious...what do you typically do on July 4th each year? Do you sit at home pondering on the Declaration of Independence all day while staring at a flag? Or do you go to a flag raising ceremony and pancake breakfast in the morning, and then spend the rest of the day having fun with family and friends?

I'm not trying to be nasty. I'm just honestly wondering what you do to really celebrate the meaning of Independence Day, that this Doodle bothered you so much.

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Gretchen, I'm curious...what do you typically do on July 4th each year? Do you sit at home pondering on the Declaration of Independence all day while staring at a flag? Or do you go to a flag raising ceremony and pancake breakfast in the morning, and then spend the rest of the day having fun with family and friends?

I'm not trying to be nasty. I'm just honestly wondering what you do to really celebrate the meaning of Independence Day, that this Doodle bothered you so much.

I usually go to a flag raising/breakfast at my home ward (the YSA ward is kinda far), and then try to avoid my family for the rest of the day (we don't get along well)

HOWEVER... I didn't this year... I over slept, went to see some friends with my roommate (mostly her friends, I'm kinda a wallflower) where we talked about All-American things like cat videos (very popular on the internet).

To be honest, I'm really not sure why it bothered me so much, I was in a hypersensitive mood, I guess lol.

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I usually go to a flag raising/breakfast at my home ward (the YSA ward is kinda far), and then try to avoid my family for the rest of the day (we don't get along well)

HOWEVER... I didn't this year... I over slept, went to see some friends with my roommate (mostly her friends, I'm kinda a wallflower) where we talked about All-American things like cat videos (very popular on the internet).

To be honest, I'm really not sure why it bothered me so much, I was in a hypersensitive mood, I guess lol.

Thanks for being candid...I was just really trying to figure out why anyone would be bothered by it. :)

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Canada could never have a military coup, I mean we have no guns and who knows what would happen to Tim Hortons, Canada can't function without it

Tim Horton's is safe - the military are big fans. We even set up a Tim Hortons in Kandahar otherwise we wouldn't have been able to get any soldiers to serve out there. (jk...our soldiers are very dedicated and serve in very difficult conditions, not the least of which is not having the same standard of equipment as other NATO forces)

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Tim Horton's is safe - the military are big fans. We even set up a Tim Hortons in Kandahar otherwise we wouldn't have been able to get any soldiers to serve out there. (jk...our soldiers are very dedicated and serve in very difficult conditions, not the least of which is not having the same standard of equipment as other NATO forces)

Oh do not worry, I know we have a very dedicated military, I thought of joining the army but... needless to say I was rejected:lol:

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