Law of chasity broken (again)


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well back in august after a brief period of going away from the church I fell into sexual sin. I immediately felt guilty and I talked to my Bishop. After over a month of good behavior I was then able to take the sacrament. However I was doing well since then and I had not been with any girls. I even submitted my apllication to byu to attend campus there.

Now just yesterday I fell again. I really hate myself for it but it happened. I feel like I screwed up my future because now my entrance to BYU is threatened and man i really dont want to be trapped at the school Im in now. I am talking to the bishop tonight about it. Im guessing ill get a disfellowship or even excommunication since he was pretty nice to me last time. in all honesty i deserve it but man It is so much easier to fall when most of everyone dosent hold the same values as you do and that was one of the reasons I wanted to go to BYU.

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I think sex is one of the biggest and easiest sin to fall into. Not that the sexual relationship is sin, it's a gift He has given to Husband and Wife, to have an increase to raise children, it's also to bind husband and wife together. The natural man and woman is carnal and satan uses this tool (sex) as a way to get people to fall from the grace of God. Remember we were born to receive our bodies and learn to control them. Our bodies are a temple, and we need to fight the natural man and over come him with the real us the spiritual beings that we are. It's a fight with in us with so much temptation around us in all things. So we need to learn to follow the Lord's way, and trust in Him, He wants us to be happier and have all. Follow the Lords way, not the worlds way! Satan wants to chain us to him to take away our freedom and happiness and make us miserable. But Heavenly Father knew we would fall, make mistakes Hes a very loving and forgiving father that's why we have another wonderful gift Repentance....

It's good you are going to your bishop, listen to his counsel, pray your heart out, read the scriptures. Try not to put yourself in situations you shouldnt be in. Let God win not satan. Ctr listen to the spirit, not the flesh. Is it easy? no But know that you can do it!!!

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  • 10 months later...

I am not blaming my bishop at all. But I fell from the church I talked to my bishop for breaking the law of chastity.. he said we should have regular meetings to help me but we never had one follow up.. soon I fell away again. I want more than anything to be strong in the church but now I think they will just excommunicate me... every bit of me is in pain in knowing this despite the fact that I deserve it... Satan knows our weaknesses too well now I have no idea what I'll do.

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Meg, my advice is to quit focusing on the "punishment" and on your fear of what might happen. Focus on getting control of your body and soul and on becoming clean before God. The bishop is the common judge in Israel. He will do his job. Let him. You do your job, which is to get on the right path and walk that path.

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If you break the law twice do you get excommunicated or something?



You mentioned in subsequent post your bishop wanted follow up.  You should have taken responsibility for those follow up visits.  It is your repentance, not the bishops.  


Go see the bishop.  Make it right, don't worry about the current consequences.  Worry about the eternal consequences. Your bishop will guide you on the path to make everything right. 

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Guest MormonGator

Ah, chastity. The most popular of the church teachings. ;-) 


Remember that you are not perfect, so don't beat yourself up for it. With the counsel of the bishop, prayer and scripture reading, you can back on track just fine. 


"Those who make one serious mistake tend to add another by assuming it is too late for them. It is never too late."- Boyd Packer 

Edited by MormonGator
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If you break the law twice do you get excommunicated or something?



In essence, yes someone could be excommunicated for breaking the law of chastity twice.  A member could be excommunicated for breaking the law of chastity once.


Anyone on this forum though doesn't have the keys to give you an answer pertaining to any members in this type of situation though.  As mentioned, speak with your bishop.

Edited by Anddenex
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I am not blaming my bishop at all. But I fell from the church I talked to my bishop for breaking the law of chastity.. he said we should have regular meetings to help me but we never had one follow up.. soon I fell away again. I want more than anything to be strong in the church but now I think they will just excommunicate me... every bit of me is in pain in knowing this despite the fact that I deserve it... Satan knows our weaknesses too well now I have no idea what I'll do.

Based on your comments you are young...not sure if you are an Elder? The Church is not in the business of excommunicating young people. However continued violation of serious sins will keep some from missions and Church Schools. Your concern needs to be repentance and not worry "what"? But how?
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Mosiah 26:29-30


 29 Therefore I say unto you, Go; and whosoever transgresseth against me, him shall ye judge according to the sins which he has committed; and if he confess his sins before thee and me, and repenteth in the sincerity of his heart, him shall ye forgive, and I will forgive him also.

 30 Yea, and as often as my people repent will I forgive them their trespasses against me.

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It sort of sounds like someone who has a dream that they die in a motorcycle accident, so they wake up and go buy a motorcycle. Why would anyone do that, right? Why would someone know the consequences and then knowingly place themselves into a situation for it to happen?


I have wondered about that for a long time. I, too, have made bad decisions like that, knowing what I was getting myself into. My advice is to avoid the situations that would allow you to have fall. You know you are weak, so what business do you have letting yourself be alone with a girl?


For the other person, no you will not be excommunicated. The worst thing to do is wait. I waited and waited and waited and waited and 13 years went by. 13 years of my spiritual life wasted. After repenting, I lamented to myself, "why, oh why did I wait?" It was the most loving, kind, and peaceful feeling to face God, face the church, and be helped back to being clean.

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