Can you be a liberal or socialist and be LDS?


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Look, why don't we just agree that claims of apostasy or corruptness are best reported to Bishops and not to the Internet and drop this line of the argument. Sounds good to you?

In fairness....I am not accusing anyone of being apostate and am perfectly happy to let the Lord be the judge. Bytor has his own beams to worry about...and was just making the discussion more sociable.:cool:

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Well, gee, I guess we better start asking every member of the Church who they voted for in 2012 and excommunicate/church discipline/take away temple recommend/etc. all those who voted Democratic. :rolleyes:

EDIT: Unless, of course, somebody says they're Democratic and never votes for Democrats. Then I guess they're ok.

Assuming that anything for which the Church doesn't discipline is justifiable before God, is a dangerous business. Do you think a Southern Mormon who joins the Klan, or a German Mormon who joined the Nazi party, or a Mormon soldier who was present at Mai Lai, or a Mormon politician who is revealed to have treated an animal cruelly, are automatically in the clear just because no one ever called a disciplinary council? It is highly ironic that the people who most vociferously object to the Church's doing our thinking for us generally, suddenly become so very concerned about the Church's institutional position on this (and ONLY this) particular issue.

You're enabling a second holocaust, Wyvern. How you justify that is up to you; but we on the right will continue to call it like we see it. And those on the left can take solace in the fact that the trains are at least running on time, or women and gays can have as much promiscuous sex as straight men, or we've bought another ten years on an unsustainable social safety net, or no one's happier than anyone else, or whatever the heck it is these folks value.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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Assuming that anything for which the Church doesn't discipline is justifiable before God, is a dangerous business. Do you think a Southern Mormon who joins the Klan, or a German Mormon who joined the Nazi party, or a Mormon soldier who was present at Mai Lai, or a Mormon politician who is revealed to have treated an animal cruelly, are automatically in the clear just because no one ever called a disciplinary council?

You're enabling a second holocaust, Wyvern. How you justify that is up to you; but we on the right will continue to call it like we see it.

What. The. Heck. I have never been so maliciously misread in my life. Nothing you have claimed about me here has even a shred of truth in it. I'm out of this now-libelous thread. Go bother someone else.

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Assuming that anything for which the Church doesn't discipline is justifiable before God, is a dangerous business. Do you think a Southern Mormon who joins the Klan, or a German Mormon who joined the Nazi party, or a Mormon soldier who was present at Mai Lai, or a Mormon politician who is revealed to have treated an animal cruelly, are automatically in the clear just because no one ever called a disciplinary council? It is highly ironic that the people who most vociferously object to the Church's doing our thinking for us generally, suddenly become so very concerned about the Church's institutional position on this (and ONLY this) particular issue.

You're enabling a second holocaust, Wyvern. How you justify that is up to you; but we on the right will continue to call it like we see it.

Our ward happens to have an older German member who was drafted into the Nazi army. He rarely talks about it, but did not want to be in the army - he had no choice, just as our men had no choice. He left Germany as soon as he could after the war to live here, where he farmed for many years. I am not aware that he was involved with any atrocities, and believe he was a foot soldier (as I said he rarely speaks about it and only on his terms). He was a Nazi, not by choice, but I have little doubt he is headed for great glory. And I'm pretty sure he had no disciplinary council (or church court as would have been then).

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Back on target: about half my ward is Democrat.

Whether its just from living in a very diverse / loving / welcoming ward... Or whether its church policy... There is the utmost level of respect for differing political views. Around election time we are charged with the mandate to educate ourselves and vote our consciences. There is absolutely NO pressing for one candidate over another, much less one party over the other. Theres some joshing between people, but no demonizing. It's a lovely and refreshing experience

So,.. Yep.

Also... Considering that there are Mormons in socialist & socialized med & socialized education countries (which is almost the entire rest of the free & first world), as well as the US Military (which is socialized everything)... It would seem we can have faithful LDS in all 3 political predilections posted.



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Our ward happens to have an older German member who was drafted into the Nazi army. He rarely talks about it, but did not want to be in the army - he had no choice, just as our men had no choice. He left Germany as soon as he could after the war to live here, where he farmed for many years. I am not aware that he was involved with any atrocities, and believe he was a foot soldier (as I said he rarely speaks about it and only on his terms). He was a Nazi, not by choice, but I have little doubt he is headed for great glory. And I'm pretty sure he had no disciplinary council (or church court as would have been then).

There's a big difference between being drafted into the German army (not automatically part of the Nazi party) and willfully joining the Nazi party. There's also a big difference between joining a movement because you agree with it and playing along because you don't want to disappear in the night like your neighbors did.

By the way, while I do see some vague parallels between the modern U.S.Democrat party and the National Socialist German Worker's party, we're comparing molehills to mountains at this point. Yes abortion is bad. It is murder. Those who support it are evil. It is something people can (at least for now) choose not to do. 1940's Germany took over everything for the good of the party.

I said it when Bush was president and I'll say it under Obama (who I despise as a human being). Anyone that compares either one to Hitler should be sentenced to living in Nazi Germany as an ethnic Jew converted to Jehovah's Wiriness who was a writer critical of the Nazi ideal prior to their rise to power, and is suspected by the state of being a Homosexual, maybe even with some attribute that would attract the interest of Dr Dr Mengele. I have a feeling that someone in that situation would change his mind rather rapidly.

Yes, things are going bad, but can we do away with the hyperbole?

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