Spring Cleaning

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I had been looking foreword to cleaning..I mean DEEP CLEANING my home for months then I broke my wrist in three places and I am stuck in a cast for two more weeks.

This cleaning has been long over due so I am breaking it down into one large trip to charity each week. We will at least be making a dozen trips.

Does anyone have any great cleaning or organizing ideas?

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Tackle only one room at a time, or it's too overwhelming. One finished room helps me be motivated to do the next. Pretend you're moving... you don't want extra stuff in your "new" house (you already have a good plan to get rid of things), and you know you'd want it clean before the relief society comes over to help. Or, plan a big party, where every room in your house could be seen. Of course a cast will put off all this for awhile...hope you heal well!

(the jason: I take it you do the cleaning at your house? ;) )

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We go through each of our kids' closets and remove clothing that no longer fits or they don't wear including shoes. We do it for our closet as well. Then we donate the clothing to Goodwill. With each room we reorganize after we go through the clothing and we also remove old toys too.

I will also go through my kitchen in about the same fashion. I donate odd cups or bowls that have lost their lids, etc. It takes time to go through the kitchen, but boy does it make easier to find things once I have done it.

We will also clean out our garage from stem to stern and give it a good sweeping and if necessary a good mopping.

Just take one room at a time, SF. One day at a time. And I am sorry to hear about your wrist. Ouch! Take it easy. :-)

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I had been looking foreword to cleaning...


I got confused and lost after I read looking forward to cleaning. I don't understand what you mean - it makes no sense. :huh:

When you're all healed SF, do you want to come over to my house? :)


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Hi SF... I'm sorry you hurt your wrist and hope it's healed soon.

I don't do the FlyLady's cleaning routine, but I did get some great ideas from her. See this website:


Personally, I'm all about keeping my 'stuff' to a minimum. I'm always giving stuff away or selling it on craigslist. In fact, we made $200 a few weekends ago just on stuff sitting in the garage that we hadn't touched for 7 years!

I also find a lot of good ideas in Real Simple magazine... that's the one mag I love.

I was paying someone to clean our house on a weekly basis, but felt guilty about it, so I watched her once and did exactly what she did. She cleaned all the basics and was out in an hour! Now every Tuesday I do the following and have it down to an hour:

Load dishwasher, clean sink, counters, table, stovetop.

Clean bathrooms using those Clorox wipes and a disposable bowl cleaner.

Sweep and mop kitchen and bathrooms.

Vacuum entire house.

Dust with Swiffer disposable (although my kid LOVES to do that so I get a break!)

I can pick up clutter like nobody's business. The key is that everything has to have its place.

It sounds wierd, but I love to clean bc I love the reward of sitting and relaxing, admiring my clean house, when all this is done.

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I had been looking foreword to cleaning...


I got confused and lost after I read looking forward to cleaning. I don't understand what you mean - it makes no sense. :huh:

My daughter and I moved into a second home 4 hours away from our primary home for a year while she was finishing high school. In that home we learned to live with a lot less and it felt GREAT!!! Every weekend hubby and son or daughter and I would make the 4 hour trip to be together. My daughter did so well she was able to graduate early and we are all together in this 5000 sq. ft home filled with so many things we no longer need. The break away from all my stuff made me realize I am much happier with a lot less. :D:D

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I had been looking foreword to cleaning...


I got confused and lost after I read looking forward to cleaning. I don't understand what you mean - it makes no sense. :huh:

When you're all healed SF, do you want to come over to my house? :)


I think that what Maureen is sayings is that "looking forward" and "cleaning" is like water and oil...they don't mix very well.....lol......but if you find joy in "cleaning".......she has a project for you when your wrist heals!

Come to think of it.....so do I!!!......lol....good luck with the project. :P

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I had been looking foreword to cleaning...


I got confused and lost after I read looking forward to cleaning. I don't understand what you mean - it makes no sense. :huh:

When you're all healed SF, do you want to come over to my house? :)


I think that what Maureen is sayings is that "looking forward" and "cleaning" is like water and oil...they don't mix very well.....lol......but if you find joy in "cleaning".......she has a project for you when your wrist heals!

Come to think of it.....so do I!!!......lol....good luck with the project. :P


Be right over. :P

Maybe in my middle age years I am looking for some form of control in my world where my control over things seems to be diminishing.... :blink::dontknow:;)

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I like the one room at a time idea. I move it from one room to another to another. Feel like a hamster on a wheel.Ben Raines

Me too! Only my Mom called me a Pack Rat! :lol:

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I like the one room at a time idea. I move it from one room to another to another. Feel like a hamster on a wheel.Ben Raines

Me too! Only my Mom called me a Pack Rat! :lol:

I used to be like that then I felt so much more clear living with less. I have come to the realization that if it isn't necessary, if I don't love it, then it is out.

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I think I may have found my NEW ADDICTION!! :D:D

Lol......I'm sorry but I think SF may have finally slipped over th edge.....lol! :P

Hello, ......This is the police......we have the house surrounded.....please put the mop down now and step away from the mop bucket!

Just joking with you! Have a super day! :D

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